One Wild Night

Chapter 892 I Had No Idea

Chapter 892  I Had No Idea

Mia woke up early, the first rays of sunlight filtering through the curtains of her room. Her heart fluttered with excitement but she didn't smile for fear that Henry was watching her.

Jeff was under the same roof with her now, and the thought of seeing him first thing in the morning filled her with an almost childlike anticipation.

She freshened up quickly, splashing cold water on her face to shake off the remnants of sleep, and brushed her hair until it fell in soft waves around her shoulders.

She made her way downstairs, the house still quiet in the early morning hush. Her destination was the kitchen, ostensibly to get a glass of water, but in reality, she was hoping to catch a glimpse of Jeff.

The kitchen was a bustling scene, despite the early hour. Jeff was there, as she had hoped, standing at the stove preparing breakfast. Unfortunately, he  wasn't alone; the housekeeper, Margaret, and the cleaner, Mika, were also there, moving about with practiced efficiency.

"Good morning, Madam," Margaret and Mika greeted simultaneously when they saw her.

"Good morning Margaret. Mika," Mia replied, her voice soft but cheerful.

The moment Jeff  heard her voice, he looked up and his heart skipped a beat when he saw her. He managed a polite smile, though his eyes betrayed his joy at seeing her. "Good morning, Mrs Rosewood," he greeted warmly and she gave him a polite nod.

"I hope you're finding the kitchen to your taste?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Did you want something? What can I get for you, ma'am?" Margaret asked, her tone respectful and kind.

"Just a glass of water, please," Mia said, trying to keep her voice steady. She didn't want to seem too eager.

"I can get it for you," Margaret offered, already reaching for a glass.

"No need, I can get it myself. Thanks," Mia insisted, stepping towards the sink. She filled a glass with water, her hands steady despite the slight tremor of excitement. She took a sip, savoring the cold water as it slid down her throat, and then turned to leave.

Jeff tried not to let his gaze linger on her even though he knew she had come into the kitchen just to see him and say good morning in her own indirect way. The thought made his heart warm.

As soon as Mia left the kitchen, Mika remarked, "It's strange that she came in here to get the water herself. She could have easily asked for it."

Margaret nodded, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Yes, it is. But it's nice to see her taking an interest in the house again. I hope she stays. It would be good to have the rightful lady of the house back."

"I can't wait for the shameless lady to leave. She goes about giving orders like she owns the place. How can she remain here even when Mrs Rosewood is back? It irks me to see her talking to Mrs Rosewood rudely," Mika said, and Margaret nodded in agreement.

Jeff, overhearing the conversation, couldn't help but hide a smile. He was happy that even though Mia didn't know it yet, she had the support of the domestic staff.

As Mia sat down to breakfast with Henry and Diana a short while later, the atmosphere was tense but outwardly calm. Diana, ever the picture of composed elegance, was already seated, a delicate hand resting on her belly. Henry was his usual domineering self, his presence filling the room with an oppressive air.

"Vanessa," Diana said, her tone cordial, "after breakfast, we need to go shopping for the charity gala coming up next week. I had my outfit already, thinking I'd be escorting Henry, but since you are here, you need to get the right outfit, while I change mine. You should get ready."

Mia nodded, her expression neutral. "Of course."

Henry barely looked in Mia's direction, his attention focused entirely on Diana. He reached over to touch her hand tenderly. "How are you feeling this morning, darling?" he asked, his voice uncharacteristically gentle.

Diana gave a small smile, though it looked strained. "A bit nauseous. The sausage isn't sitting well with me."

Henry's eyes lit up with concern. "Perhaps you shouldn't eat it, then. You need to take care of yourself and our baby."

Diana turned to Mia with a small smile. "Yes, Mia, I suppose I should tell you. I'm pregnant."

Mia's heart clenched painfully. She forced a smile, though it felt like her face might crack under the strain. "Congratulations," she said, her voice barely above a whisper as she glanced at Henry, who was gazing at Diana with a look of adoration that made her stomach turn.

His face was a mask of joy, a look Mia had never seen directed at her during their marriage. She felt a wave of bitterness wash over her. She had suffered two miscarriages, each one more devastating than the last, and had almost lost her life after Henry's violent outburst during her last pregnancy. Now, here he was, expecting a child with his mistress.

It wasn't jealousy. Nah. She wasn't jealous of Diana one bit. Even though a part of her was glad that she didn't have the child of a monster like Henry, the pain of her loses was still raw.

What he had done to her still pained her deeply and seeing him this happy made her bitter.

She felt a deep, aching bitterness. And the injustice of it all made her want to scream, but she kept her composure, her smile fixed in place.

"Thank you, Vanessa," Diana said pleasantly, "I hope you understand how important this is for Henry and me. And I hope you wouldn't stress me too much now that you know about my condition."

"Of course," Mia said again, her voice hollow.

Breakfast continued in strained silence. Mia picked at her food, her appetite gone. She felt trapped, suffocated by the oppressive atmosphere and the weight of her own emotions. Finally, she pushed her plate away, unable to eat another bite.

"I'm going to get ready for the shopping trip," she announced, standing up.

"Good idea," Henry said dismissively, not even looking up from his conversation with Diana.

Mia left the dining room, her heart heavy. She made her way back to her room, her mind racing. She needed to clear her head, to find a way to navigate the tangled mess of her emotions. She couldn't let Henry and Diana see how much the news of the pregnancy was getting to her.

Once in her room, she closed the door and leaned against it, taking a deep breath.

What did this new development mean for her plans? Could she bring herself to harm Henry if he was expecting a child? Could she render an innocent child fatherless?

Walking over to the mirror, she took off her clothes and turned so she could see the scars on her back, and then she straightened.

She wouldn't waver in her plans. Although the wicked part of her hoped that Diana would lose the pregnancy so that Henry would understand the lose of one's baby, she didn't wish such pain on anyone, especially not on Diana whose only fault was falling in love with a monster like Henry Rosewood.

She sat down at her vanity, staring at her reflection. Her eyes looked tired, haunted by memories of the past and fears for the future. But there was also a spark of determination there, a flicker of resilience that refused to be extinguished.

Mia took a deep breath. She had to stay strong. For herself, and for the future she hoped to build. With Jeff under the same roof, she knew that everything was going to be alright.

As she rose and began to get ready for the day, her thoughts remained on Jeff. She was glad now that Jeff that insisted on living here with her.

Things would have been much harder for her if he wasn't here to reassure her with his presence. His presence in the house was a comfort, a reminder that she wasn't alone. She could face whatever challenges lay ahead, as long as she had him by her side. And one day, she hoped, she would be free of Henry's control, free to live her life on her own terms.

Mia finished getting ready and took a moment to collect herself before heading to the living room. She had a long day ahead of her, and she needed to stay focused.

As she approached the living room, she reminded herself that she was stronger than she felt, and that no matter what happened, she would find a way to survive.

When she reached the living room, she found Diana waiting for her, looking impatient. "Ready?" Diana asked, her tone brisk.

"Yes," Mia replied, forcing a smile. "Let's go."

The two women left the house, the tension between them was tangible. As they got into the car and drove away, Mia looked out the window, her thoughts far away. She was determined to get out of this nightmare, to reclaim her life and her happiness. And with Jeff by her side, she knew she could do it.

A short while later, Mia and Diana made their way through the upscale boutiques, their shopping trip for the charity gala underway.

The atmosphere between them was tense, the air thick with unspoken words. As they browsed through racks of designer dresses, Diana couldn't help but notice that Mia kept picking clothes that covered her entire body, opting for long sleeves and high necklines.

She could guess it was because of the scars on her back. She vividly remembered the scars she had seen on Mia's back but had been unable to ask her about it because of the cameras in the bedroom.

Deciding to see if Mia would be open to talk about her, she asked, "Vanessa, why do you keep choosing such conservative dresses that cover you up completely? You have a beautiful figure. You should show it off."

Mia looked at her, her eyes steady. "I prefer to keep certain things covered," she replied simply.

"You mean the scars on your back, don't you? Were they from the accident?" Diana asked and Mia's gaze hardened.

 She felt a surge of defiance as she met Diana's gaze. "No, Diana. Henry gave me those scars."

Diana's eyes widened in shock. She had known Henry to be ruthless and wicked, but a woman beater? That was a side she hadn't seen. "Are you expecting me to believe that Henry Rosewood, the man who dotes on me, is a woman beater?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief as she looked around to make sure they didn't have an audience.

Mia shrugged, her expression cold. "Believe whatever you please. It doesn't change the truth."

Diana took a deep breath, trying to process what she had just heard. She glanced around the boutique, ensuring no one was within earshot. "What happened?" she asked, her voice softer, more tentative.

Mia raised a brow, "Are you asking so you can report back to Henry and have him beat me some more? Or worse still lock me away in a mental house, so you can have him to yourself?" Mia asked, unable to keep the suspicion and disdain from her voice.

Diana shook her head, her eyes sincere. "No, Vanessa. I chose to ask you here, away from the house, because of the cameras. I genuinely do want to know. Not for Henry, but for myself. Please tell me."

Mia studied Diana's face, looking for any sign of deceit, but found none. "Has Henry never hit you?" she asked, her tone curious.

Diana shook her head again. "Never. He has never raised his voice either, that is why I find it hard to believe what you're telling me right now," Diana said and Mia's brows pulled together.

"How did you meet Henry?" She asked curiously, not bothering to answer Diana's question since she was more curious now.

Diana shrugged. "It was love at first sight. Our eyes met and locked at a party. I approached Henry myself," Diana said with a small smile at the memory.

"I told him he looked like a king and asked if I could be his queen. He said he liked my pick up line. After that we had a drink together, he invited me on a date. And the rest is history," Diana said with a shrug.

Mia was surprised but inwardly amused. The idea that a man like Henry Rosewood could fall in love was almost laughable.

"And he never told you about me?" Mia asked, and Diana shrugged. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"He said he was a widower. He told me how much he loved you and how broken he was when he lost you. When he found out you were alive and had eloped with a lover…"

"Eloped?" Mia cut in.

"Yeah. That was what he said. You reached out to him telling him you were alive and wanted a divorce and he found out you faked your death so you could be with your lover. He was quite hurt. He even shed tears…" Diana trailed off when Mia suddenly let out a humorless laugh.

"I'm happy for you, Diana," Mia said, her voice laced with a hint of bitterness. "I really am. And I'm grateful he has you. Thanks to you he doesn't pay me any attention. I hope you never have to experience the side of Henry that I have. I really do."

Diana remained silent, her mind racing with the implications of Mia's words. She had seen Henry's cruel side in his business dealings. Even her brother had been a victim, but she had never imagined he could be so violent at home.

"I'm sorry he did that to you. I had no idea…" Diana trailed off when Mia shook her head.

"Don't worry about my scars, Diana. The emotional ones run deeper than the physical ones you can see. If you truly feel sorry for me, convince Henry to divorce me and marry you," Mia said, her tone somber.

Diana's heart ached with a mixture of sympathy and guilt. She had never considered the full extent of Mia's suffering, but now that she knew, she couldn't ignore it. "You know he believes in the sanctity…"

"Just give it a try," Mia cut in, uninterested in that excuse, "At least for the sake of your unborn baby," Mia suggested, looking at Diana's abdomen.

Diana nodded slowly, her mind made up. "I will see what I can do," she said quietly.


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