Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 56: Why Does It Look Like Youre Running Away from Home Again?

Chapter 56: Why Does It Look Like Youre Running Away from Home Again?

Spend the night at my house??

Mei Fang was surprised by the sudden suggestion. Why did this idea come up all of a sudden?

Because Ive been feeling bored staying at home recently.

Xia Yuan muttered, Im alone at home, and I keep thinking about going to Class A through backdoor.

They had discussed going to Class A together before. Xia Yuan, Lin Youxi, and Mei Fang all planned to graduate and go straight to Experimental Middle School. This public school would assign students to different classes based on their scores in the entrance exam, with the top students mostly placed in Class A and the slightly lower ones in Class B.

Xia Yuans scores for the entrance exam were far from enough to get into Class A, but her parents had been helping her pull strings and managed to arrange for her to be added to Class A.

However, Xia Yuan had never been happy about it because she considered it a shameful act of cheating.

But if she couldnt go to Class A, then she definitely couldnt be in the same class as Mei Fang and Lin Youxi.

So in the end, she didnt refuse, but her conscience kept condemning her.

Im already a tainted person now, I dont deserve to receive the Three-good Student award Everyone must be mocking me, saying that my grades are all obtained through cheating and special treatment from my mom. If I had known this, I would have just honestly gone to Class B Its my fault for not performing well and not working hard enough, and Im affecting other peoples futures.

Dont say that about yourself. Besides, the classes have already been assigned. You getting into Class A is just an exception, making the classroom a bit more crowded, and its not like youre displacing anyone.

Such actions were already commonplace for Mei Fang even before his rebirth, so there was nothing much to comment on. Parents always wanted their children to have a better environment, so Mei Fang could only say that Xia Yuans thoughts were still innocent.

Mei Fang lightly tapped Xia Yuans head. If you want to change the environment and relax, then come to my house.

Thats great! Ill go home this afternoon and get some clean clothes.

Xia Yuan grabbed Mei Fangs arm. Can you also talk to Youxi and see if shes willing to come? Its a bit embarrassing for me, a girl, to stay at your house alone.

No problem.

After talking to Mei Fang for a while, Xia Yuan felt much better. When she arrived at Mei Fangs house, she had a smiling expression.

Aunt Mei, Ive come to your house to play!

After changing her shoes, Xia Yuan headed towards the kitchen. Ever since Xiang Xiaoxia agreed to stay in Baimei County after their persuasion, their relationship with her had become even closer. Sometimes, Xia Yuan couldnt act spoiled in front of her mom, but she could do so in front of Xiang Xiaoxia.

Youre here! Look, Auntie made your favorite stir-fried corn with pine nuts!

Mmm it smells so good!

Xia Yuan greedily sniffed while holding Xiang Xiaoxias arm. Aunt Mei has been so good to me, but unfortunately I wont be able to eat Aunt Meis cooking for the next 2 months .

Dont worry about that. Our Youxi already have your aunties cooking skills at about 80%. When you girls are at home, you can let her cook for you. Also, please help us keep an eye on Mei Fang and make sure he doesnt eat fast food all the time.

I know, dont worry Aunt Mei! Xia Yuan patted her chest. I will come to your house every day to supervise Mei Fang.

That would be quite a favor.


Xia Yuan responded to Xiang Xiaoxias words, but her gaze wandered outside the kitchen to Lin Youxi, who was playing video games with Mei Ya in the living room. She seemed to be lost in thought for a moment.

After enjoying a hearty lunch, Xia Yuan offered to help Xiang Xiaoxia with the dishes. Unable to resist Xia Yuans insistence, Xiang Xiaoxia continued to give Mei Fang some instructions about the house. Mei Fang listened attentively, and finally it was time for them to leave.

Aunt Mei, let us see you off.

No need, well take a taxi to the station.

Xiang Xiaoxia pushed the suitcase with one hand while holding Mei Yas hand with the other. She glanced at the three children in front of her and finally looked at Mei Fang. Mei Fang, when Im not at home, hmm?

I know!

Mei Fang nodded and waved to his mom. Have a safe trip, Mom. And little Ya.

Brother! Were leaving!

Have a safe trip!

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi accompanied Xiang Xiaoxia and Mei Ya to the elevator, and then they returned.

When Mei Fang saw them, the two of them holding hands. Xia Yuan was trying to suppress her laughter, but couldnt stop the smile.

Were free!

Xia Yuan happily exclaimed at Mei Fangs house, and Mei Fang covered his ears and complained, My mom is gone, why are you so happy?

Now that your mom is out, its summer vacation without any adults at Mei Fangs house. It means we can do whatever we want at your house!

I didnt see you this excited when there was no one at our house before.

Because the adults always come back.

Xia Yuan smiled with her hands behind her back. But now we dont have to worry! We can be ourselves freely!

How long have you been suppressed

For children like Xia Yuan who have been closely supervised since childhood, the most anticipated days are the ones without parents around.

Ah Fang, I just talked to Youxi about staying overnight at your house, and she agreed!

Lin Youxi added, My dad is staying overnight at the construction site tonight, so I have to call him and get his approval.

Then lets go back and get our clothes first! And buy lots and lots of snacks, stock them all at Mei Fangs house and fill up their fridge.

Hey, how long do you plan on staying at my house? And stocking up?

Isnt it for two months? Xia Yuan tilted her head.

Theres no way Ill let you stay that long! Mei Fang warned, Aunt Xia wont agree. Dont get your hopes up. Arent you not going to your grandmothers house for summer vacation this year?

Xia Yuan muttered, I used to go every year, but Im not going this year. Now Grandma only plays Audition'[1] at home and doesnt catch frogs with me anymore. I dont want to go.

Your grandma is quite trendy.

You should know that this kind of rhythm game requires good reaction time. If an old person can play it, it means theyre still in good spirits.

Ill go make a phone call to ask for my dads permission first.

Lin Youxi went to make a phone call quickly, and Xia Yuan happily flopped onto the sofa. She hadnt bounced around much before Lin Youxi called her over.

Yuan Yuan, come here.

Whats wrong?

My dad wants to confirm if youre also staying overnight at Ah Fangs house with me. Come talk to him.


When Xia Yuan went back to get her clothes, she also encountered the same awkward situation as Lin Youxi. She even made a phone call to Mei Fangs house to have Lin Youxi confirm it to her mother over the phone. After that, Xia Yuan finally had the opportunity to stay overnight at Mei Fangs house.

Although Lin Youxi left later to go home and get clothes and toiletries, Xia Yuan arrived at Mei Fangs house half an hour later.

Compared to the simple backpack Lin Youxi was carrying, Xia Yuan brought a suitcase.

It seemed to be the familiar one from back then.

Whats with this? Why does it look like youre running away from home again?

Mei Fang sighed helplessly.

Translator's Notes:

  1. Audition Online | Gameplay:
  2. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.-->

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    1. Anonymoussays:

      Oct 16, 2023 at 9:09 pm

      Hmmm alone and free~


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    3. Dinkytinkysays:

      Oct 16, 2023 at 9:33 pm


      Thanks for the chap guys.


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    5. oREiMosays:

      Dec 22, 2023 at 12:07 pm

      Her grandmother plays audition? WTF? She must have excellent joints for her age.


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