Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 166: Autumn Art Festival

Chapter 166: Autumn Art Festival

Every year, Jiangcheng NOHS holds numerous cultural performances every year, such as New Years Eve Gala, Halloween costume party, Christmas party, graduation party, recitation event, music concert, singing competition, and various club activities.

Among these events, the Autumn Art Festival is the most important one, as it is mandatory for all students and teachers to participate, except for the senior students.

In the past, the main participants in these cultural performances were mostly the second-year students. The first-year students, limited by not having close relationships among themselves yet, had fewer programs, mostly individual talent performances.

A trio performance like Mei Fangs, with three people playing together, was considered rare.

Therefore, when the homeroom teacher, Dong Zhongying, asked Mei Fang to introduce the program he had prepared, his classmates were shocked. After all, Mei Fang didnt have much presence in the class and was just a slightly handsome boy. They never expected him to be a guitar prodigy.

Because everyone was curious about what Mei Fang would perform for the Autumn Art Festival, many girls approached him to strike up a conversation one after another.

When Mei Fang was struggling to deal with these curious girls, Xiang Bingbing stepped in to help him.

Everyone, thats enough! Mei Fang still needs to prepare for the rehearsal. We only have two or three days left, so dont disturb him.

Since Xiang Bingbing lived in the same dormitory, she knew many of the girls in the class, and their relationships were good. The girls were willing to listen to her, so they gradually dispersed.

However, teasing remarks still lingered.

Bingbing, are you interested in Mei Fang? Thats why youre protecting him so much.

Its not like that.

Xiang Bingbing shook her finger and made clicking sounds with her tongue.

Its a promise between me and two other friends.

Its probably because Yuan Yuan and Youxi asked her to keep an eye on me

The accompaniment piece that Mei Fang and Xia Yuan submitted was accepted by the judging teachers on the same day. It was then handed over to the Organizing Committee of the Student Union, which was responsible for the lights, sounds, and other logistical matters for the entire Autumn Art Festival.

Finally, after several days of rehearsals, the day of the actual performance arrived.

This time, Mei Fang entrusted his expensive digital camera to Wan Chaoxiong and Xiang Bingbing, asking them to help him record the performance. Wan Chaoxiong was very interested in Mei Fangs camera and immediately agreed, on the condition that Mei Fang would lend him the camera to play with for two days.

The reason for entrusting Wan Chaoxiong was that he was now a somewhat famous content creator in the campus section of C Site. He had excellent video editing and post-production skills, and he promised Mei Fang to help edit the video himself.

As for asking Xiang Bingbing, it was because she was currently studying photography in the photography club and had some experience in it. This was also an opportunity for her to practice her skills.

Of course, another reason was that Xiang Bingbing had an excellent shooting perspectiveeven if others stood on stools, they probably still wouldnt be able to block her view when she stood up.

All the song performances participating in the art festival needed to wear performance outfits, which could be directly selected from the schools outfit room.

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi picked out a common male high school student uniform seen in Taiwanese idol dramas for Mei Fang. It consisted of a white shirt, black trousers, a small checkered tie, and a white sleeveless knitted sweater on top. They both were very satisfied with this outfit.

It really gives off the vibe of a male lead in an idol drama. Lin Youxi carefully tied Mei Fangs tie and smiled with satisfaction.

I wouldnt be happy to receive such a comment

Whats there to be unhappy about? Xia Yuan patted Mei Fangs shoulder. This is a compliment on your appearance. After today, our Ah Fang will surely catch the attention of many girls.

Mei Fang shook his head and disagreed with Xia Yuans view. The students at Jiangcheng NOHS are the smartest top students in the entire province. They dont have that much free time to think about dating.

Well, thats not necessarily true Thinking about dating doesnt necessarily have a direct relationship with academic performance. Its something that comes to mind when you reach a certain age. Theres already a public couple in our class, He Cheng and Zhao Xin. Everyone always sees them being lovey-dovey together. You know about them, right, Youxi?

Lin Youxi nodded. I know, they have been childhood sweethearts and started dating since elementary school.

Oh, isthat so? Arent they a bit too mature? Haha.

Lin Youxis words caused the three of them to fall into a brief silence. Then Xia Yuan clapped her hands to ease the atmosphere.

Uh, well lets go prepare todays performance outfits! I remember theres a set of the same style for female high school students as this male high school student uniform. Youxi, lets go change our clothes first.

Shortly after Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan left, Mei Fang began to seriously admire his appearance in the mirror.

After changing clothes, he indeed felt that his whole aura was different.

His delicate face exuded a clean and sunny temperament, not at all like a workaholic who would suddenly drop dead at any moment.

Hmm Was I this handsome in my past life?

Mei Fang indulged in a bit of self-admiration, absentmindedly glancing to the side while rubbing his chin.

Then he saw Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi peering at him with their heads tilted.

Mei Fangs face immediately turned red, and he scolded them, Hurry up and change your clothes!

Were leaving, were leaving! Ah Fangs dark history is adding up!

Do you really need to keep a record of my embarrassing past?

Listening to Xia Yuans chattering voice, Mei Fang couldnt help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly.

Now, Ive really completely immersed myself in the age of 15

Aside from his experience, the aggression and desire for money that Mei Fang had as an adult in the past have now almost completely diminished.

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi were becoming increasingly adorable and mature. Mei Fang was finding it harder to control the youthful throbbing within him, perhaps as a result of hormonal secretion.

His actual psychological age could not be crudely calculated by something like 26+10. Instead, it was more of a regression at this point.

Mei Fang considered this to be a good thing. It allowed him to relax and better enjoy his rejuvenated youth.

The performance of the ninth program had ended, and the four hosts dressed in gorgeous gowns began to introduce Mei Fang and the others.

Youth is like a guitar, playing the strings of our hearts. The wonderful guitar, with its versatile melodies, plays our purest wishes from our teenage years.

Its about distant dreams, pure longing, genuine friendship, and love. Now, please enjoy the guitar performance of Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi from first years Class 3 and Mei Fang from first years Class 5!

As the stage lights focused in the center, the venue filled with the accompaniment melody. Accompanied by a lively tune, Xia Yuan, wearing a JK uniform with a checkered blouse, walked slowly to the center of the stage while playing guitar.

Where will there be a small bridge and flowing water Gurgling to wash away the dust.

Where can we find flowing streams washing away the dust with a splash.

Xia Yuan had performed this song at the summer camp closing ceremony before, but it was the first time the local students of Jiangcheng heard it, so naturally, they found it novel.

Moreover, this time Xia Yuan added accompaniment, including some vocal harmonies (recorded by Mei Fang). Xia Yuans proficiency in this song and her stage experience had also improved significantly. As soon as she appeared on stage, she received cheers from the audience, indicating that she had gained a small group of supporters from the previous summer camp closing ceremony.

However, some students expressed dissatisfaction:

The first song is the same as before, and the next one will probably be Remembrance of Lanshan, right Although theres a significant difference with the accompaniment, it doesnt feel particularly unique

Lets not rush, there are still two more people to perform, right?

As they were discussing, the accompanying music seamlessly transitioned to the melody of Remembrance of Lanshan. Xia Yuan gently strummed her guitar and took a step back, while the stage lights dimmed and shifted with Lin Youxis entrance.

As the class monitor of first years Class 3, Lin Youxi immediately triggered cheers from her classmates. They had already been enthusiastic when Xia Yuan appeared, but seeing their usually serious and composed class monitor take the stage to sing, they became even more excited.

Did you see that? Thats our class monitor! Can your class monitor do something like this?

On the stage, Lin Youxi truly showcased her gentle and delicate side through the song Remembrance of Lanshan.

Her usual voice was always on the rational and cold side like a young lady, devoid of any emotion. But today it had become somewhat soft and melancholic.

Before the decision to perform in this art festival, Mei Fang was one of the few who had only seen this side of her

Embracing the fireflies under the moonlight, Illuminating the loneliness on a piece of paper

Recalling what you said, that you loved me

This song was originally a gift from Mei Fang to Lin Youxi. She had also recited this poem in front of her mothers grave. Now, after being adapted into a song, her level of immersion into it naturally deepened further.

Xia Yuan stood behind Lin Youxi, gently strumming her guitar. The simple and melodious tones were the perfect accompaniment to her clean and clear voice.

Mei Fang secretly breathed a sigh of relief from the backstage.

Lin Youxis performance was just as perfect as she was in the rehearsals, without a hint of stage fright.

The applause and noise gradually subsided as the melody of the third song began to play, and Xia Yuan, strumming the guitar, stepped forward.

After adjusting their earpieces slightly, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi held hands and swayed their bodies to the beat.

Xia Yuan: The first time I saw you, I didnt like you very much.

Lin Youxi: Who knew our relationship would become so close later on.

In this song, the two of them sang in an alternating manner, with each taking turns for a line. However, during the climax of the bridge, they sang together.

If it werent for you, I wouldnt believe

A friend is more loyal than a lover.

Even if Im busy with love, freezing you in ice.

You wouldnt hate me, just scold me a few times.

As Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi sang, they held hands and smiled at each other.

The two of them had been friends who had been inseparable for ten years. Their sweetness far exceeded that of ordinary friends, and singing this song was no different from pouring out their hearts. Although the audience couldnt see clearly from the stage, their actions and sideways glances revealed their affection for each other.

If it werent for you, I wouldnt be sure.

A friend understands better than a lover.

My unspoken words, my unintentional words.

I cant be without Darling, and I cant be without you.

After the climax of the ending, Xia Yuan put down her guitar and suddenly approached Lin Youxi, tightly embracing her.

This isntpart of the planned segment, is it?

Lin Youxi was initially surprised, but knowing Xia Yuans emotional nature, she didnt refuse. Instead, she hugged Xia Yuan back and gently patted her back to comfort her.

The two of them embraced sweetly on stage, instantly sparking thunderous applause from the audience.

Great! Girls hugging each other!

Whether they were girls or boys, no one disliked seeing girls hugging each other!

The strong reaction from the audience made Mei Fang quite nervous.

After all, this was his first time stepping onto a real stage.

Just now, Lin Youxi also had her first time, but the aura she displayed was not much different from Xia Yuans.

Exhaling deeply, Mei Fang watched Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi tightly embracing each other on stage.

He had always believed that Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan were girls far superior to him.

Whether it was in terms of abilities, talents, or appearance

And he, on the other hand, only able to form such a deep connection with them by taking advantage of his knowledge from his previous life and the unexpected luck of being reborn.

This sense of inferiority and insecurity, although not directly manifested in Mei Fangs words and actions on a daily basis, had always been deeply buried in his heart.

Therefore, whether it was learning how to play guitar or stepping onto the stage

For Mei Fang, apart from fulfilling regrets from his past life, it was more of a competition of effort.

His past experiences had already proven that he was a person with average talent and no outstanding abilities. Apart from gaming and rollerblading, he had no talent in other areas.

Bitcoin had already given him financial freedom, so he didnt have an absolute need to study hard, learn to code or learn music.

Yet, he always strived to try more things and achieve corresponding accomplishments.

Mei Fang could only strive desperately.

Strive to grow.

Because only then could he truly grow into a sufficiently outstanding man.

To become

A man worthy of them.

Under the illumination of the spotlights, Mei Fang slowly walked onto the stage while playing a gentle melody.

Within his line of sight were nearly 3,000 students from the first and second years.

In this packed venue, countless eyes were watching his entrance.

His entrance did not receive the same enthusiastic cheers and applause as Xia Yuans and Lin Youxis. Only a few loud cheers from Xiang Bingbing and sporadic words of encouragement from his classmates were heard from the audience.

But that didnt matter.

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi were still holding hands.

At this moment, both of them turned their heads back in unison, watching Mei Fang, clenching their fists to cheer him on.

Because they were also witnessing Mei Fang, their childhood sweetheart, fulfilling his long-held dream.

Then, they turned back, released each others hands, and placed their hands on their chests.

I know you still love me

Even though weve accepted the reasons for our separation

You know how heartbroken I am

So even until the end, you smile and cheer me on

I know you still cant let me go

Thats why when you left, you closed your eyes and didnt look back

I promise you Ill live well

Not letting these tears flow in vain

There was a significance behind Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi choosing this song that even Mei Fang was unaware of.

This song represents a separation, though it did not actually occur during the period they spent together in reality.

However, it almost happened.

It was during the time when Mei Fangs father, Mei Lijun, was promoted and they had to move.

During their childhood, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi had both thought about how painful and sad it would be to lose Mei Fang, their best childhood playmate.

But they did not accept parting ways as calmly as the protagonist in this song.

They chose to strive together instead.

To fight for a solution that avoided separation.

To fight for a solution that kept them all together.

The scene of them where they cried and begged Mei Fangs mother, Xiang Xiaoxia, was their most unforgettable childhood memory

After they finished their emotional performance with rich feelings, everyone gave them warm applause.

This applause belonged not only to Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi but also to Mei Fang, who played the gentle and melancholic tune as the supporting role.

Finally it was time for him to face the stage alone.

As the relatively lively melody started playing, the spotlight shone on Mei Fang, and he quickly got into the rhythm, starting his guitar performance.

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi slowly stepped back, but they didnt retreat behind the curtain. They just moved to the sides of the stage behind Mei Fang, gently swaying to the melody.

Theyare not leaving the stage?

Mei Fang softly sang the cheerful lyrics while glancing at Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi. They simply squinted their eyes and sweetly smiled at Mei Fang.

Is this their secret plan to make sure I dont get nervous and lose my focus?

How much do they not trust my performance level?

Mei Fang smiled as he sang the song and got into the rhythm.

Im willing to be by your side, shielding you from rain and wind

Ill walk with you on the road ahead

Im willing to offer myself as a gift and be your exclusive universe

Holding you in my arms, dancing without a care in the world

As Mei Fang finished his guitar performance and singing, which surprised everyone as they had initially thought he was just an accompanist, it sparked enthusiastic discussions.

What song is this? Its so good!

It feels like an original song. If its true then this guy is really talented!

Oh my, its so sweet and lovely! I want a boyfriend like him too!

What class is this guy in? Did you hear it earlier? Please introduce him to me!

Mei Fang received thunderous applause. Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi ran up to him and held his hands. The three of them took their final bow together.

And thus, the Autumn Art Festival, belonging to Mei Fang and the others, came to an end.


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