One Punch of Justice

Chapter 59: I’m Here to Arrest You

Chapter 59: I’m Here to Arrest You

Now, let the ceremony begin!

Shiki lifted his cup high, his voice commanding the attention of the gathered pirates.

Line up and bow to each other, forging bonds as true brothers! Lets get on with it!

With his order, all the pirates left their seats and assembled in the central open space, taking a kneeling position.

Meanwhile, Shiki descended from the platform and approached the group.

However, at that moment, his sharp eyes caught sight of a figure who stood apart from the rest. Instead of joining the central gathering, the figure walked out and requested a cup of tea from a maid, before returning to their seat.

Beside that figure, a young girl discreetly whispered something, their exchange drawing attention and creating a visible rift.

The untouched cup of wine sat on the table, its contents undisturbed.

A glimmer of hostility flashed in the Golden Lions eyes as he narrowed his gaze at Saitama. Hey! You two! I said the ceremony has begun!


Saitama held the teacup, his expression filled with confusion as he looked at Shiki Cheers!

Kekekeke Shiki erupted into a laughter infused with anger, unintentionally crushing the cup in his hand. Seems like Ive been too soft on you all, letting you think Im some easygoing old man who tolerates incompetence

In an instant, an intense aura of hostility permeated the entire venue.

The pirates around trembled, their bodies frozen in fear, afraid to make even the slightest movement.

Although it was called a ceremony of brotherhood, in reality, it was a pledge of unwavering loyalty.

Before this moment, the chosen pirates had been filled with confidence, seeing themselves as exceptional. They took great pride in being acknowledged by the renowned Golden Lion, harboring dreams of becoming legends in their own right

But in that moment, a sudden realization washed over them.

Legends remained as mere legends.

And they were nothing more than expendable pawns manipulated by them.

The tension in the room escalated, reaching a boiling point. Yet, Saitama remained unfazed, calmly waving his hand with a half-lidded gaze. No cheers?! Ok.


Shiki tilted his head, a memory resurfacing. Wait a sec Did I even invite you to join this ceremony? Who the hell are you? How dare you come into my territory and act so boldly?!

Im Saitama, he responded calmly, catching himself before revealing his true identity.

Taking a casual sip of his tea, his eyes half-lidded as he spoke in a relaxed manner, Im a H Ehmm.. I mean, Im a Marine.

A flicker of surprise passed through the room.

A Marine?! Some of the pirates exclaimed, their disbelief evident.

The atmosphere grew tense, the pirates instincts conflicting with their desire to escape. They were torn between their fear of the Marines and their loyalty to the Golden Lion.

But, Shikis demeanor was different. He exuded an aura of dominance, his charismatic presence undiminished.

Kekekeke! Cant believe the Marines managed to sneak into our ceremony. What a major failure! He laughed boisterously, his arms wide open.

Then, with a smirk, he pointed his finger directly at Saitama. So, what brings you here? Looking for a death wish, or maybe you came to join the brotherhood, eager to conquer the world alongside me!?

His presence permeated the room, exuding an unwavering and indomitable spirit.

Youre damn right! Hes just one guy! No need to be scared of him! He cant take on a thousand of us, and dont even mention our captain, Shiki! a voice exclaimed, fueling the growing chaos.

The room erupted into chaos once again, the pirates eyes shining with malevolence. They eagerly awaited their leaders command, ready to rush forward and dismantle him, akin to a pack of hungry wolves closing in on their prey.

The air crackled with anticipation as the tension peaked. Each pirates adrenaline surged, their collective aggression poised to overpower the lone figure before them. They yearned to prove their dominance, unleashing their pent-up ferocity in a ruthless assault.

No, I wont join you

Saitama brushed off the hostile stares, pointing directly at the Golden Lion with determination. Im here to arrest you, Shiki.

The room fell silent.

A hush descended.

Then, a chorus of voices erupted.

What did he say? Did I hear that right?

This Marine thinks he can arrest our leader, Shiki?

Is he mad?

Does he truly believe a few words of justice make him invincible? Does he not realize his own insignificance?

Just him? A worthless Marine! Hahaha

Amidst the questioning and insults hurled his way, Saitama remained completely unfazed, his emotions undisturbed by the hostile atmosphere surrounding him.

But, their remarks did make him realize the misstep in his previous words

Ah, my bad. I misspoke earlier

Saitama scratched his head, blinked a few times, and earnestly addressed the pirates present with a serious expression, Im here to arrest all of you!

The room erupted with an uproar!

The pirates present were seething with anger!

This bald bastard clearly have no respect for us!

But, before the pirates could make a move, the Golden Lion couldnt tolerate Saitamas audacity any longer, especially on his own territory!


He bellowed in fury, and without hesitation, a white-faced clown wearing a polka-dot scarf darted forward. With a forceful stomp, he obliterated the table in front of Saitama, sending wood fragments flying through the air!

Saitamas expression unchanged.

Indigo sneered, pointing his finger at Saitamas nose. He then proceeded to perform an elaborate mime act, using exaggerated gestures and making playful noises.

It seemed like he was trying to intimidate Saitama.

Ah, thats right! Indigo is mute!

The pirates suddenly realized, their anticipation growing as they eagerly awaited Saitamas reaction.


Saitama casually took a sip of tea, showing no signs of being affected, and nodded in agreement. Youre right, its garbage day tomorrow. Almost forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder.

You idiot! Who cares about garbage! I meant to finish you off within three minutes! Indigo, seething with anger, slapped Saitamas bald head hard and bellowed, And another thing! Why the hell are you so calm, sipping tea at a time like this? Cant you feel any sense of urgency!?

The pirates felt a sense of being deceived, and they angrily shouted at Indigo, So you can actually talk!

Saitama took another sip, his demeanor unchanged. Its just oolong tea.

The pirates immediately redirected their anger towards Saitama, berating him, Nobody asked about that!

Damn it! Where did these two clowns come from? Its so frustrating trying to understand them! Some of the pirates exclaimed.

-Chemical Juggling-

Finally, Indigo ceased his babbling and produced several alternating red and yellow chemical fireballs.

He unleashed them fiercely at Saitama, akin to a barrage of bullets. Burn! You stupid Marine!

But in that very moment, a glint of coldness flashed by!

Instinctively, Indigo dodged backward, narrowly avoiding decapitation. He was left trembling in fear, drenched in cold sweat!

In the blink of an eye!

A woman in a sharp suit, wielding a long blade, bravely stepped in front of Saitama!

Youre not allowed to get close to Mr. Saitama! Tashigi declared with a firm tone, her eyes focused on Indigo.

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter!

Im really excited to hear your thoughts and get your feedback. Dont forget to drop a comment and let me know what you think!

  • Chapter 64 is now available on my Patreon page: Otaku_TNN


  • One Punch Of Justice
  • Otaku Tnn


  • Otaku_Tnn

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  • Reincarnation Paradise
  • One Punch Of Justice
  • Pika Pika No Mi In Marvel
  • Infinite Clone System


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