Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 213: Team Building Activities

Chapter 213: Team Building Activities

The mountain climbing and camping plan was set for the afternoon. After arriving in the morning, the students would participate in some team-building activities on the nearby grassland. These activities, often dreaded by working adults, were quite new and exciting for high school students experiencing them for the first time. Unlike the sometimes stiff relationships between colleagues, the students were open and enthusiastic, looking forward to the activities.

Homeroom teachers Dong Zhongying and Li Xiang assigned the class monitors, He Luoyun and Lin Youxi, to organize the games. Then they went to a nearby shop to chat. They knew that their presence might make the students feel less free to have fun, but they would not let them out of sight to prevent any accidents.

Classes 3 and 5 were on different floors, so the students didn’t interact much during regular school days. The most common topic of conversation between the classes was the gossip about Mei Fang, Xia Yuan, and Lin Youxi. After all, the trio often performed together in artistic shows and displayed their close relationship openly, making it impossible not to talk about them.

Today was the first joint activity between the two classes, and the students from Class 3 were more focused on Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, while those from Class 5 centered their conversations around Mei Fang.

During the preparations, Lin Youxi, as the host, efficiently coordinated the various tasks, displaying a competent and composed demeanor. Even He Luoyun, a tall guy over 1.8 meters, acted like a helper under her direction.

Although Lin Youxi came from a parallel class, she had consistently ranked in the top 30 of the entire grade, a domain usually reserved for the advanced class and competition class. Thus, even without her “childhood sweetheart” status, she was a very popular topic of discussion. Initially, students from Class 3 worried that Lin Youxi might be as aloof as her appearance suggested, but she turned out to be much more approachable. This was one reason she easily garnered support in Class 5.

As for Xia Yuan, her image and aura more closely matched everyone’s idea of a school beauty, or rather, a campus idol. She didn’t put on airs with anyone, spoke in a friendly and open manner, and laughed freely when she felt like it. Without makeup, she had a very pure, sweet face that exuded the feeling of first love.

This charming girl, who was already captivating enough, became even more impressive on stage as a talented and charismatic singer.

In fact, ever since Xia Yuan first became famous for her original song performance at the summer camp, many students from other schools have come to watch her performances, drawn by her reputation.

Two such outstanding girls might seem unrelated, but they had grown up together since kindergarten. Adding a boy named Mei Fang into the mix made their story even more intriguing.

This isn’t to say that Mei Fang lacked charisma. While he wasn’t as academically brilliant as Lin Youxi or as musically impactful as Xia Yuan, he was still a hot topic at school. Girls, in particular, enjoyed discussing boys from various classes who were handsome, smart, talented, and had great personalities.

Although Mei Fang didn’t interact much with the girls from Class 3 aside from Xiang Bingbing, he got along well with them and didn’t have a bad reputation, which contributed significantly to his popularity.

Before the games started, Lin Youxi made a speech: “Today is the first joint activity between Class 3 and Class 5. These activities are not about winning or losing; having fun is what matters. If you make new friends, even better.”

She clapped her hands and smiled, “I have a small suggestion. Let’s mix the groups from both classes instead of separating by class, or else it will feel like a sports festival competition.”

Her remark caused a burst of laughter, easing the awkward atmosphere. He Luoyun also encouraged everyone, “Don’t be shy, find a spot and sit down.”

Prompted by the class monitors, the students found seats around the game area. Xia Yuan, naturally, headed straight for Mei Fang, bringing Liu Xiaoyu along with her, who sat on the other side.

Lin Youxi urged everyone to sit down from the side. As the event organizer, she seemed to have no time to rest.

Mei Fang lowered his head and asked Xia Yuan, “What games did Youxi prepare?”

“They’re all very interesting activities that Youxi and I found together. Just wait and see!” Xia Yuan replied.

The first game Lin Youxi prepared was the human knot.

“Today, a total of 56 students are participating in the activity. Everyone needs to form groups of 8 people, making 7 groups in total.”

After hearing Lin Youxi’s instructions, everyone quickly got up to find teammates. Xiang Bingbing, who was sitting behind Mei Fang, formed a group with Mei Fang, Xia Yuan, Liu Xiaoyu, and several other students.

Lin Youxi continued to announce the game rules, “Now, everyone needs to hold a group member’s left hand with your left hand and a group member’s right hand with your right hand. Remember, it’s left hand to left hand, right hand to right hand. Make sure everyone’s hands are held, don’t be shy, and be active.”

“Left hand to left hand… right hand to right hand… wow, this is awkward!”

Mei Fang had played this hand-linking game in his university days and had some recollection of it. Everyone formed a circle, looking for hands to hold. He then skillfully grabbed Xia Yuan’s left hand. Xia Yuan’s right hand was supposed to hold Liu Xiaoyu’s, but Xiang Bingbing suddenly came in and grabbed it first.

Her left hand was crossed with another girl’s, making the tall Xiang Bingbing feel very awkward.

“Uh, um——”

Since the last person to complete the link would face a penalty, everyone was in a hurry. In the rush, Mei Fang grabbed another person’s right hand, only to look up and find it was Liu Xiaoyu’s.

Liu Xiaoyu, feeling embarrassed after Mei Fang grabbed her hand, glanced at him, her lips moving as if to speak, but she ended up looking away. This hand-holding had a special meaning for Mei Fang as it reminded him of past events. In his previous life, Mei Fang had indeed fantasized about holding hands with Liu Xiaoyu, but in this life, it happened by chance in this situation.

For a brief moment, Mei Fang felt nostalgic. But, it was just a passing thought.

Mei Fang’s next move was to firmly hold Xia Yuan’s hand.

At this point, Xia Yuan, familiar with the rules, reminded everyone, “Soon, we’ll need to untangle ourselves without letting go and form a circle. If one of us lets go, we’ll lose. We can cross our arms and pull like this—just don’t let go. Letting go means losing.”

“I definitely won’t let go.”

Mei Fang smiled and echoed Xia Yuan’s suggestion, also reminding the others, “By the way, I remember Youxi saying there’s a prize for the first place, so let’s aim for that.”

“There’s a prize?!” Xiang Bingbing exclaimed in excitement upon hearing this. “What did Youxi prepare? I have to win it!”

“Don’t get too excited. It’s just something both classes pooled money to buy. There’s nothing particularly valuable,” Wan Chaoxiong muttered quietly from the side.

“Then I have to try even harder to win the prizes. My money is in there too, huhu…” Xiang Bingbing whimpered.


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