One Punch of Justice

Chapter 3: Staying Here For Now…

Chapter 3: Staying Here For Now…

Ace and Sabo had planned to escape while Saitama was conversing with the hotel owner, but they ended up getting interested in their discussion.

Ace whispered to Sabo, Did you hear that? The Weird Baldy said a lot of strange things. Do you think he really came from the New World?

Sabo, being relatively clever, quickly picked up clues from Saitamas words and replied with a shocked tone, What hes saying isthat he is a traveler from another world, and in that world, things like Heroes and Monsters exist...

Ace was stunned and exclaimed, Ah! How could that be true!

Sabo then deduced while eavesdropping, If he really is from another world, he should be planning to leave the town soon to look for a way to return to his world.

Ace responded in a low voice, We cant allow that to happen! True pirates must have their revenge! We cant let him get away!

Sabo sat down and pondered, That doesnt matter. He doesnt seem to be able to cross between worlds at will, and he doesnt have a place to stay for now either

Ace was excited and replied, Thats right! There is a way!

Sabo then suggested, We can take him to our secret base in the garbage mountain. That way, we would know about his whereabouts and could take our time while preparing for revenge!

Ace was pleased and said, Good plan! Sabo, you are so smart!

After coming to a decision, the two young individuals with dark circles under their eyes approached Saitama.

Excuse us, sir,

One of them addressed him. We have a place where you can reside, and you are welcome to forage for food and water in the nearby forest. However, it is important to note that the forest is inhabited by dangerous predators such as crocodiles and bears who may pose a threat to your safety. Are you still willing to accompany us?

Why are you two suddenly so eager to help me? Saitama asked, surprised by the childrens offer. Youre just young kids who may not even be able to cook rice. Are you sure you have a place for me to stay?


Sabo replied with pride. We have a secret base located in the garbage mountain.

I dont think Ill go,

Saitama replied, squinting his eyes and waving his hand dismissively at the mountain.

Its too smelly there. With that, he turned to leave.

Ace grew anxious at the thought of Saitama leaving.

If he leaves now, we wont be able to exact our revenge, he thought to himself.

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head.


He called out, reaching his hand out to stop Saitama.

I have another place you can stay. Its a real house with a shower and a kitchen. How about you come with us there?

Saitama turned back with a pleasant surprise.

Really? Are you serious? he asked.

Ace held his head high and replied arrogantly, Of course, its true!

An hour later

Dadan, the mountain bandit, saw the rowdy kid she had been wary of during the day returning with a bald man.

Sorry to intrude. Thanks for letting me stay here, he said with a smile, scratching his head. If you need any help, just let me know.

Dadan was confused and asked, Who are you? while picking her nose.

Before Saitama could answer, Ace interrupted, Let him stay in my room. Ace negotiated like an adult, Ill manage the food. The others can mind their own business.

Do whatever you want.

Dadan reluctantly agreed after taking a closer look at Saitama, who seemed harmless. Its not impossible to let him stay here, but everyone here is a vicious bandit. If he offends us, we wont give you any face, Ace!


Saitama ended up living with the mountain bandits on Mt. Colubo.

Despite their name, they never came down from the mountain to rob people. Ace would bring them food every day, and whenever the other bandits planned on leaving, Dadan would mention a name and they would become obedient in an instant.


One day, during dinner, Saitama asked curiously, Who is Garp? upon hearing the name mentioned by Dadan.

Dadans hand paused for a moment as she responded, Thats really weird

Dadan looked at Saitama with a dry expression. Its hard to believe that there are still people in this country who havent heard of the famous marine hero.

Saitama was surprised and grinned, Oh, so hes a hero?

Dadan replied, Thats right, that smelly old man! Because of him, we havent dared to do anything wrong for a long time. Now, all we do is drink and take care of that stinky brat, Ace. But he doesnt need our care

Before she could finish, two small figures suddenly appeared before them. They had jumped from the second floor using a steel pipe.

Death to the weird baldy!

The brave pirates have returned to take revenge!

However, in the next moment, they were already lying on the ground with big bumps on their heads emitting smoke after being smashed with a single punch. The two figures were Ace and Sabo!


Dadan rubbed her bleary eyes awake, her head filled with confusion. This is really strange Why did that stinky little brat suddenly split into two? Did I get so drunk from just one glass of liquor?

A bandit standing next to Dadan answered, Boss, you didnt see it wrong. There are actually two kids, another one besides Ace!

Im not a brat! My name is Sabo Im a brave pirate who will one day conquer the seas and become the Pirate King, he declared.

This is my first time meeting you, please take care of me, Sabo added.

Damn it Im going to be the Pirate King, Ace declared, as he got up from the ground, covering his head.

Its not over yet! Ace declared, still seething with anger and frustration.

A real pirate never gives up after a few setbacks. Just you wait, Baldy! Sabo, lets go!

The two children with large bumps on their heads disappeared without a trace.

Saitama blinked and turned to Dadan, asking, Has he always been like this?

Dadan rubbed her chin in thought and replied, Well, Ace, that smelly kid, even though he dislikes us a bit, has never attacked us.

Saitama shook his head, No, thats not what I meant. I was asking if he often refers to himself as a pirate?

Impatiently, Dadan responded, Yes, every damn day! Hes loud and annoying why do you ask?

Saitama pondered for a moment before asking, His grandfather is a renowned Marine hero. So, why does he aspire to become a pirate?

Dadan opened another bottle of wine and said cryptically, Who knows?

Hey everyone,

I hope you all hada great time reading this chapter!

Im really excited to hear your thoughts and get your feedback. Dont forget to drop a comment andlet me know what you think!

Looking forward to catching you in the next chapter!

Thanks for your support.


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