Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 192: Mei Fangs Knowledge Gap

Chapter 192: Mei Fangs Knowledge Gap

Throughout their time together, Mei Fang had always projected an image of maturity and reliability to Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi. This was a persona he had cultivated since kindergarten.

After all, Mei Fang always appeared when they needed him the most, becoming the person who accompanied them and provided crucial guidance.


All those solutions he came up with were the optimal ones that a mentally sound adult, like Mei Fang himself could think of in the face of the difficulties they encountered.

His experience was almost like a massive advantage when dealing with kids.

Because of this, he became the most trusted person and the one they entrusted the most over the years.

But now, as they grew older, everyone’s exposure to different aspects of life became broader and broader, and Mei Fang’s knowledge gap in a certain area became increasingly apparent.

That’s right, it’s about love!

Don’t be fooled by Mei Fang’s ability to balance the water, that’s just his way of being fair with the girls. Almost anyone could do that. In his previous life, he had no experience in love.

Moreover, he only had the experience of holding a girl’s hand in this life, not to mention engaging in such advanced moves as booking a hotel room.

Although they would only be studying in name, after knowing each other for so many years, how could Mei Fang not understand Lin Youxi’s little schemes?

But he didn’t want to ruin the beautiful image he had in the hearts of the two girls. Since he had decided to take responsibility for them, he would find a way to fulfill their request.

The three of them went to their respective homes to get their study materials and change of clothes. Meanwhile, Mei Fang diligently searched on Baidu for information on “things to note for booking hotel rooms at the age of 16.”

Since Mei Fang started working as a game director without any mentors or teachers, he accumulated all his experience through his own hard work and research. Therefore, he is very skilled in choosing keywords. Soon, Mei Fang found the answer he was looking for.

Oh, so 16-year-olds must inform and register with their parents before checking into a hotel?

Then what’s the point of being able to independently book a room at 16?

Mei Fang contemplated the consequences of discussing this matter with Xiang Xiaoxia and Mei Lijun:

“Mom, I want to study and do homework together with Yuan Yuan and Youxi.”

“Well, that’s fine. Where? Yuan Yuan’s house?”

“No, Yuan Yuan’s place is not convenient. I want to book a hotel room.”

“Why waste money going to a hotel? Can’t you study together at DuoMeiWei or Wallace? They have heating there too.”

“No, we just want to stay overnight there and then sleep together——”

“Mei Fang! Are you itching for trouble?”

Mei Fang swallowed his saliva. This approach clearly wouldn’t work.

So, was there a reliable adult around him whom he could trust to help him book a hotel room? It turned out there was.

After consulting with his childhood sweethearts and getting their agreement, Mei Fang carefully composed a message and sent it to his cousin Mei Yue, who happened to be staying at a hotel at this time.

Later, Mei Fang met up with Mei Yue downstairs at the hotel. Without even exchanging greetings, Mei Fang was immediately engulfed in a fierce embrace by Mei Yue.

“Hey, Xiaofangzi, what’s gotten into you? You actually asked me to book a hotel room for you. I can’t believe you came up with such an idea!”

“We just wanted to find a quiet place to study, nothing else. You see that Yuan Yuan and Youxi are both here too. There are three of us, it’s not just two people.”

“You young people have so many tricks up your sleeves, I dare not think too much about it.”

Mei Yue patted her cousin’s head while observing the two young girls who were chatting not far away.

Xia Yuan’s face seemed somewhat uneasy and she appeared to be seeking confirmation from Lin Youxi. However, Lin Youxi kept shaking her head and occasionally patted Xia Yuan’s shoulder, smiling at her.

Both of them seem very eager.

I can’t believe he dared to ask me about this. I’m sure he must have hesitated for a long time…

“In consideration of the help you’ve given me before, I can help you book a room. But I have to inform your parents about this. As for the reason, we can say that I invited you all to come over and have some fun together. But staying overnight is definitely out of the question. At most, I can send you home later.”

“Thank you so much, Sister Yue Yue!”

After receiving Mei Yue’s promise, Mei Fang went back to discuss it with Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan.

The idea of staying overnight was a bit far-fetched to begin with. And in fact, Yuan Yuan felt a bit hesitant after impulsively using her wish coupon, because her parents would definitely call Lin Youxi’s parents to confirm, so lying wouldn’t work.

As for Lin Youxi’s side, of course, she wouldn’t want to lose the joyful times of cohabiting with the other two together in Jiangcheng just for a moment of pleasure.

So they quickly reached a consensus—they wouldn’t stay overnight at the hotel.

Mei Fang asked Mei Yue to call his parents first. With Mei Yue as a guarantor, and since the hotel room was booked under their family’s name, Xiang Xiaoxia didn’t find anything strange about it.

However, they still missed one step.

“If you’re all playing together, why not bring Xiaoya along? We’re busy over here, and it’s sad to leave her alone at home. Come on, bring Xiaoya over…”

“That’s how things are.” Mei Yue shrugged helplessly at the trio. “But don’t worry, I’ll take Xiaoya out to play later, and you three can have some alone time. Well, saying ‘alone time’ sounds a bit strange…”

“Sister Yue Yue, this is already good enough.”

Xia Yuan held Mei Yue’s hand and smiled happily. “Thank you for helping us!”

“Oh, it’s just a small matter.”

Mei Yue pinched Xia Yuan’s cheeks and said, “Well, you can be affectionate with each other, but don’t cross any lines. I would have too much responsibility if you did. You’re not children anymore, so you should take responsibility for yourselves. Do you understand what I mean?”

“We…we really came here to study! It’s not what you’re thinking, Sister Yue Yue…”

Mei Yue gently patted Xia Yuan’s head and then called the other two to enter the hotel together.

Mei Fang then received the room card for Room 301 from his cousin. Mei Yue then bid farewell to the trio and said she would go home to pick up Mei Ya to play.

Having an adult accompany you while doing something is a completely different experience from doing it without one.

For example, when the trio were moving around in the hotel together, Xia Yuan was always looking around anxiously, afraid of running into someone familiar.

On the other hand, Lin Youxi and Mei Fang appeared calm.

Of course, one of them was pretending.

Mei Fang swiped the room card to open the door of Room 301, and the three of them entered one after another. The quality of this hotel in Baimei County was already quite high, but the room was not spacious. The first thing that caught their eyes was a double bed.

There was a wall-mounted TV facing the bed, a type of TV without a box that was still uncommon in 2012.

Mei Fang placed his backpack on the small table and chair on the other side and then turned on the room’s air conditioning and heating.

Xia Yuan sat on the edge of the bed and swayed. “So this is a double bed? It’s quite special and surprisingly soft. I feel like I might sink in.”

“Isn’t this just a regular bed?”

“Well, sit down and try it for yourself.”

Following Xia Yuan’s suggestion, Mei Fang sat on the edge of the bed, and the entire bed noticeably sank.

“Oh, it’s so soft…”

“See, I told you!”

Xia Yuan and Mei Fang chuckled and discussed various topics. Meanwhile, after setting down her backpack, Lin Youxi took off her shoes and put on the hotel slippers. Then she sat next to Mei Fang and began taking off her socks and placing them on the back of the chair.

Mei Fang pulled Lin Youxi and said, “Wait, Youxi, didn’t we agree not to sleep here tonight?”

“But we’ve already brought a change of clothes, and we’re here already, so it should be fine to just take a shower here, right? Are we supposed to not shower or change into sleepwear, and just lie on the bed fully clothed?”

Lin Youxi took out her clothes from her bag and then looked at Xia Yuan, asking, “Yuan Yuan, didn’t you bring yours too? It’s a rare opportunity. Do you want to shower together?”

“Wait, wait!”

Xia Yuan pointed at the bathroom that everyone had tacitly avoided mentioning, and her face turned red too: “You mean, we’re supposed to take a shower together in this completely transparent glass bathroom, while Ah Fang watches?”

“Why is the default assumption that I’ll be watching? Hey!”


I’ll be releasing 3 chapters today (the other 2 will be posted a bit later).

These chapters are sponsored by Potatobread.

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