One Punch of Justice

Chapter 47: Resurrection Devil Fruit

Chapter 47: Resurrection Devil Fruit

-Mary Geoise, Holy Land-

-The World Government-

Inside Pangaea Castle, a highly confidential meeting took place among the top-ranking Celestial Dragons, the Five Elders.

Gentlemen The Navy has proposed the elimination of the Shichibukai to the World Government, a man with a scar on his face, dressed in black attire, stated.

We must uphold the delicate balance among the Navy, the Four Emperors, and the Shichibukai. Any disruption could gravely endanger the established order, a bald man with a samurai sword emphasized.

Should we reject their proposal? inquired the mustached bald man.

No, we should allow them to proceed. Recent reports from CP0 reveal that both Crocodile and Doflamingo have been actively causing havoc. Taking down one of the Shichibukai would send a powerful message about their authority, declared the scarred elderly individual.

But we wont openly support it, added the man with long white hair.

Absolutely, concurred the scarred elder.

We must exercise increased caution, as the Navy has started nurturing their own ambitions and questioning the established rules of the World Government, the youngest member among them expressed, a tinge of bewilderment evident in his voice.

Sengoku exudes an unshakable aura of confidence, the scarred individual chimed in. He then continued, Classified reports obtained from our covert sources reveal a startling development: Garp, the legendary hero, has come across a Justice Treasure possessing the potential to obliterate all forms of evil. This newfound treasure has imbued them with unprecedented boldness, leading them to audaciously question our authority.

Such heretical thoughts must be promptly eliminated, as the militarys duty is to unwaveringly adhere to our commands! asserted the bald elder with the mustache.

Thus, it falls upon us to assign CP0 to quash this illusionary notion of a Justice Treasure.  Are there any dissenting voices among us, or shall we proceed one of them announced.

One by one, each member in the room expressed their agreement:

No objections

-Alabasta Palace-

Nefertari Cobra, King of Alabasta, unable to sleep, paced restlessly in his opulent chamber.

His mind, consumed by thoughts of rebellion, churned with the weight of his conflicting emotions.

The moonlight spilled through the large window, casting a pale glow across the room, adding an ethereal quality to his brooding.

Restlessly pacing, Cobras gaze fixated on the luminescent orb in the night sky. Its tranquil beauty seemed to mock him, reminding him of the tranquility he had lost. The world outside was engulfed in chaos, and King Cobra, once a pillar of authority, felt powerless against the rising tide of dissent.

Interrupting the silence, a soft voice, laced with an enigmatic quality, reverberated through the chamber.

Such a beautiful night, Your Majesty.

Jolted by the sudden intrusion, the king spun around, his senses on high alert, confronting the enigmatic figure that had breached the sanctity of his private chamber. His mind wrestled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension, seeking to decipher the motives behind this audacious trespass.

As his gaze settled upon the stranger, an eerie sight unfolded. Crimson tears cascaded from the cane he hold, each droplet falling with an ominous grace. The chilling spectacle sent a shiver coursing down Cobras spine, magnifying his unease to an unsettling degree.

Oh! Dont worry, Your Majesty! the enigmatic figure responded, his voice carrying a soothing cadence laced with a touch of reassurance. The blood that stains my cane does not belong to any inhabitant of this palace, he reassured, seeking to quell Cobras rising concern.

Cobras gaze grew more intense, a blend of curiosity and wariness reflected in his eyes. His voice resounded with regal authority as he demanded, Who are you?

The enigmatic stranger gracefully approached the king, his peculiar mask glimmering in the moonlight. With an effortless leap, he descended, emanating an air of reverence and respect.

It is an honor to meet you, King Cobra, he politely nodded, his voice laced with a hint of formality. Our presence is usually veiled from the public eye, which might explain why you do not recognize me. However, two years ago, during the World Conference, we held the responsibility of ensuring the safety of the allied country kings.

Cobra was taken aback. Are you associated with the World Government?

Exactly, came the calm reply.

Behind the enigmatic mask, an inscrutable expression flickered briefly. I apologize for the late-night visit, which may seem impolite. However, I have a crucial request to make, Your Majesty, one that requires your benevolent assistance

Go to the P

Before Cobra could utter another word, the strangers cane surged forward with ruthless swiftness, piercing Cobras heart with lethal accuracy.

In an ephemeral heartbeat,  Cobras existence unfurled like a tumultuous carousel of memories, each vivid moment echoing through his consciousness. His eyes, heavy with the weight of mortality, gradually sealed shut, succumbing to the irrevocable fate.

Yet, an icy shiver crept through the air, as a flicker of life gleamed in the assailants eyes.

In a mesmerizing twist of fate, barely a minute elapsed before Cobra, defying the boundaries of his lifeless state, once more pried open his eyes!

How do you find my abilities, Your Majesty? The strangers laughter reverberated through the chamber as he conversed with the lifeless body.

Having consumed the forbidden Fruit of Resurrection, I now possess the extraordinary power to bring the dead back to life, albeit for a mere three ephemeral days. While they may be mere puppets under my command, their potential is limitless, hehe


On the rooftop of the palace, three figures moved stealthily in the shadows, heading towards the outside.

Leading the way was Trailing, a member of CP0, followed closely by two lifeless individuals, King Cobra of Alabasta and the Shichibukai Crocodile.

As the impregnable shield of the Celestial Dragons.

CP0 spares no expense to accomplish their missions, employing ruthless tactics and cunning strategies.

Compared to the clandestine elite of the World Government, the agents of Baroque Works were nothing more than a pitiful bunch.

This mission holds absolute significance!

Its sole purpose: to ensure the resolute demise of Saitama.

In a significant announcement, the Five Elders liberated CP0 from their previous restrictions, granting them freedom to act as necessary for the mission at hand.


They remained unaware of the magnitude of this destined undertaking, as it would unleash a covert operation of immense consequences, capable to leave the world in awe.


The figures moved gracefully across the rooftops, gradually fading into the distance.

Emerging from the shadows of the palace, a woman with perceptive eyes stepped forward, a keen observer of all that unfolded.

Originally, she had intended to capture the king, driven by her pursuit of historical truth.

Unfortunately, she didnt reach him in time Or rather, perhaps she was fortunate to arrive late!

Oh, damn! CP0, the strongest intelligence organization within Cipher Pol And those chilling, enigmatic abilities What are their true motives? A sudden wave of anxiety washed over Robins heart, engulfing her in a sense of danger and helplessness, gradually etching its mark upon her countenance.

She sensed that something significant was brewing in the kingdom, an impending storm on the horizon!

Meanwhile, Saitama peacefully slumbered in a hotel, intending to contact Tashigi in the morning to share the news of his triumphant encounter with Crocodile.


The next day.

In the early morning, Saitama woke up feeling refreshed. He embarked on a morning jog, swiftly covering two laps around the town.

Once his exercise was complete, he decided to fuel up with a banana for breakfast.

Despite the scorching temperatures that would come later, the early hours of the day still had a refreshing coolness.

The Rain Dinners, now with a prominent Closed sign, appeared deserted when Saitama peered through the glass doors. It seemed like everyone had left.

As Saitama approached the Rain Dinners, a prominent sign announcing its closure greeted his gaze. Peering through the glass doors, he was met with a desolate sight, devoid of the usual vibrant activity that once thrived within its walls.

It appeared as though they had uncovered Saitamas true identity, realizing he was not the proprietor of the casino, leading them to hastily flee.

Suddenly, a sound from his pocket shattered the silence, jolting Saitama from his thoughts.

Fumbling to retrieve the source, he raised an eyebrow, muttering, Huh? Is this little snail still functional?His gaze fell upon the peculiar form of the callers face.

Ah, Tashigi, good morning, he greeted, effortlessly discarding the banana peel into a nearby trash bin as he continued his leisurely stroll.

Engaging in conversation, he spoke into the device, Ive dealt with Crocodile. How are things going over there?

Dealt with? What are you talking about, Saitama-san?

On the other end of the line, Tashigis voice carried a sense of urgency, her words brimming with the weight of recent events.

Saitama-san, we reached Yuba Oasis this morning and were greeted with shocking news.

The king, along with his army and Crocodile, launched a devastating assault on the rebel stronghold last night.

Tragically, it resulted in the loss of approximately five hundred lives!

Now, the rebel leader has regrouped and set his sights on the capital, preparing for an all-out war against the kings forces!


Saitamas mind froze, caught in a moment of disbelief.

The sheer force behind his punch that had sent Crocodile soaring through the air last night was not something to be underestimated. If Crocodile had survived, he would hardly possess the strength to launch another assault, let alone on the rebel forces.

This is strange, Tashigi

Saitama pondered, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Last night, I indeed sent Crocodile flying with a single punch. And this morning, during my stroll, people seemed to speak favorably of the king

Princess Vivi echoed those sentiments, Tashigi replied on the other end of the line, her voice tinged with a sigh. She vehemently believes her father is not the kind of man to incite warfare. The mastermind behind this rebellion must be Crocodile. Thats why were racing to the capital palace, striving to uncover the truth and halt this insurrection

Ah, then I shall act swiftly as well! Saitamas expression suddenly turned serious.

After swiftly acquiring directions from a passing stranger, he propelled himself forward with the speed of lightning, vanishing into the realm of uncertainty.

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter!

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Looking forward to catching you in the next chapter!

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