One Punch of Justice

Chapter 65: White Turtle!

Chapter 65: White Turtle!

The sea was really calm. Thanks to Vegapunks revolutionary technology, every marine ships is now fitted with Seastone beneath their hulls to ward off Sea Kings, enabling passage through infested areas. So that, the marines journey was safer than pirate ships on the Grand Line. Saitama sprawled lazily across the deck, letting the suns rays seep into his skin. He skimmed through the latest newspaper with a hint of interest, his posture the epitome of relaxation. Not far off, Tashigi engaged in rigorous sword practice, her focused determination palpable as she aimed to push her limits. Meanwhile, the remaining crew members bustled about, each engrossed in their respective tasks. Everything felt peaceful. But then -Ah Ah ACHOUU ACHOUU- All of a sudden, Saitama couldnt stop sneezing. He rubbed his nose and looked confused. Hearing that, Tashigi stopped her training. Filled with worry, she asked, Saitama-san, are you okay? Are you sick? Maybe the weather in Skypiea might be affecting you. Ah? No He shook his head. Could be someone talking behind my back ACHOO Saitamas sentence hung in the air momentarily before being unexpectedly interrupted by a familiar sound. -Blu-blu-blu- -Clank!- Tashigi swiftly answered the call, her manners as polished as ever. Hello, youve reached Rear Admiral Saitamas battleship. Could you please let me know the reason for your call? This is Navy HQ Gimme that! The main callers voice was interrupted by another voice exclaiming, Hey! Saitama boy! No, sir, Im his deputy, T From the other end of the line, just like always, Garps rough voice cut in, Oh! little Tashigi! He chuckled heartily, his trademark laugh filling the air. Heard you and young Saitama are getting along well these days. Aint that something? BWAAA-HA-HA What?! No Were not This is not how Tashigi exclaimed, her voice filled with shock and confusion. Garps unexpected comment left her utterly bewildered, she struggled to put her thoughts together. She mumbled under her breath, Im dead! Her cheeks turned slightly red, a mix of embarrassment and disbelief washing over her. BWAAA-HA-HA I was just messing with you! Garps familiar laughter echoed through the air. In a hushed and uncertain tone, she cautiously asked, Sir, is everything alright? Hold on a sec! Garp paused, tearing open another packet of senbei and savoring the taste. Mmm! This ones actually quite good! He spoke with a mouthful of food, then continued, turning his attention back to Tashigi. So, young lady, like I was saying, you and that Saitama kid, youve really made a mark on those pirates. Especially after kicking Shikis ass in Skypiea! And with just a single punch! BWAAA-HA-HA Tashigis brow furrowed, her confusion deepening. But, sir, I havent reported that yet. How did you know about it? Still focused on the senbei in front of him, Garp explained, We got an unexpected friendly visit from Kaidou, and he briefed us on what went down! By the way, hes a bit miffed at Saitama for swiping his mark. BWAAA-HA-HA What? Kaidou? But he wasnt even in Skypiea! Tashigis puzzlement grew. Yeah, I know. He went over to the island, hoping for a showdown with Shiki, but it seems he arrived a bit late BWAAA-HA-HA Garps annoyance was evident in his voice for a moment before being overtaken by hearty laughter. Sir, are you feeling alright? A friendly visit? And Kaidou himself? Im genuinely puzzled. Could you please explain? Tashigis tone was a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. Exactly! one of the Four Emperors that ruled over the New World decided to turn himself in, believe it or not, all to sing the praises of a Marine Rear Admirals accomplishments! BWAAA-HA-HA Garps laughter was infectious, but Tashigi remained authentically perplexed. The humor in his words seemed to be lost on her, leaving her thoroughly confounded. Close by, Saitama was fixated on Tashigi. He noticed the changes in her expression and couldnt help but feel curious. Hey, Tashigi! Whats going on? She gave him a faint smile and replied, Honestly, Im not sure could you do me a favor and check it out? Well, let me give it a shot. Saitama grabbed the Den Den Mushi, and suddenly, a burst of maniacal laughter echoed through the receiver. -BWAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA- Acting quickly, he hung up the call, a look of surprise on his face. A few seconds later, the Den Den Mushi buzzed again. -Blu-blu-blu- -Clank!- Saitama jumped in, Ive got a newspaper subscription, not interested in insurance or investments What the heck are you blabbering about, you kid! An irritated voice on the other end shot back, Its me, Garp, GARP! Cant you even recognize my voice? Saitama casually blinked, Ah, got it now its you! Never mind You dealt with the Golden Lion situation pretty well. This time, I aint gonna get pissed off at ya Garp crunched on a senbei, his speech a tad muffled, Listen, Shikis achievements have caught the attention of the higher-ups. And guess what? Theyve decided to promote you! Hows that sound? Its good news, isnt it? Saitama asked in his usual laid-back tone, Does that come with more cash? Bwaa-ha-ha-ha You bet, your salary will nearly twice! Saitamas eyes lit up. Garps laughter echoed, Your appointment letters on its way. Effective immediately, youre being promoted to the position of Vice Admiral Designate within the Navy Headquarters. And heres the big one! Youve got a new code name now White Turtle! What do you think of that? We put a lot of thought into that code name, and I personally settled on it. It fits the situation, doesnt it? W W White Turtle! Suddenly, the excitement on Saitamas face shifted to disappointment as he murmured, Ugh, seriously, whats wrong with this world and names! His mouth twitched subtly. Its not a bad name But Ill pass. Thanks. Garps voice carried a genuine tone of seriousness, You cant do that, you know. Its not how things work. As a Vice Admiral, theres a protocol to follow your codename has to be a color followed by an animal. He continued with a hint of spirited defense, And White Turtle isnt all that bad, honestly. I even suggested it myself. Besides, the bald head and the turtle shell match quite well. Its a good reflection of your personality Saitama responded with a casual wave of his hand, exuding an air of nonchalance. Nah, Im not feeling it. He paused for a moment before adding, Can I pick something else? How about Black Leopard, White Tiger, Silver Wolf, Black Dragon, Or perhaps Blue Jaguar? There are so many cool options, so why that one? Garp stood, arms folded, his leg tapping in a rhythm that seemed almost contemplative. Recently, the Navys got a bunch of powerful new recruits. Some of those names you mentioned are already claimed. But Ive got to admit, the others are pretty darn good Why didnt I think of that! The two alternatives Ive got are White Turtle and Blue Cat! Upon hearing this, Saitama sighed and inquired playfully, as if he had foreseen the answer, Who thought up the second one? A hearty chuckle reverberated through the Den Den Mushi once more. Who other than me! Bwaa-ha-ha-ha Ending the conversation. Tashigi hung onto Garps every word. She sifted through her belongings for a moment before producing a small talisman. With a genuine smile, she held it out to Saitama. Congratulations, Saitama-san! I apologize for not having a prepared gift. This talisman has been a part of my life since I was a child. It might not hold much value, but I would be deeply honored if youd accept it as a token of my best wishes. Saitamas eyebrows twitched, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes. This is pretty important to you, isnt it? While examining the talisman resting in Tashigis open palm, he took a moment to contemplate before nodding, accepting the offering. With a gentle gesture, he carefully adjusted it around her neck. The tenderness of this unexpected gesture caught her off guard for a moment. A subtle blush colored her cheeks as she blinked, processing the heartfelt action. A breeze from the nearby sea swept through the air. Your safety is the best blessing you could give me, he said in a nonchalant tone, his intention was to decline the gift in a way that wouldnt wound her emotions. In that fleeting second, Tashigis heart skipped a beat, a whirlwind of emotions dancing within her. I um thanks, Saitama-san, she managed to say, her words stumbling a bit. she switched into a more formal stance, offering a crisp salute. Then, in a fluid motion, she relaxed and even playfully stuck her tongue out. So, I guess its Vice Admiral White Turtle now, right? She couldnt help but quip. Saitamas expression turned a bit perplexed, and he scratched his head before saying, Please! Dont do that!     Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter! Im really excited to hear your thoughts and get your feedback. Dont forget to drop a comment and let me know what you think!   Patreon page: Otaku_TNN    Instagram:
  • One Punch Of Justice
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