Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 200: Mom

Chapter 200: Mom

Lin Youxi followed Mei Fang into the house, where they found her uncle, You Xiaobing[1], hastily coming downstairs with a stack of documents in his hands.

Mei Fang quickly stepped forward and grabbed You Xiaobing firmly, while Lin Youxi kept her phone up, recording everything.

You Xiaobing, around 35 or 36 years old, was tall and thin like a bamboo pole. In front of the vigorous Mei Fang, he had almost no room to struggle and couldn’t break free no matter how hard he tried.

“Hey, hey… Lin Youxi, where did you find this wild guy? Have you both lost your minds? Get lost!”

He tried to kick Mei Fang, but Mei Fang anticipated his move, sidestepped, and nearly caused You Xiaobing to lose his balance. Mei Fang took the opportunity to grab You Xiaobing’s wrist and pin him down on the sofa.

After the sports festival, Mei Fang had been maintaining a workout routine, and he had also learned some self-defense techniques.

“You Xiaobing, by trespassing into a private residence and committing burglary, you could be sentenced to at least three years. The police are on their way,” Lin Youxi said and continued filming You Xiaobing. “You also injured someone in my family, which could add an assault charge. Just wait and see!”

“Trespassing? The land deed clearly states that this land has been passed down in the You family for generations. When did it become your Lin family’s property?” You Xiaobing cursed, glaring at Lin Youxi. “You little sh*t, just because you’ve read a few more books, you think you can talk to your uncle like this?”

“Then don’t be my uncle. I’ve never considered you one anyway,” Lin Youxi retorted. “You’ve always been a leech, only coming around to ask my dad for money. If you had any decency, you wouldn’t be doing this today.”

“F*ck off! That money is what your dad owes me! Wait until he gets here, and you can ask him yourself! He swore at your mom’s grave that he would——”

“Don’t you dare mention my mom! You have no right! You’re not worthy!”

Lin Youxi’s sudden roar startled You Xiaobing, and even Mei Fang was slightly surprised.

To Lin Youxi, her mother had always been a sacred figure and her sole source of emotional support in her early years. Whenever she felt sad or couldn’t confide in Xia Yuan or Mei Fang, she would visit her mother’s grave and talk to her.

But to think that such a mother would have such a despicable brother. For Lin Youxi, it had always been an uncomfortable knot.

She could understand her father’s tolerance, which stemmed from guilt over failing to protect his late wife. However, there had to be a limit to everything.

As You Xiaobing continued to babble about his supposed connections, Mei Fang’s father, Mei Lijun, arrived with the police almost simultaneously.

The blaring sound of sirens attracted the attention of the neighbors, and Mei Lijun and the police officers entered the house together, relieved to see that Lin Youxi and Mei Fang were unharmed.

The officers instructed Mei Fang to release You Xiaobing and proceeded to listen to the accounts of both Lin Youxi and her uncle.

One of the senior officers, after understanding the situation, began to mediate: “When you called about a trespass, I thought it was something serious. You’re all family, making such a big fuss during the holidays isn’t good, and it looks bad for the neighbors…”

It was clear that the local police intended to settle the dispute without much fuss.

However, Lin Youxi didn’t share the same sentiment.

“Uncle police, I hope you understand what I’m trying to say.”

“But isn’t he your uncle? They say, ‘Above the heavens, the Thunder God is great, but on earth, the uncle is the greatest.’ Don’t make such a fuss at this time of the year; it’s inappropriate. Where’s your mother? Why hasn’t she come out?”

“Excuse me, comrade, may I have a word with you?” Mei Lijun had hurriedly come by taxi, his hair disheveled in the wind, but he patiently explained Lin Youxi’s situation to the police.

The senior officer remained dismissive, “This is the situation, but this kind of matter is too complicated to resolve… One has a land deed, and the other has a property deed. I don’t think it can be considered trespassing.”

“Hey, comrade, if you don’t understand, don’t speak nonsense,” Mei Lijun said with a frown. “You’re not from the Housing Department of the Bureau of Land and Resources, so it’s fine if you don’t understand that property rights take precedence over land rights, but don’t go around and misinform the public.”

“Comrade, you speak as if you’re a senior official. Do I need you to teach me whether I understand or not? And you don’t seem to be the homeowner here…”

As soon as the senior officer finished speaking, a noisy commotion could be heard outside. A group of middle-aged men walked briskly into the house, smiling and greeting Mei Lijun

“Oh my, Director Mei, what’s happened? Why did you come all the way out here?”

“There was a situation at my son’s friend’s house, so I came to take a look. It’s not a big deal.”

Baimei County was a small county, and the senior officer immediately recognized some of the people as local officials.

Seeing their deferential attitude toward Mei Lijun, he was taken aback. “Um…let’s wait for the homeowner to arrive before making any further decisions.”

Meanwhile, another young officer was keeping You Xiaobing under control and quietly asked Mei Fang, “Is that your dad?”

“Yes,” Mei Fang nodded. “My dad’s name is Mei Lijun, but it’s fine if you haven’t heard of him. He’s not that well-known.”

As they continued to sort out the situation, several key people returned to the small courtyard, including Xia Yuan and Liang Meijuan, who had her wound roughly treated. And finally, the main figure, Lin Guochuan, arrived.

Lin Guochuan had already grasped the gist of the situation over the phone on his way back. Although he was seething inside, he managed to keep his emotions in check.

However, upon returning home and seeing his warm little house in a mess, witnessing his wife Liang Meijuan bleeding and injured, and seeing his precious daughter Lin Youxi cuddling next to Mei Fang with red, teary eyes, Lin Guochuan, who was usually mild-mannered and reserved, finally exploded with his emotions.

He strode angrily towards You Xiaobing and delivered a hard slap across his face. No one present could stop him, not even Mei Fang, who didn’t make a serious effort to intervene.

This time, Lin Guochuan had reached his breaking point. With You Xiaobing’s repeated disturbances, with the recordings and video footage provided by Mei Fang and Lin Youxi, Lin Guochuan decided to take his daughter’s advice and press charges against You Xiaobing.

At this point, even You Xiaobing, who had always been overbearing in front of the Lin family, began to feel scared. He continuously pleaded with Lin Guochuan, saying that they were relatives and it shouldn’t escalate to this extent.

Lin Guochuan, who was usually kind and easy to talk to, didn’t respond this time. His face was stern and unforgiving.

“I spoke with some people you know today…”

“The whole story about needing money for a dowry and wedding—it was all a lie, wasn’t it?”

“You were just gambling and got yourself into debt. You came to us to scam money to pay off your debts.”

“B-brother-in-law, don’t do this, brother-in-law… If you want to hit me, you can hit me, hit me as much as you want! Just don’t send me to jail! We’re family, aren’t we?”

You Xiaobing slapped himself repeatedly while desperately clinging to Lin Guochuan, but no amount of begging could change Lin Guochuan’s resolve. Seeing that the situation was beyond repair, You Xiaobing reverted to his usual vicious demeanor.

“Lin Guochuan, you heartless bastard! My sister must have been blind to marry you! She suffered so much with you and never had a single day of happiness! And now, you’re treating her brother like this. When you die, let’s see how you face her in the afterlife——”

You Xiaobing was swiftly handcuffed and taken away, cursing all the while as he was led to the police car.

With many matters still needing attention, everyone pitched in to help clean up the mess at the Lin family’s house.

In the midst of it all, Lin Youxi immediately checked on Liang Meijuan’s injuries.

“Does it still hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt anymore… Just a minor scrape. You confronted You Xiaobing with Mei Fang earlier, right? Are you…okay?”

“I’m fine.”

“Don’t say you’re fine. You’ve got a scrape here too. Let me clean it for you…”

“I’m fine… really, I’m fine…”

Liang Meijuan meticulously applied iodine to Lin Youxi’s scrape to disinfect them. Lin Youxi watched Liang Meijuan’s face, remembering how she had protected her earlier, as well as the moments they had shared together. It brought about a mix of emotions within Lin Youxi.

She gently patted Liang Meijuan’s shoulder and squeezed it a few times.

“That’s enough… Mom.”

At first, Liang Meijuan didn’t register the change in how Lin Youxi addressed her. After a moment, she looked up at Lin Youxi in surprise, who was smiling warmly at her.


Liang Meijuan loved children and had always wanted one of her own. Thus, she had always treated Lin Youxi with great care and affection, considering her as her own child.

She didn’t mind Lin Youxi calling her “Aunt” all the time because she knew Lin Youxi was a sentimental child, and as a stepmother, she didn’t feel entitled to insist on a particular title.

However, when Lin Youxi called her “Mom,” both Liang Meijuan and Lin Youxi felt a long-standing emotional barrier between them suddenly shatter. They felt a sense of relief, as if a great burden had been lifted.

Liang Meijuan covered her face, bending over as she silently shed tears. The sensible Lin Youxi gently patted her back to comfort her. Mei Fang and Xia Yuan, witnessing this heartwarming scene, were also moved.

You Xiaobing was detained for trespassing, and there were still many troublesome matters to be resolved. But after Lin Guochuan dealt with these matters, Lin Youxi’s generation and beyond would never have any contact with this person again.

Unexpectedly, this incident occurred the day before New Year’s Eve. Mei Lijun had to leave in advance to receive those officials, so Mei Fang stayed to help. By the time he returned from Lin Youxi’s house, he was exhausted. Xiang Xiaoxia and Mei Ya didn’t ask many questions and just listened as Mei Fang explained what had happened.

“This You Xiaobing is truly despicable. The Lin family has helped him so much, but he is still ungrateful…”

“You said Youxi called Meijuan ‘Mom’? That’s amazing! When I bring the spring rolls over tomorrow, I’ll have to ask Meijuan how it feels to have Youxi call her mom.”

“If you’re that curious, just ask Sister Youxi to call you the same——”

Xiang Xiaoxia pinched Mei Ya’s cheek. “You little brat, you never learn. You keep teasing your mom every day. In the afternoon, you wanted Yuan Yuan as my daughter, and now it’s Youxi?”

“I’m just worried that Mom will have a hard time choosing.” Mei Ya chuckled mischievously. “If it doesn’t work out, then both of them——”

Just then, a soft knock on the door was heard from outside the room.

Mei Fang opened the door and found Lin Youxi standing in front of him with a backpack on her back.

“What’s wrong now?”

“Nothing’s wrong. The master bedroom at home can’t be used tonight, so I let my dad and mom sleep in my bed…”

Lin Youxi rubbed her nose, then gave Mei Fang a slight smile while pressing her lips together: “So, can I bother you tonight… and stay over at your place?”

Translator's Notes:

  1. I’m not sure about the sudden change of name by the author here. Previously, it was Zhibing, now it’s Xiaobing. ↩︎
  2. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.-->

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