Origin Seeker

Chapter 25: Forest Crawlers

Chapter 25: Forest Crawlers

Dream and the others walked over to the East gate to exit the city.

Once they had exited, they found a place around a mile away where nobody was watching and Dream summoned out his jeep.

It was a Jeep Wrangler and it also had a bit of trunk space. Perfect for four people and getting through rough terrain.

Once he summoned it out, he got in the driver's seat and told everyone else to hop in. Although that may have been expecting too much.

Iris looked at him in confusion.

"Uhh. How do we get in?" (Iris)

"Right. Forgot you guys are cavemen." (Dream)

Dream got back out and showed them how to open and close doors as well as the seats they needed to sit it.

"It's a carriage basically. Just open the door and sit in it like the helicopter." (Dream)

"Cool." (Iris)

"There's two seats in the back and two in the front. Riddick you get shotgun." (Dream)

"Shotgun?" (Riddick)

"Just come here." (Dream)

Dream put Riddick in the passenger and the girls in the back. He didn't bother buckling them in.

Once everyone was settled, Dream started the car and pressed the gas.


"Ah! What is that?!" (Iris)

"It's the car! Just accept it." (Dream)

Dream didn't feel like explaining things and started driving to the forest. There was a path that the hunters took but they decided to enter from a different area to not be suspicious.

Dream rolled down the windows as they drove as they might get motion sick, and so they could see what was happening better.

"Ooohhh this is fast. Though we can run about this fast too, that takes energy." (Iris)

"Not to mention running for several miles." (Luna)

"This is about half it's speed. I'm keeping it slow because it might get too bumpy." (Dream)

"....Of course it's only half." (Iris)

Dream smirked at Iris feeling defeated by something that wasn't even alive. It would be fun to see her face when he got the chance to drive the sports car.

The drive to the forest took about 10 minutes which was a bit shorter than Dream thought it would take. Although they did come across flat grass which allowed them to drive faster.

They came to a stop where the forest began and everyone hopped out. He stored the jeep and spoke.

"Looks like we have to walk from here. We aren't too far off though." (Dream)

"How far into the forest?" (Luna)

"Maybe a mile or so? These maps don't give too much information but the monsters we're looking for are towards the outside of the forest. As you get to the center is where the stronger ones are." (Dream)

"Then I guess we better get walking." (Iris)

Everyone nodded to Iris and entered the forest.

The forest here was similar to the one they lived in, just lighter. The trees weren't as tall and the brush not as thick. The heat also wasn't as bad, not that they cared too much about that.

While they were walking they encountered a few level 30 - 40 monsters. Some of them were similar to the dog type creatures Dream fought when he first got here. Others were different like deer or maybe even birds. 

Although the monsters were only small fry, they didn't let their guard down. They didn't know when they would reach the crawler territory. Plus the fact that they were stealthy creatures created the need for being careful.

One interesting thing was that Luna and Iris stayed in their human form. Dream was curious as to why because their fox form was stronger. Their reason was,

"We won't be able to be in our fox forms while in the cities. So we need to learn to fight better in human form just in case something happens." (Iris)

So basically she didn't want what happened last night to happen again. 

Luna also told him that both she and Iris were ashamed of what happened. Although Dream thought that they shouldn't be, he wouldn't stop them. He felt that being able to fight in their human form was also very important. 

Although, they weren't bad when in human form, it was just that they weren't fully used to using their magic that way.

As they kept walking, they started encountering less and less low leveled monsters. They estimated that they had reached the territory of the crawlers by this point. This is also when Dream thought of something.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna start using my Stealth skill. I'll move a little bit away from you guys and fight ranged. Iris, you'll need to stay gaurd by Luna. Luna, you'll know where I am through the connection. You guys just have to keep walking and I'll follow nearby. Kapeesh?" (Dream)

"Wait, doesn't that mean that we're the bait?" (Iris)

"Basically." (Dream)

"Hey! Why should we be the bait?!" (Iris)

"Because you fight melee, Luna is support, and I'm ranged! I also have my stealth skill and awareness skill. I'll be able to find things and either alert Luna, or shoot it out of stealth first." (Dream)

"Hmph. Fine. Just make sure to leave some kills for us." (Iris)

"Sure, sure. I wish there was a party system though..." (Dream)

Dream wondered why there was no such thing eve though everything else was so game-like. How are people supposed to work together if the one who kills it takes all?!

Right as he was about to head off, Riddick spoke up.

"Actually, there is a party system. Though with how smart you are, I'm surprised you guys haven't thought of it by now." (Riddick)


After dropping a bomb like that out of nowhere, Dream turned to Riddick with an ugly face.

"Hey Old Fart, why haven't you told us about that by now?" (Dream)

"Who're you calling Old Fart? And I haven't said anything because you didn't need it. But since you decided on such a fighting tactic, you'll need it."

"And how do we do such a thing, oh wise one?"

"Just hold hands with the one you want to party with and say 'party'. You'll get a message asking if you want to party."

"Fine. Luna."

Dream called over Luna after huffing at the old man. He held her hand and said 'party'. Sure enough, a message popped up.

<Are you sure you want to party with [Luna]?>


<You are now in a party!>


  1. Dream
  2. Luna>

"Huh. This is interesting. Old Man, what does the party system do?" (Dream)

"It splits the experience according to kill contribution. People also use it to keep track of who's alive. A dead person will be dropped from the group as they no longer exist."

"Dark, but useful. Alright, with this we won't need to worry about kills."

Dream was pleased with something new and had Iris join his group as well. 

"Sweet. Then I'll split off now. Stay sharp."

Dream gave his goodbye and activated Erase Presence. He then began walking off.

He didn't plan on going far, this was just a way to train the skill. As he was going to get his class soon, he wouldn't mind it being compatible with stealth.

'Hey Sophia, what kind of awareness do you have? I know that the other skills had evolved but I didn't see anything for awareness.'

[Awareness evolved after it was eaten. By that time it was a part of [Noema] so you didn't see anything. But basically I can sense the surrounding mana and its changes. Mana sense for short. Let me activate it for you.]

When Sophia activated her skill, Dream was hit with a wave of information.

"W-Whao. This is..."

Dream was astonished by what he was 'seeing'. Everything around him was being sensed. 

'It's hard to describe. Its like when you sense killing intent. You just know its there. I can feel everything around me, just not a tactile feel. And my vision. I can see the flows of mana in the air and plants. Very interesting. Let's not lose the girls though. Wait, what about...'

Dream remembered that the girls were still walking and went to go catch up. And when he did, he could see it.

'The connection between me and Luna. So Riddick really could see it. Though it's very faint.'

[That's because the main connection is between your souls. I'm not sure how it works, but there's definitely another connection. There's also one between you and Iris that was made with the party.]

'Interesting. Let's keep an eye on their mana flow when we start fighting. That'll give great insights to magic usage.'

Dream caught up with the girls and kept a distance of about 30 meters next to them. He also took out his EM rifle. He didn't bother putting on his suit.

Everyone kept walking deeper and deeper into the forest without being attacked by anything, until Dream finally sensed something.

'A crawler? About 80 meters away. It's super low to the ground. And...It's camouflaged. So it's like a chameleon. It's also rather fast. Let's test this gun on it.'

Dream saw the animal that was flat pressed to the ground skittering its way between the trees toward the girls.

He took a quick aim with his gun, and when it got in his line of sight, he fired.




Dream nailed the creature right on the head. Though he got a headshot, he wondered why it was so fragile. Sophia had a reason.

[As it specializes in stealth and speed, it probably compromised with low toughness. Though its attacks are likely dangerous as well.]

'Makes sense. Sacrifice one thing for more of another.'

Dream nodded to himself at the reasoning.

Meanwhile, the girls got spooked by the sudden shriek in the forest. They turned toward where it came from and approached the body of the crawler.

"Dream killed this? I guess they don't call it a forest crawler for nothing." (Iris)

"Ya. Its body is like a pancake with legs. And its head is like a fin. Its teeth are razor-sharp as well. It would be dangerous if this thing could get to your feet. It would just shred through your muscles." (Luna)

As Dream was watching the girls, he started thinking about the animal.

'Hmm. I feel like it's too easy. Those creatures would never be able to catch prey like that. One wouldn't be enough even if it snuck up to the prey. So why...? Wait, don't tell me they...'

[I think you're right. Go recon ahead.]

Sophia chimed in to agree with Dream's scary conclusion. Dream then kicked off ahead to see where the first one came from.

It only took a minute for him to sense something.

*rustle* *rustle* *skitter*

The sound of brushing leaves came from ahead.  Dream focused on his mana vision and could see crawlers running towards him.

'There's at least 15 of them. They all heard the sound. So that lone one was a scout? It alerts the group to enemies. That's dirty...'

Dream turned tail and ran back to the girls to warn them. Though not before he fired some shots to kill some off.

*Dsh* *Dsh* *Dsh*


The screams of crawlers rang out in the forest. The girls head the screams and faced the direction it came from.

"More? But...they travel in groups?!" (Iris)

"Apparently. Dream ran up ahead earlier, and now he's coming back from where those sounds are. I guess he found some company." (Luna)

Right after Luna said so, Dream could be seen running from the distance while out of stealth.

"Guys! We got like, 12 of them coming towards us! Either prepare for battle or start running!"

"Let's fight! Just don't get bit!" (Iris)

"No thanks. Not trying to lose my feet today." (Luna)

"Huh?! But... ughh fine."

Turning on their heels, Luna and Iris started running with Dream when he reached them.

As they ran through the forest, they could hear all the skittering and rustling of leaves not far behind them. The sounds they made weren't actually loud. In fact, it was barely audible. It was just that the girls were foxes and could hear very well while Dream had his mana senses.

This showed just how dangerous those crawlers were. If a small group of hunters were surrounded by even just 10 crawlers and couldn't detect them, they would be swarmed and eaten alive. The crawlers were like piranhas on land.

Iris spoke after they had created some distance.

"So how do we kill them if we're running?" (Iris)

"Well, I can keep shooting. You guys got any ranged skills?" (Dream)

"I don't." (Iris)

"I can throw Ice lances." (Luna)

"Alright. Then Luna throws and Iris keeps running." (Dream)

After figuring things out, Luna started creating Ice lances in her hand and throwing them like javelins. Dream also kept turning and shooting when he could.

It was rather difficult for Luna to hit the crawlers though as they were so camouflaged. But whenever she spotted one, she nailed it to the floor. Her Ice lances were very sharp and also very cold. The wounds on the crawlers would freeze over when pinned with the lance.

After a couple minutes of running around through the trees at full speed, Dream had finally shot the last one.



"*huff*...Alright guys. I think that's the last one." (Dream)

Everyone came to a halt after he said that. Iris and Luna both found a rock and sat down to catch their breath soon after.

"*huff* Those things are fast. They even kept up with us. It's also difficult to hit them when they camouflage so well." (Luna)

"Ya. My senses let me see them pretty clearly, but you didn't have that. More importantly though, we have a problem." (Dream)

"What is it?" (Iris)

"I don't know hardly any of your guys' skills. We can't have a proper strategy if we know nothing about each other. If we knew each other and our skills, we wouldn't have just run away from those things. Plans are needed in case we get into an inescapable situation."

Luna and Iris both nodded at that. It was common sense for them to have plans, but they didn't realize how underprepared they were.

Dream was also honestly surprised that he hadn't learned exactly what the girl's skills were. All he knew was that Iris liked close combat and Luna was capable of healing. So they were tank and support. But knowing the exact skills was something he never asked about. And it was obvious he needed to find out now.


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