Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 173: What Is the Ninth Art

Chapter 173: What Is the Ninth Art

In Guo Yuns portfolio, Mei Fang saw an image of a girl with short black hair, a white triangular skirt, and pencil-like legs. The characters color block design was very simple.

The girl in the character design was looking up at the sky, leaving only her back view, giving off a somewhat melancholic and lonely feeling.

Guo Yun, where did you find the inspiration for this character?

That I found the inspiration myself from some picture books, the kind of fairy tale storybooks, not the overly childish ones, you know Umm, Mei Fang, I dont know if youve seen them.

Xia Yuan chimed in from the side, Ive read the picture book The Little Prince[1] before. Is it that kind of simple, soothing illustrative style youre going for?

Yes, exactly That kind. Girls love it. This one just has a different art style. The picture book I saw had characters with more distinct polygonal designs

Mei Fang was currently contemplating his next game project. Although he didnt have a clear design theme, he had a firm design direction.

To create an indie game that could be called the Ninth Art.

In his mind, he had countless design ideas for potential hit games. Based on the current synergy with his team, as long as the art resources were in place, they could quickly bring the project to life.

Those projects were enough after doing a few, and that was not Mei Fangs true pursuit.

He had always hoped that the gaming industry he deeply loved could receive more positive recognition in China, rather than being seen as a waste of time by adults and elders.

The harsh reputation of the gaming industry in China was undoubtedly partly due to traditional educational concepts. But game developers eagerness to manipulate players into spending money through various profit-oriented methods also contributed significantly.

Games have always been referred to as the Ninth Art because, compared to works such as literature, movies, and anime, they offer interactivity.

Players can embody characters in the game world, complete missions or make choices themselves, leading to high levels of immersion and involvement.

This interactivity should not only exist in the form of players fighting and pursuing fame and fortune in a virtual world but should also manifest in the genuine emotional communication and exchange established between developers and players through games.

For an outstanding indie game, the most important thing is an interesting and innovative gameplay mechanic. However, to be considered as a ninth art, an indie game cannot lack artistic expression in music and visuals.

These two elements are not necessarily the only determining factors. Many acclaimed indie games from later generations had simple art styles, but their music had the power to touch souls.

For example, the renowned masterpiece with a perfect score from IGN, Undertale[2], its 8-bit dynamic music design earned it many points and sparked a wave of fan creations.

Even without mentioning things so far-fetched, the success of To the Moon definitely did not come from its visuals alone. Its winning formula lies in its perfect storyline combined with beautiful and touching piano music.

Mei Fang currently had a lot of resources in the music department. Besides himself and Xia Yuan, he knew that Gao Kan, the producer of To the Moon, was an exceptionally talented game music composer. Now that Guo Yuns art had grown to be independent and outstanding, Mei Fang naturally had higher expectations for his first Ninth Art project.

I plan to make this girl character designed by Guo Yun the protagonist of the story. We might need to make some adjustments to her color scheme, but well use her to create a puzzle-solving platformer game.

A platformer? Xia Yuan scratched her head. Ah Fang, can you please not use such technical terms? I dont really understand.

Platformer, like Super Mario, the game we used to play on the Little Tyrant console.

Ah? Using this girl for Super Mario? Why does it feel a bit funny weird

Lin Youxi added, I think what Ah Fang means is a gameplay style similar to Super Mario, with left and right movement and jumping The actual gameplay experience should be quite different.

So, what kind of story are you planning to write? How many words are you aiming for?

This story will lean more towards a self-discovery narrative. We wont use too much text in the story or rather, there will be almost no text.

Mei Fang explained, Its a concept called environmental storytelling. Well rely on artfully crafted scenes, in-game interactions, and cutscenes to showcase the essence of the story, allowing players to fill in the meaning of our story themselves.

It sounds a bit like a silent film. But isnt it more interesting to have dialogues Why cant they speak?

So like Machinarium[3], right?

That game with the junk-collecting robot, right?! I remember! We played it together at Ah Fangs house when we were in our second year of middle school. That game was so difficult; I had to look up walkthroughs every time to progress.

Machinarium, considered a pioneering work in the indie game industry, was released as early as 2009. Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan played it at Mei Fangs house who were still in their second year of middle school during that time.

To be precise, the game I plan to make will be even more silent than Machinarium, because the main character in that game often communicates through pictographic text in the story, so theres actually quite a bit of dialogue.

Mei Fang gestured to everyone, The protagonist in our game is a princess from a black-and-white world. She embarks on an adventure to seek the colors that belong to her world. Different colors represent different nations, with each color being a chapter. Each chapter presents the protagonist with different challenges, and these challenges have reflections in the real world.

Reflections in the real world Xia Yuan pondered for a moment. Ah Fang, are you saying it appears to be a fairy tale on the surface, but in reality, its about an ordinary girls inner world?

As expected of our Chinese class representative. Yuan Yuan, you understand things quickly.

Mei Fang gently rubbed Xia Yuans cheek as a gesture of encouragement. What I actually want to depict is the story of an introverted girl opening up her heart, striving to find herself, eventually reconciling with herself, and arriving at the shores of her dreams. This is the spiritual core of our project.

An introverted girl opening up her heart, striving to find herself, and reconciling with herself

As soon as Mei Fang finished speaking, sharp-eyed Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi immediately turned their gaze towards Guo Yun. Guo Yun also realized Mei Fangs intention and blushed.

Ah Fang Is this games protagonist based on Yun Yuns story?

Well to some extent, it definitely has Guo Yuns influence.

Mei Fang smiled and said, And considering the theme, I think Guo Yun has the artistic inspiration and expression for it. What do you think, Guo Yun?

I I I can give it a try. But Im not sure if I can do it well

Upon hearing this, Mei Fang immediately encouraged Guo Yun, saying, Dont worry, your aesthetics are already top-notch in my eyes. However, there will be a lot of art workload, so I think we might need to outsource some resources. Or maybe since you are studying art, see if you can find someone from your classmates who can help. Its easier to communicate when working together.

Should I ask for their help?

Mei Fang nodded and said to Guo Yun, Youll be the lead artist of our Ximilu Studio, so youll definitely need assistants to work together. I can help you by paying them wages. Also, let me give you an idea of how many art resources well need Let me think


Feeling a tinge of jealousy, Xia Yuan watched Mei Fang and Guo Yun chatting happily. However, she didnt let her jealousy show on her face.

She didnt want to disturb her beloved childhood sweethearts pursuit of his gaming dream.

Its true that Ah Fang likes music or sports like roller skating.

But what he truly loves, even to the point of surpassing his feelings for me and Youxi, is only gaming.

Just like Lin Youxi, Xia Yuan rested her cheek on her hand and quietly watched Mei Fang speak passionately.

During a break in the conversation between Mei Fang and Guo Yun about the art, Xia Yuan quickly brought over a cup of milk tea and fed it to him as if she were feeding a child.

Ah Fang, youre truly amazing.

You just decided on the game character, and youve already come up with a whole series of storylines.

Well this is just a preliminary concept. Implementing it will take a lot of time.

Lin Youxi looked at Mei Fang without saying a word, simply placing her hand on his leg.

She seemed to have the habit of wanting to touch Mei Fang, without any malicious intent, just occasionally caressing him. Mei Fang didnt say anything in response.

Mei Fang, upon seeing Guo Yuns character design, immediately thought of a game called GRIS[4], which is known as Graces Journey in Chinese.

It is a platformer adventure game with excellent puzzle design and storytelling. However, Mei Fang felt it still fell short of being a timeless masterpiece.

However, its art style can truly be called a masterpiece of the Ninth Art, and almost every scene can be considered wallpaper-worthy.

This time, Mei Fang didnt simply rely on his memory to copy that game, Graces Journey. Apart from its impressive art, he had almost forgotten the process and story himself, only retaining a vague impression.

The creative design of a game often involves the fusion of the game creators rich gaming experiences and some personal insights. Both aspects are almost indispensable.

In the process of conceptualizing this project, Mei Fang had already gathered excellent core elements from works such as Monument Valley, Celeste[5], GRIS, Journey[6], and Sky: Children of the Light[7] in his mind. Its something he could accomplish as a veteran game developer and lead designer, drawing upon his experience from previous life.

In fact, this was also Mei Fangs true cheatthe talent he hadnt been able to fully unleash in his previous life.

In this life, however, there were no bosses ordering Mei Fang to create garbage pay-to-win mobile games anymore.

Mei Fang didnt need to toil for meager wages anymore.

Now, Mei Fang was his own boss.

In addition to art, the design of music and sound effects will also be very important. This is where I need your help, Yuan Yuan. Mei Fang looked at Xia Yuan with a serious expression. Excellent music and art are both indispensable.

Xia Yuan nodded, her expression filled with tenderness. Ah Fang, you just tell me your requirements, and Ill fulfill them.

Lin Youxi, who had been quietly observing her beloved Ah Fang showcasing his passion and talent, finally spoke up:

C Site doesnt have much work to handle recently. I can take care of the programming design for this game. Ah Fang, you can focus your whole heart on the game concept.

That was my plan as well You truly understand me, Youxi.

Mei Fang finished speaking and turned his head to look at Xia Yuan and Guo Yun. Once were done with midterm exams, well have to start working hard on this game.

Oh, right Theres still the midterm exam!

Xia Yuan expressed surprise and a hint of anxiety, By the way, does the school rules mention anything? If if I dont perform well I wont be expelled directly from the school, right?

No, that wont happen Just perform at your usual level, and dont worry too much about grades.

Mei Fang gently patted Xia Yuans head, then smiled faintly. Think about it, isnt this the reason we originally chose to enroll in Jiangcheng NOHS?

Translator's Notes:

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