Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 162: Youxis Dark History

Chapter 162: Youxis Dark History

On the evening of the second day after registering for the Autumn Art Festival, Mei Fang, Xia Yuan, and Lin Youxi went together to participate in the performance selection.

The audition venue was a small auditorium in the schools western area. By the time the three of them arrived, there was already a long queue. Everyone attached great importance to this art festival and had made many preparations.

While waiting in line, Xia Yuan kept playing with Mei Fangs hair.

Ah Fang, are you nervous?

Nervous? What is there to be nervous about? Just do well.

Well there are so many people here, and its your first time performing on stage. You must be nervous, right?

Xia Yuan hugged Mei Fangs neck from behind and smiled at him. If you need to replenish your energy, I can help you, you know?

I dont need to be like someone who was scared to death before going on stage. I think its actually you whos nervous, not me.

Haha how could that be? Dont believe me? Ask Youxi and see whos nervous, me or Ah Fang. Youxi, what do you say?

Let me try.

Lin Youxi placed her hands on Mei Fang and Xia Yuans chests at the same time.

Between the two of you, Ah Fangs heartbeat is faster.

See, I told you!

What does a fast heartbeat prove? Its just because some people naturally have a faster heartbeat

At this moment, Xia Yuan noticed a slight change in Lin Youxis expression. She didnt respond to what Mei Fang said and instead leaned against Lin Youxis chest to listen for a while.

Youxibe honest, are you more nervous than us?

Youxi is here to cheer us on, why would she be nervous?

As soon as Mei Fang finished speaking, Lin Youxi nodded slightly.

To be honest a little bit.

Ah? Are you going on stage to perform too? I thought you were just here to support me and Yuan Yuan.

Xia Yuan hugged Lin Youxis neck and grumbled, Who said that Youxi cant go on stage? Ah Fang, youre underestimating her.

No wonder you refused to tell me the song youre performing. So this is the reason behind it.

Although Lin Youxi said she was nervous, she appeared calm and composed to others. Only Mei Fang and Xia Yuan could sense the gravity behind Lin Youxis serious expression.

She held onto Mei Fangs clothes and rested her forehead against his back.

Mei Fang and Xia Yuan exchanged glances.

How about this, Ah Fang? Why dont you take care of Youxi? Take her out for some fresh air and relax. Ill continue waiting in line for you. Its okay, anyway, theyre just calling numbers, and it will take a while.


Mei Fang was pulled out of the auditorium by Lin Youxi, who was holding onto the hem of his clothes.

Actually, their playful behavior in such a public place had already attracted some attention. However, since there didnt seem to be any familiar students around, they didnt pay much attention to others gazes.

Mei Fang led Lin Youxi outside. They stopped at a small convenience store nearby. Mei Fang went to buy some chewing gum and water for Lin Youxi. Lin Youxi sat on a bench and took deep breaths.

Is it really that nerve-wracking?

Its rare to see Youxi like this.

Mei Fang sat down with Lin Youxi and then helped her twist open the bottle cap and handed her the water bottle.

Did you force yourself to perform on stage with Yuan Yuan? Are you still accommodating Yuan Yuan like you used to?

Im not really forcing myself. I already promised Yuan Yuan. Now Im just making up for the things I didnt do during our childhood.

Lin Youxi took a small sip and then explained, Yuan Yuan has always wanted to perform with me since elementary school. We never had a chance to fulfill that promise, but now is a good opportunity. Besides


Lin Youxi smiled faintly, Because I saw how hard youve been working to get on stage, I thought I also wanted to experience that feeling with you guys.

In middle school, Lin Youxi also enjoyed listening to music. Mei Fang even gifted her an MP3 player. Even now, she still carries the MP3 player that she and Mei Fang exchanged with her at all times.

Mei Fang could understand that feeling of not wanting to be left behind. After all, this was similar to Xia Yuans situation before, who clearly wasnt good at science but still stubbornly wanted to take the science experimental class exam.

I roughly understand your thoughts. It doesnt seem like youre forcing yourself. But Youxi, since you always work so hard, so you should be well-prepared, right? I dont think theres anything to worry about.

Theres a difference between being well-prepared and not being nervous. Like Yuan Yuan just said after hearing my heartbeat, Im really nervous Why dont you give it a try too, to know if my heartbeat is fast enough, if Im nervous or not?

As Lin Youxi spoke, she reached out and placed Mei Fangs hand against her chest, scaring Mei Fang, who quickly pulled his hand away.

Ah, no, no, no! Thats not possible!

Seeing Mei Fangs awkward appearance, Lin Youxi couldnt help but burst into laughter.

Just kidding.

How can you joke like that?! You idiot You almost scared me to death. You really made me nervous. Ill go buy a bottle of water too.

Mei Fang was about to get up and go to the store, but Lin Youxi pulled him back.

Why waste your money? Ive only had a few sips. Just drink mine.

Lin Youxi handed the water bottle to Mei Fang. Or is it that you feel embarrassed? Werent we always using the same cup casually since we were kids? Now youre starting to mind?

Its not that of course, I dont mind. Give it to me.

Mei Fang took the water bottle that Lin Youxi handed over and took a gulp.

Although he said he didnt mind, being watched intently by Lin Youxi as he drank water still stirred up some complex feelings.

I suddenly remembered the water-drinking game we used to play before. Do you remember? When Yuan Yuan went to her grandmothers house during summer vacation We had nothing to do and competed in that game.

I remember Of course, I remember. You were really mischievous back then Oh, by the way, who won in the end? It was me, right?

Lin Youxi shook her head with a smile, It was me.

What?! How is that possiblethat I would lose to a little girl like you.

I cheated back then. I didnt let you drink more water.

Oh That explains it.

By the way to help the two of us relax a bit, Ill tell you my interesting little secret about that water-drinking competition.

What? What is it? Tell me

Sit down, and Ill tell you quietly.

Mei Fang sat down next to Lin Youxi, and she leaned against his shoulder, whispering softly in his ear: During the water-drinking competition that day, when it reached the final round Do you remember that I hurriedly went to the restroom? Well, at that time, I actually had a little[1]

Lin Youxis words immediately startled Mei Fang.

Th-Thats it! No wonder at that time

Lin Youxi interrupted Mei Fang and, in a serious tone, reminded him, Ive kept this secret for a long time, and I havent told anyone else. Now, youre the only one who knows.

Well after all, we were just kids back then. Its understandable. Back then, I also wet my bed and people started calling me the bed-wetting king after that.


Lin Youxi grabbed Mei Fangs arm, pursed her lips, smiled, and then restrained her smile.

Anyway, now only you know this dark history of mine. If theres a third person lets say if Yuan Yuan finds out about this, how do you think I should punish you?

Youyou have the final say. My mouth is sealed tight. I absolutely wont let a word slip!

Thats for the best.

Lin Youxi reached out and tapped Mei Fangs mouth, reminding him again not to leak the secret.

But after sharing this piece of dark history with you, do you feel less pressure about the performance now?

Huh? So, you were actually trying to comfort me?!

Lin Youxi seemed a bit annoyed after hearing that, What else did you expect? Do you really think Id be nervous? How little do you know me?! If you dont believe me, why dont you try and feel my heartbeat?

No, no! Lets lets go and prepare for the performance!

Mei Fang pushed Lin Youxi back to the auditorium.

Translator's Notes:

  1. She wet her pants.
  2. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.-->

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