Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation!

Chapter 102 - 98: Life Simulator 3.0 Version, A New Batch of Energy Mediums!_2

Chapter 102: Chapter 98: Life Simulator 3.0 Version, A New Batch of Energy Mediums!_2

Translator: 549690339

Thinking of this, Su Xing suddenly felt a toothache coming on.

To ensure a rapid increase in strength, one must spend a great deal of energy.

But spending energy means you can’t unlock more functions on the simulator…

The contradiction between short-term gains and long-term benefits seemed irreconcilable.

With a grit of his teeth, Su Xing decided:

“Damn it, cutting costs is out of the question! If the speed of increasing my Cultivation Level slows down, what’s the point? Only by finding new sources can I barely maintain my current way of life!”

Looking at the less than one million energy he had left on hand, Su Xing made a phone call to Jin Congxue.

“Hello, Little Snow!”

“What’s up, busy man? What’s got you free enough to call me?” Jin Congxue’s languid voice came through, with the sparse sound of running water in the background, as if she were bathing.

Su Xing oddly thought of a joke he had seen before: If a girl replies to your messages while she’s taking a shower, it means you’re really important to her.

“Ahem, so… Little Snow, can you deliver the goods from Lingyun Commerce Guild ahead of schedule? I’m in a bit of a hurry over here!”

Su Xing returned to the matter at hand, asking hastily.

According to what Jin Congxue had said, the Lingyun Commerce Guild should still have a large stockpile of goods to deliver over, she said it was a large sum, but Su Xing had no idea exactly how much.

Jin Congxue chuckled, teasing:

“What, aren’t all those pieces of equipment you collected last time enough for you? How much more do you need to eat?”

Su Xing chuckled, saying, “Of course, the more the better! You know I have a big appetite!”

Jin Congxue rolled her eyes, saying, “Come on, gathering goods from all over the country takes time, okay? There are more than a dozen branches of Lingyun Commerce Guild across the country. To move all their goods to Kyoto and take inventory, it would take at least half a month…”

Half a month? Su Xing couldn’t wait that long.

So Su Xing shamelessly pleaded, “Please, big sis, can you help me out? Could you possibly move most of the goods to Kyoto this week?”

Hearing this, Jin Congxue sighed and said, “Sigh, does someone have no conscience at all! I’ve been running around like crazy recently, and just when I’m done with the acquisitions, the big boss is giving me more work? Can’t you give me a break? You’re not supposed to exploit your employees like this!”

Su Xing quickly consoled her, saying, “Hehe, come on, big sis, please help me out! When this batch of equipment is transported over, I’ll treat you to a meal!”

After giving it some thought, Jin Congxue replied:

“Alright then, I’ll be busy for a bit longer, trying to get the goods to Kyoto as soon as possible. Come over in a few days to check on them, okay?”

Su Xing nodded repeatedly, saying, “Okay, thanks a lot, sis!”

After hanging up the phone, Su Xing let out a long breath of relief.

If the number of pieces of equipment in this batch was sufficient, Su Xing would have enough energy to update the simulator, even without much waiting.

“Sigh, just endure a little longer, refine a few more Elixirs, and only then can I gather more energy!”

Su Xing sighed, first spending an hour cultivating Spirit Plants, and then plunged into the tedious task of Alchemy.

In just a week, Su Xing transformed into a tireless worker, full of drive, and refined a total of six thousand Elixirs.

Su Xing also took the time to test the strength he had achieved after reaching the seventh level of the Origin Martial Realm at the strength training gym.

A whopping two and a half million pounds of sheer strength!

This was Su Xing’s pure physical strength without using Origin Force, and after using Origin Force, his strength surged to three million pounds!

While the increase in strength wasn’t as great as he had imagined, a doubling, it was still a good seventy to eighty percent increase!

In the Origin Martial Realm, the most crucial aspect was the application of Origin Force, but sadly, Su Xing had not yet fully mastered it and could only wait to learn more about Origin Force on his next visit to the Luotian Meeting Instance.

Soon a week passed.

That day, Su Xing finished packing up the Elixirs he had refined and had booked a VIP room at a restaurant in advance, inviting Jin Congxue over.

At noon, Jin Congxue arrived on time.

Today, Jin Congxue was wearing a red dress with matching fiery red lips, looking exceptionally tempting.

“Yo, busy man, you’re really treating me to a meal today? I’m truly flattered!”

Jin Congxue winked playfully as she spoke.

Su Xing scratched his head and said, “Ahem, of course! I’ve ordered all the dishes, they’re all your favorites!”

The meal was soon over, and both parties quickly got down to business. (Ahem, don’t get the wrong idea).

Jin Congxue took out several Storage Rings and handed them to Su Xing, saying:

“Here you go, boss. These are all the things you wanted! They’re the goods brought from the various branches of Lingyun Commerce Guild.

“Apart from the white equipment you asked for, there are also quite a few green and blue ones, almost four million items in total!”

“Of course, this batch isn’t just equipment, but also some unprocessed exotic metals, skill scrolls that professionals need, potions, and various odd items obtained from different instances. You can check them yourself.”

After pausing, Jin Congxue said coquettishly:

“Boss, you have no idea, I’ve been running all over the country these past few days, and my legs are nearly worn out, one meal isn’t enough, you know!”

After hearing this, Su Xing blinked and looked at Jin Congxue’s fair, toned legs, his mind short-circuited, and he said:

“How about I give you a massage? I’m pretty skilled at that!”

Jin Congxue thought for a moment and actually stretched out her leg, saying:

“Alright then, I’d be honored to have a massage from the boss!”

The VIP room was filled with the promise of spring.


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