Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 130: Scenery of Their Hometown

Chapter 130: Scenery of Their Hometown

After the group finished exploring the temple halfway up the mountain, only the mountain-top plank road of Wuzu Temple remained to be visited.

It seems theres another ancient ancestral temple up the mountain. Once we finish climbing the path, we can descend from the other side, Mei Fang explained.

Ah do we still have to go? Du Zihan panted heavily. I I cant walk anymore. You guys go ahead.

Du Zihan, you really need to exercise more. Otherwise, girls wont like you if youre like this, Peng Xue teased.

Why do I care if girls like me or not

Du Zihan argued back, then patted his butt and stood up, showing an intention to join everyone.

Ah, this is too harsh

Yue Xinyi watched Du Zihan stand up under Peng Xues encouragement and suddenly felt a bit sorry for this chubby boy who was being toyed with by Peng Xue.

Lin Youxi wasnt feeling great today, and Guo Yun approached her to chat.

Class Monitor, can you still walk? If youre really tired, you can rest here, and Ill accompany you, Guo Yun offered.

Lin Youxi shook her head. Its okay, Im feeling much better now.

Guo Yun felt bitter inside. Why was it so difficult to find a good excuse not to climb the mountain? Climbing was indeed a strenuous physical activity for a chubby person like her. The group hadnt climbed many steps yet, but Guo Yun and Du Zihan were already left far behind. Guo Yun didnt like to burden others, so she made an effort to climb a few more steps.

Its alright, take your time!

Xia Yuan walked down the steps and patiently encouraged Guo Yun. Everyone will wait for you. Just go at your own pace.


Encouraged by Xia Yuan, Guo Yun regained some strength and managed to catch up, albeit barely.

The zigzagging plank road to the mountaintop was filled with laughter and chatter.

The noisiest ones on the road were Peng Xue and Yue Xinyi. The two would often playfully quarrel over trivial matters. Typically, it was Xue Peng provoking Yue Xinyi first.

Xia Yuan was mostly holding hands with Lin Youxi while walking. Occasionally, she would move closer to Mei Fang, pointing at the distant scenery and saying some playful words. During these moments, Zhang Ming beside Mei Fang would tactfully step aside.

Guo Yun and Du Zihan were in the third group, but as everyones energy dwindled, the two gradually fell behind in the latter part of the climb.

Guo Yun, not wanting to be a burden, tried to climb a few more steps and ended up catching up with Mei Fang and the others.

Phew we finally reached the mountaintop! Peng Xue stretched out.

Ah, is this already the mountaintop? Yue Xinyi wiped the sweat off her forehead. Why does it still feel like were halfway up the mountain?

Didnt you climb enough? If you didnt, you can run back down and climb some more!

I dont want to! If you want to climb, then climb on your own.

Peng Xue and Yue Xinyi were bickering, but when they saw Mei Fang and Xia Yuan standing together, gazing at the distant scenery and talking, they both quieted down involuntarily.

Peng Xue, who do you think Mei Fang will choose in the end?

Choose? I cant really tell.

Peng Xue shook her head. But their relationship is so good. Talking about choosing feels cruel.

It cant be that he wont choose anyone, right? That would be too strange.

Whats so strange about that Because he doesnt want to hurt anyone, he might choose a third party. Its not impossible, right?

Dont tell me youre actually thinking you have a chance, do you?

Peng Xue chuckled mischievously. Although I really want to tease you, I dont want to make Yuan Yuan unhappy.

She suddenly showed a gentle smile, Besides, based on what I know about Mei Fang, I dont think he can see any other girl besides those two for the rest of his life.

Thats true. Yue Xinyi nodded. After all, the three of them have known each other for almost 10 years.

Guo Yun, who was listening to their conversation, unintentionally glanced at Mei Fangs tall figure.

As a self-aware chubby girl who knew her own limitations, she had never harbored any inappropriate thoughts about Mei Fang. But Mei Fang was a very special existence to her. He had solidified her determination to pursue her art dream.

If I could become a companion who follows Mei Fang, it would be a wonderful thing, wouldnt it? But first, there are still many areas where I need to improve on

Guo Yun clenched her sweaty hands and made a resolution she had never made before.

The scenery at the mountaintop of Wuzu Temple was not particularly unique.

In front of them was a panoramic view of the temple complex composed of pavilions and buildings, with tourists at the foot of the mountain flowing like ants. To the west, there was a golden field of rapeseed flowers, giving off a strong rural atmosphere. To the east, there were layered mountains and valleys, stretching as far as the eye could see.

Looking from the far end of the northwest corner, one could see the Yangtze River dividing the town into two halves.

One half consisted of low-rise buildings, and the other half also consisted of low-rise buildings

There was no landmark or iconic building worth mentioning in Baimei County.

Were about to leave this place, and I feel a little reluctant.

Xia Yuan held Mei Fangs arm and said, Ah Fang, you wont come back to this place except for the Lunar New Year, right?

I guess so

The beef noodles from Panji, the small baked potato, the barbecue at the Cultural Plaza, and the stir-fried ice cream at the entrance of Huangshan mall. Its going to be hard to eat them again, right?

We can still have them during Lunar New Year, but the stir-fried ice cream is impossible its only available in summer.

Summer is also a good time to come back.

Lin Youxi held onto Mei Fangs sleeve and said, Dont make it sound like you wont come back much in the future. Baizhou City is so close to here, you can come back whenever you want.

Thats right. I also want to see Xiaoya more, so that our relationship wont get estranged.

Lin Youxi nodded, I think so too. Xiaoyas studies wont go well without my supervision.

Well that shouldnt be a problem.

Mei Fang smiled faintly and then gazed at his hometown in the distance. Suddenly, he unconsciously started humming a song.

At the foot of the Dabie Mountains, by the Yangtze River, the future elites are thriving~~

Promoting the countrys development, cultivating sincerity, the great responsibility of Chinas takeoff is ours~~

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi looked at Mei Fang with strange expressions. This song sounds familiar. Is it the school hymn of our Experimental Middle School? Ive never heard our school having a school hymn before, though.

Its the school hymn of Baimei No.1 High School, Mei Fang smiled.

Lin Youxi looked surprised, How do you know the school hymn of that high school?

Sometimes when I pass by Baimei No.1 High School, I would occasionally hear it, and gradually, I learned it myself.

Mei Fang is always exceptionally talented in strange places.

Xia Yuan patted Mei Fangs shoulder, and then they began to admire the sunset scenery with him and Lin Youxi.

This was Baimei County, Mei Fangs hometown where he had lived two lifetimes. It wasnt a prosperous place, nor were the local customs particularly simple. The quality of local people was just average, and they were not especially warm and hospitable either.

In this era, there were still pickpockets on public buses, acquaintances would swindle you when taking you to shops, and buying groceries always meant receiving less than the weight paid for. Money dropped on the ground would never be found again.

But living another life made him develop a deeper affection for his hometown.

He underwent an extremely important turning point with his choices this time.

He gave up attending Baimei No.1 High School, which meant that the stories and connections he experienced in this school in his previous life, including those with Zhang Ming and other acquaintances, were basically cut off.

Subtly, he felt a bit reluctant and uncertain about the unknown future.

Even though he was now a small boss worth millions.

Of course, to speak fairly, people always strive for higher and greater places. Sentimentality for the past was not actually an admirable trait.

However, for Mei Fang, nostalgia was essentially a deeply rooted part of his personality.

That was also an important reason why he held such high regard for the long-lasting bonds he had formed.

While Du Zihan was still clumsily climbing to the mountaintop, Mei Fang suddenly turned around and gazed at these companions that he had befriended in middle school due to his karmic relationship with them in his past or present life.

I say I think everyone should know that Im making games now, right?

Ah, youre making games? Like game development? How come I didnt know?

Mei Fang rolled his eyes at Zhang Ming, Well, now you know. Be quiet and listen for now.


What I mean is I have already planned to make game development my lifelong career, and Yuan Yuan and Youxi already know about it.

Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi nodded, expressing their support.

What Im saying here is, if any of you are interested in this career, I would like to invite you to create games with me.

This way, even if we go to different places and are separated by vast distances, we can still have common topics and maintain our connection.

Mei Fang expressed his feelings in a very melodramatic way. Because of this sudden announcement, everyone was at a loss for how to respond at first. Only Xia Yuan led the way by starting to clap.

I will join! Ill always be by Ah Fangs side, helping him achieve his dreams.

Me too.

Lin Youxi patted Mei Fangs arm and joined in the applause.

Then, one by one, everyone started clapping.

Lets make games together. The one you asked me to help last time was quite interesting. Yue Xinyi nodded. Ill help you write things when I have time!

Besides game development, you can consider helping Youxi with other things.

Ah? What kind of things?

Youxi will tell you later.

Peng Xue pondered while supporting her cheek. I dont know what I can do in game development but it seems fun. Can you just count me in without doing any work for now? I want to be like Yuan Yuan and make music.

Thats not a problem. Yuan Yuan is already working on that.

Xia Yuan nodded. Maybe in the future, we can form a popular band or something?

Oh, that sounds great! Im in! Peng Xue was immediately captivated by Xia Yuans idea.

I have already been invited to help before Anyway, you can come to me for any drawings you need in the future.

Guo Yun vigorously nodded. As long as you dont dislike my work, Ill definitely help.

Thank you! Ill pay you for your work later.

Ah? I, I dont need money Just drawing is fun.

Then well keep in touch later.

Mei Fang smiled at Guo Yun.

Zhang Ming and the confused Du Zihan were quite shocked. Zhang Ming spoke first, Its the first time Ive heard that youre making games What genre is it?

Ill make games of all genres. If youre interested, Ill send you my current plan and have a look.

Mei Fang thought for a moment. But the pressure in the science experimental class is quite high, so I wont force you, okay?

Its okay. I think game development is quite interesting. The designs those idiot game planners create now are simply unbearable. They are like a pile of shit. My game design might even be better than theirs if I make one.

Im starting to feel a little offended by what you just said.

Mei Fang patted Zhang Mings shoulder. Lets see what level of game design you can come up with.

Du Zihan was very interested in Mei Fangs words but hesitated to speak up.

Um Can I join too?


Mei Fang suddenly froze when he saw Du Zihan. He almost forgot about this guy. He and Du Zihan only met by chance, and he didnt think Du Zihan could help him much, so he casually said, If youre interested, of course you can join. But you have to wait until after your entrance exam

Yeah, yeah. Im not bragging, but Im really good at playing games!

As Du Zihan spoke, he suddenly became excited. He took out his phone and showed everyone his achievements.

This is the hottest game right now, Flappy Bird. Im the number one in my friend list. Look at my score, see that? Invincible, right?

Du Zihan gradually regained his former arrogant demeanor. This was his original nature.

When Xia Yuan saw the game screen on Du Zihans phone, she couldnt help but exclaim in surprise.

Hey, hey, this game This is the game Ah Fang and Youxi made many years ago. And its so popular now!

Woah! Ive played this game too

Peng Xue took her phone, wearing an incredulous expression. You guys made this? You must have made a lot of money, right?

It was a free game we made for fun. Didnt earn much money.

Yue Xinyi immediately nodded. Great! We should sell the game we made recently for 20 yuan each download! No, it should be 100 yuan!

Zhang Ming became annoyed at her words. Yue Xinyi! I think youve been blinded by money. Youre one of those sh*tty developers who only think about scamming players for money every day, arent you?

Hey hey Whats wrong with making money!?

Whether it was the scenery of their hometown or the people from their hometown, everything was constantly changing, nobody would wait for you in the same place.

But if, in the process of striving forward, you could meet a group of like-minded friends, even if they didnt have the same outstanding talents or abilities as you, just being able to strive together with trustworthy companions was enough to be considered a joyful thing.


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