Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 95: Commemorative Water Cup

Chapter 95: Commemorative Water Cup

As Mei Fang returned with water, Xia Yuan was squatting by the bucket, wringing a cloth. They smiled at each other, and suddenly Xia Yuan flicked some water at Mei Fang, who dodged with laughter.

Hey hey, what are you doing?

Stinky Ah Fang, youve made the corridor all wet, now we have to clean it up for so long!

Sorry, sorry, Mei Fang chuckled, Ill help you mop in a bit.

We dont need your help, we can do it ourselves. Xia Yuan also laughed, Ah Fang, you were really cool just now. Even our homeroom teacher cant handle you.


Peng Xue sneaked out of the classroom and patted Mei Fang on the shoulder, Just hearing Yuan Yuan talk about how great you are wasnt enough for me to believe it. Now I understand why she likes you so much.

Xiaoxuewhat are you saying!? Xia Yuan protested, waving her fists, Get your hands off Ah Fang!

Hehe, I wont!

Xia Yuan made an indescribably cute sound in protest, then flicked water at Peng Xue. The two of them played around, and Mei Fang watched, amused. Suddenly, someone behind Mei Fang grabbed his shoulder.

I sayMei Fangyou said youd help me get water. Why you havent returned the bucket yet?

Oh, right. I totally forgot.

Mei Fang quickly handed the bucket to Zhang Ming, Work hard. Ive already followed your instructions and made a mess in Class 8. If we cant win the Cleanliness Model Class award this time, youll be in trouble.

Zhang Ming: ???

After dealing with the little commotion, Mei Fang went to find Lin Youxi, who was waiting at the flower garden, to have a meal together.

Throughout the past year, Mei Fang had been eating with friends like Zhang Ming at school. Lin Youxi either ate with Yue Xinyi or Xia Yuan.

However, after entering the second year of middle school, Lin Youxi asked Mei Fang to have a meal together every Friday afternoon. With extra classes, their alone time had become very limited.

Yue Xinyi naturally supported this, even looking happy about being left behind.

Of course, as time passed at school, the fact that Mei Fang and Lin Youxi had a good relationship had become a consensus among the students. Having a meal together was a clear sign of their closeness, and it was only a matter of time before it was discovered and spread.

Just like how he handled Xia Yuans situation before[1], Mei Fang was actually happy about it. After all, Youxis charm had become more apparent as they grew older.

On the way to eat beef noodles with Lin Youxi, Mei Fang also told her about the farce that happened earlier. Lin Youxi sighed and said, That homeroom teacher really went too far. From what you said, does Peng Xue have to cut her hair next week?

With Peng Xues love for beauty, I dont think she will compromise

Mhm Lin Youxi nodded, But if she can stick to her own ideas, I think its quite admirable.

Well, it sounds a bit odd coming from our Class Monitor Lins mouth

Is it strange for me to say that? Lin Youxi tilted her head.

Its not about that.

Mei Fang smiled slightly, You sound like youre defending Peng Xue.

Lin Youxi furrowed her brows, What does defending or not defending Peng Xue have to do with anything? Im just discussing the matter at hand But if she has any questions about studying, I can also help her.

Remember to tell Yuan Yuan that in person. She will be very happy to know. Mei Fang said gently.

Sigh Lin Youxi sighed, Actually, Im more worried about Yuan Yuan than Peng Xue right now.

Whats wrong with Yuan Yuan?

Lin Youxi explained, Yuan Yuan is the kind of person who easily believes in others. If Peng Xue continues to confront their homeroom teacher, Yuan Yuan may eventually stand against the teacher to defend Peng Xue. Its not necessarily wrong to do so, butonce Yuan Yuan considers someone a friend, she will wholeheartedly devote herself, even if it puts herself in trouble.

Lin continued, Leaving aside whether Peng Xue will do this, if one day her sincerity is betrayed by someone, I cant imagine how devastated she would be.

Why are we suddenly talking about this?

Mei Fang felt a little guilty.

Based on what she said, it seems that Youxi is only talking about sincere friendship and their bond as friends. She shouldnt be hinting at anything about me, right?

Or maybe

At the same time, the cleaning work was also coming to an end. Because Mei Fang was going to bring beef noodles, Peng Xue and Xia Yuan asked the other duty students to go eat first, Yuan Yuan and I will stay to wait for the hygiene inspectors.

The hygiene inspection group was usually composed of the class hygiene officers.

They could only put down the chairs after the inspection was over, so now there were only Xia Yuan and Peng Xue in the classroom.

They checked the floor separately to see if there were any paper scraps or other remaining trash, all of which would result in point deductions.

I checked over here, and its all clear. How about you Yuan Yuan?

Xia Yuan gestured OK to Peng Xue, Mission accomplished.

Great! You go wash your hands in the restroom first, Ill wait here for the inspection group.

Okay, Im about to go to the restroom too.

Xia Yuan hurried to the restroom, anticipating her Ah Fang to bring her delicious beef noodles. She saw the inspection group had already arrived at the neighboring Class 7, thinking they were fast.

However, she was worried about another matter.

Teacher Huang insisted on cutting Xiaoxues bangs Although middle school students should dress appropriately, the school rules didnt say anything about not having bangs. It was annoying to suddenly have a new rule.

But if Xiaoxue continued to make a fuss, as Ah Fang said, even if our homeroom teacher was being unpleasant, it wasnt worth risking her own future to argue with the teacher.

Xiaoxues grades had already dropped a lot, and persisting in this manner would only harm her further. I would rather let Xiaoxue change class than let it continue like this.

Should I take a firmer stance and advise Xiaoxue not to argue with our homeroom teacher? But for Xiaoxue, cutting her hair it was almost as unbearable as taking her life.

Ah, its so difficult!

Xia Yuan left the bathroom feeling gloomy. When she returned to the classroom, she saw Peng Xue cleaning something with her head down, making a crisp sound of glass shards hitting the ground.

Xia Yuan hurried over to check and found Peng Xue cleaning their homeroom teachers water cup, which was now completely shattered on the floor.

Her expression looked very surprised, Xiaoxue, did you knock over Teacher Huangs water cup?

What? How could it be me? Im not that bored.

Peng Xue smiled and shook her head, The inspectors said we didnt clean properly and would deduct points. So, I ran after them and argued for a while until they agreed not to deduct our points. When I came back, the water cup was already broken. I dont know who had the guts to do such a thing but its already broken, so whats the big deal? How much is a water cup worth anyway? Its Teacher Huangs fault for not taking care of it.

That water cup was a commemorative water cup Teacher Huang received when she was selected as an exemplary teacher by the provincial education department.

Xia Yuans expression became very serious, She has always cherished it, so that we might be in big trouble.

Its okay, Yuan Yuan, dont be afraid!

Peng Xue patted Xia Yuans shoulder to reassure her, As long as we explain the situation truthfully, and it wasnt us who did it, she cant blame us, right?

Translator's Notes:

  1. That is to not directly address his relationship with Xia Yuan to create vague rumors to deter other boys who are interested in her. (I added this note just in case because I got confused when I first read this part. Lol)
  2. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.-->

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    1. poopysays:

      Dec 26, 2023 at 5:43 pm

      Oh no, I have a bad feeling about the next few chapters. Seems like our Ah Fang will need to solve this issue.

      Thanks for the chapter!


    2. <!-- #comment-## -->
    3. buyongsays:

      Dec 26, 2023 at 6:25 pm

      man. kids are insidious

      thank you for the chapter!


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    5. Dinkytinkysays:

      Dec 26, 2023 at 7:51 pm

      Thanks for the note, I too was somewhat confused over the context on that.

      Also thanks for the chapter!


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