One Punch of Justice

Chapter 54: God’s Guards

Chapter 54: God’s Guards

This is how things work here. Every young person in this village was forcefully taken to the palace

The woman let out a tired sigh, her face a reflection of the struggles and exhaustion that come with a harsh life.

The ones who are left in this village are the ones lacking any special talents or skills. We struggle every single day just to stay alive I dont know who you are, but considering your youth, you might not have much to offer in terms of assistance. So take this chance to hide away before the God catch sight of you, while theres still a chance.


Tashigi took a moment, her expression puzzled as she tried to make sense of the womans mention of the word, Wait, so youre talking about that one ruler, right? Im still trying to wrap my head around this whole God thing

But let me tell you, even though were young, weve got some serious abilities. Take Saitama-san over there, Hes like the ultimate protector of justice, no enemy stands a chance against him

Saitama scratched his head, Well at least for now.

I appreciate your kindness, the woman replied, shaking her head with a glimmer of hopelessness in her eyes. She sighed, But justice alone is insufficient to overcome the tyrannical God, not to mention the even more powerful monster lurking in the shadows, whose power rivals that of a god

If we dare to resist, well be risking our lives, each and every one of us facing a death sentence

Once again, she mentioned the God I hope its not the same god were familiar with! murmured Tashigi.

Ive changed my mind. This floating island doesnt strike me as peaceful at all! Saitama said with a disinterested expression on his face.

As the two pondered over the news they had just heard, a sudden sound shattered the tranquil atmosphere.

In the distance, a squad of soldiers stealthily crawled on the ground, gradually approaching the two marines in the town.

Oh no! Its the Gods Guards!

The middle-aged woman exclaimed in fear and desperately tried to push Saitama and Tashigi, urging, Quick, run! If they catch you, youll be stuck here for the rest of your lives

However, her feeble attempts couldnt even budge Tashigi.

Standing motionless, Saitama glanced at the solders and blinked, Why the heck are they crawling? Theyre a bunch of weirdoes!

Within moments, the guards closed in and surrounding them from all sides.

So youre the illegal entrants who came from the Blue Sea?! Illegal entry is an 11th degree crime according to Heavens Judgment.

A burly man took a step forward, giving Saitama and Tashigi a thorough appraisal, nodding with a mix of satisfaction and curiosity.

Well, well Seems like weve got some visitors from the Blue Sea here!

Although the man doesnt seem all that useful, the woman sure catches the eye.

She could be a worthy offering to the God

Saitama, sporting a displeased expression, couldnt help but pick his nose. Hey, hey What do you mean Im not useful?

It means youre practically worthless. We could eliminate you right now, and it wouldnt change a thing

The leader let out a chilling chuckle, crossing his arms and exuding an aura of superiority. But based on our information, there should be over a hundred unauthorized persons here! Ive brought the entire force just for this occasion. Theres no escaping us. Gather the rest of your group and surrender without resistance!

No, were not planning to hide at all.

Saitama lazily waved his hand, his eyes squinting. If you wanna know where they are, Ill save you the trouble Just keep going straight ahead for about ten minutes, and youll spot the ship that brought us. Theyre all there.

Heh, youre being cooperative, huh? Saves us the pain of torturing you for answers!

The leader smirked, satisfied with Saitamas compliance, commanded his comrades beside him, Alright, you two, stay right here and keep an eye on them! The rest of you, lets go. Weve got a bunch of criminals to round up! Its all in the name of our God, Heso!

His voice carried a mix of authority and determination, motivating his comrades to take action.

They immediately displayed a surge of enthusiasm, as if they were injected with an adrenaline rush. Heso! they enthusiastically echoed.

As the word echoed through the air, the rest of the Gods Guard wasted no time and charged straight towards Saitamas warship.

Seizing the opening, Saitama and Tashigi exchanged a knowing glance, swiftly executing precise strikes that swiftly brought the two soldiers crashing down.

They restrained their adversaries with a firm grip, maintaining control over the situation.

And so, the official interrogation began.

Since the civilians are too scared to speak, were left with no other choice but to turn to you for answers Tashigi adjusted her glasses and fixed a stern gaze upon the tied soldiers.

Hey, whos this God you keep mentioning? And why capture all the men and young girls? Isnt that going too far? Tashigi demanded, her voice edged with frustration.

The two soldiers, caught off guard by the sudden change in demeanor, couldnt believe how quickly things had escalated.

Damn it Let us go! one of the soldiers protested, still not fully grasping the gravity of their situation.

Hey, you!!

Do you realize what youve done?!

Do you even know who we are?

Were the White Berets!

The unit directly under Gods priests!

Your actions constitute a serious violation of the protection law, a second-degree crime.

Brace yourselves for the impending wrath of our God! You will soon regret your foolish actions!

Ugh, this is so annoying! Saitama grumbled, his expression unchanged as he playfully flicked the soldiers forehead with his finger.

The soldiers head jerked back, vibrating like a spring for a moment.

Just answer the questions, Saitama said nonchalantly.

You dare touch me like that? the second soldier growled, a mix of anger and surprise in his voice.

Saitama didnt bat an eye, extending his right hand as if to say he was ready for another punch.

A flicker of uncertainty passed through the soldiers eyes as they observed Saitamas unwavering confidence.

Wait wait!

The soldier, feeling cornered, couldnt help but show a glimpse of fear.

Alright, Ill tell you what you want Its no secret anyway. Listen carefully, Baldy!

Saitamas face fell with disappointment as he heard the familiar nickname. Baldy! Seriously, even in this place?! he grumbled quietly.

Were the Gods Guards, the top and elite force

Saitama cut him off with a quick punch. Skip that part, youve already said it.

Alright, alright, please, no more!

Our Gods name is Enel!

Our job is to keep the civilians safe, follow orders, and catch any unauthorized intruders!

Are you happy now?

Please, spare me any more punches! the soldier pleaded, his fear palpable.

With a casual expression and half-closed eyes, Saitama waved his hand dismissively. Nah, not at all.

Leaning in closer, he asked in a casual tone, Whys your God into kidnapping guys and girls? Got some messed-up hobbies or what?

Wait a minute That wasnt the Gods command, the soldier hesitated for a moment before answering with a hint of confidence, It was a request from Captain Shiki the Golden Lion. I dont have all the details, but something big is happening! SOme

Shiki the Golden Lion

Tashigi paused, a glimmer of recognition crossing her face. Saitama, on the other hand, remained indifferent. As someone not from this world, he had little knowledge of actual pirates and their histories.

Hey, hey Are you telling me youve never heard of the legendary Shiki-sama?

Oen of the tied soldiers stared at the two with a mixture of shock and confusion, his brows furrowing deeply as he struggled to comprehend their lack of knowledge.

Youve got to be kidding me! How can you not know about Shiki-sama, the infamous Golden Lion? Hes the terror of the Blue Sea! Are you seriously telling me youre from below?

Ah I think I remember now

Tashigis face lit up with sudden recognition, and she clapped her hands.

I remember! The Flying Pirate, the first prisoner who pulled off a crazy escape from Impel Down.

Now that you finally get it, you better let us go.

The soldier sneered, enjoying his moment of superiority. Well pretend this never happened, so you better set us free right now, or else!

Saitama glanced at Tashigi with his usual poker face. Is he seriously trying to threaten me?

The other soldier chimed in, adding a cheeky remark. If God or Shiki-sama find out what you two did, I guarantee your lives wont be worth a single breath!

Theyll make you suffer in ways you cant even imagine!

And lets not forget about our elite forces, theyll swiftly capture your remaining comrades.

Trust me, they dont stand a chance. Pray they dont put up a fight! Hahaha


At Saitamas warship,

The highly trained Marines effortlessly overpowered the self-proclaimed elite forces, known as the Gods Guards, as if they were on a routine hunting trip.

Once the immediate threat was neutralized, they seamlessly returned to their regular duties, which included the crucial task of preparing lunch for the Rear Admiral.

However, the effects of the intense engagement caused a slight lapse in their concentration, leading to some dishes being unintentionally overcooked.

This is truly disappointing

To consider these soldiers as the islands elite force!

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter!

Im really excited to hear your thoughts and get your feedback. Dont forget to drop a comment and let me know what you think!

Looking forward to catching you in the next chapter!

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  • The King of The Worlds
  • Fantasy System
  • God of Soul System
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