Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 133: Im Very Strong

Chapter 133: Im Very Strong

On the first day of the summer camp at Jiangcheng NOHS, Mei Fang and his classmates quickly got acquainted with each other.

After the homeroom teacher arrived and delivered a speech, acknowledging everyones past achievements, the teacher also emphasized that Jiangcheng NOHS was a gathering place for elites. The teacher encouraged everyone to step out of their comfort zones and approach things from different perspectives.

After the homeroom teacher finished speaking, the teacher also encouraged students to come up and introduce themselves. If anyone wanted to be the temporary class monitor, they could mention it during their self-introduction.

Most of these outstanding students had served as class monitors during middle school, and they were not shy about showcasing their leadership qualities in the new environment. Out of the ten students who went on stage to speak, four expressed their desire to serve their classmates as the class monitor.

Of course, Mei Fang had no such intention. He just said a few casual words, mentioning his hobbies of gaming, playing guitar, and rollerblading, before stepping down from the podium.

However, as he descended, Mei Fang noticed that some girls were whispering to each other while he was speaking, showing apparent interest in him.

Just an illusion, right? Yeah, it must be an illusion.

Mei Fang sat down in his seat, and Xiang Bingbing looked at him with admiration. So, you know how to play guitar?

Well I can play a little bit, Mei Fang replied.

Im envious of people who know music. I wish I could listen to you play sometime!

Well I didnt bring my guitar this time, but next time for sure. Mei Fang responded to the excited Xiang Bingbing.


After the self-introductions and the selection of class monitor, the homeroom teacher led the students on a tour of the school. Along the way, they could see other classes also touring. Mei Fang ran into Xia Yuan from Class 6 during the tour.

Xia Yuan was not shy at all and enthusiastically waved at Mei Fang. Mei Fang waved back, and the boy walking in front of Mei Fang, Yu Wentao, curiously asked, Is she someone you know? Shes so pretty.

Mhm Mei Fang nodded.

Wow, can you introduce me to her?

Lets see if theres an opportunity in the future, haha.

Mei Fang laughed it off and changed the subject.

Although he temporarily avoided trouble, Mei Fang couldnt help but feel a little worried.

Even though the three of them were living together now, he couldnt help but feel a bit uneasy when they werent in the same class

Our Xia Yuan is so cute. Although Im not worried that shell change her heart, Im sure shell catch someones attention!

As Xia Yuan greeted Mei Fang, she also quickly scanned Mei Fangs classmates, especially the girls.

That girl is kinda cute That girl wow, shes so tall! That girl shes too intimate when talking to Ah Fang! Shes so close and those girls over there

Those girls are whispering and looking at Ah Fangs back. They are clearly up to no good.

How infuriating, our Ah Fang is being coveted by others!

My Ah Fangs super energy is rapidly draining!

Xia Yuan had a pouty face and was thinking about how to replenish Ah Fangs super energy under the watchful eyes of Liang Meijuan and Lin Youxi later.

After touring the school, the next activity was the opening ceremony of the summer camp in the auditorium. There, they were receiving campus introductions from senior students and earnest guidance from teachers and school leaders.

Mei Fang, sitting on his assigned seat, noticed that Lin Youxi was sitting right behind him. He was a bit confused as to why Class 2 and Class 9 were seated together.

But he didnt think too much about it and just greeted her before continuing to listen to the speech.

During the speech, Director Pan mentioned, There are three things that harm the physical and mental health of high school students: puppy love, internet, and mobile phones. Dont try it, dont take chances. Just like XD[1], do not touch it; whoever touches will get hurt.

At Jiangcheng No.1 High School, you will soon realize that you are no longer the invincible person you were in middle school.

We should learn to appreciate others achievements with an unbiased perspective, seek support from others with an open mind, and learn to cooperate with others with humility

While Director Pan was speaking, there were whispers among the students downstairs:

Didnt they say that Jiangcheng NOHS is the best place for romance? Why arent they allowing puppy love?

Well, which school would allow that? Its something that shouldnt be openly discussed

Oh, I see. Its just for show.

By the way, did you work so hard to get into this school just for a relaxed dating environment?

Haha, no, I was just asking casually

Dont try to make excuses! I seriously doubt your motivation for studying now.

Mei Fang was dozing off with his chin on his hand, when someone kicked the back of his chair.

Whats wrong?

Mei Fang turned his head in confusion, and Lin Youxi gently mouthed the words to remind him:

Pay attention and listen.

Ah, I know, I know.

Youxi is clearly addicted to being the class monitor. Were not even in the same class anymore yet she still wants to monitor and control me.

Mei Fang listened for a while but started to doze off again. When Lin Youxi noticed, she kicked his chair again, but this time, because of the gap between the auditorium chairs, she accidentally hit Mei Fangs buttocks, startling him.

Mei Fang rubbed his buttocks and fiercely glared at Lin Youxi, while Lin Youxi pretended to listen attentively and ignored Mei Fang. However, her ears had visibly turned red.

Pretending to be innocent, just wait until we get back, Ill teach you a lesson

In the morning, they mostly attended various meetings. At noon, they used their meal cards in the largest cafeteria of Jiangcheng NOHS. Since Xiang Bingbing couldnt use her arm properly, Mei Fang helped her carry the tray.

Wow wow wow!!! The food sold in this school cafeteria is so abundant, Im overwhelmed!

Xiang Bingbing happily ate her wonton soup. Mei Fang, let me tell you, Im so glad I chose this school!

Ah really?

Mei Fang actually didnt want to get too close to Xiang Bingbing. If Xia Yuan suddenly appeared out of nowhere, he would probably have to kneel on the washboard.[2]

But it cant be helped since she has an injured arm. I am her deskmate, so its just a small favor. And she probably wouldnt suddenly come up with some weird request for me like feeding her, right?

Mei Fang, can you do me another favor?

Xiang Bingbing suddenly shouted at Mei Fang, startling him.

W-What is it?

Xiang Bingbing took out her meal card and handed it to Mei Fang. Can you buy another bowl of wonton soup for me? Ill buy you snacks later.

I dont need snacks, how can you eat so much?

Xiang Bingbing wiped her mouth and smiled. Where I come from, its considered a blessing for girls to eat a lot!

Uh okay.

Mei Fang took Xiang Bingbings meal card and bought another bowl of wonton soup for her at the cafeteria. As he walked back to his seat with the soup, he was startled by what he saw:

Xiang Bingbing was sitting next to Xia Yuan, and Lin Youxi was sitting across from them. At first glance, the two of them seemed to be harmoniously chatting with Xiang Bingbing, who was also smiling and talking to them.

This forest girl, who came from Shennongjia, had a very innocent mind. She couldnt perceive the intense hostility and intent to harm emanating from the other two of girls like Mei Fang could.

When Xiang Bingbing saw Mei Fang holding the bowl of wonton soup and standing to the side, she immediately waved at him excitedly. Mei Fang, Mei Fang, over here! Ah, it hurts so much

Xiang Bingbing had a painful expression when she subconsciously tried to stretch her injured arm, but when Mei Fang arrived with the wonton soup, she showed a joyful expression and started devouring it.

Haha what a coincidence, how come you two are here? Didnt we agree to eat separately for lunch?

As Mei Fang was speaking, Lin Youxi directly placed her hand on Mei Fangs waist, while Xia Yuan rested her chin on her both hands, tilting her head and smiling at Mei Fang:

Of course, we miss Ah Fang, so we came to find you.

Oh, you guys have such a great relationship. Truly childhood sweetcough, cough, cough

Xiang Bingbing struggled to speak while her mouth was full. She almost choked and started pounding her chest, which startled Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, who were prepared to interrogate Mei Fang. They quickly handed her water to help her swallow.

Phew Im revived!

Xiang Bingbing wiped her mouth and rubbed her belly with a satisfied expression. I ate so much, Im so full.

Xiang Bingbing continued talking, This school is really great. The environment is nice, the cafeteria food is delicious, and my classmates are so kind to me. Its amazing!

Xiang Bingbing exclaimed happily, I was worried that coming alone from the countryside, people would look down on me or isolate me. But that thought was so naive, hahaha!

You Did you come alone?

Xiang Bingbing nodded, We only have one middle school in our town, and there are only about a hundred students in my grade. Im the only one who came to Jiangcheng to study.

Your arm isnt healed yet. Dont your family members come to take care of you?

No, my parents are forest rangers. It was already difficult for them to take time off to send me here. I dont want to disturb their work.

Xia Yuan had noticed the close relationship between Mei Fang and his new deskmate earlier when they were touring the campus. This time, she specifically came with Lin Youxi to find out more the details.

But hearing how Xiang Bingbing was enduring such hardships while still maintaining a cheerful personality, Xia Yuan lost her intention of asserting dominance over her.

Xia Yuan shook her head, Then you really have it tough

Its okay, its okay. Its just inconvenient with my arm injured, so I often have to trouble Mei Fang to help me.

Hes your deskmate, so its only natural!

Xia Yuans words made Mei Fang raise multiple question marks on his head: Yuan Yuan, you clearly didnt come here to make friends!

Xiang Bingbing smiled, Haha, its not like that. But dont worry, we Shennongjia people are very loyal!

After I get my cast off, if anyone needs my help, no matter how dirty or tiring the work is, I can do it! Dont underestimate me just because Im a girl. Im very strong, and Im unbeatable in arm wrestling in our hometown.

Xiang Bingbing waved her arm that wasnt in a cast, but it looked pale and tender, without much muscle.

Seeing everyones half-believing expressions, Xiang Bingbing blushed and quickly raised her hand to gesture towards Mei Fang. If you dont believe it, Mei Fang, lets compare right now. I can win against you even with just one arm! Come on, lets try!

No need, no need We can tell!

To prevent this girl from breaking both her arms, everyone quickly expressed their affirmation of Xiang Bingbings strength.

Translator's Notes:

  1. XD has many different meanings in Chinese internet slang. One is obviously the emoji, but in this case, the director is probably referring to drugs.
  2. Im not entirely sure but its said that its the traditional Chinese punishment for children and cheating husbands.
  3. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.-->

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