One Punch of Justice

Chapter 28: Hand Over the Stolen Goods

Chapter 28: Hand Over the Stolen Goods

Nojiko wiped her mouth and smiled awkwardly. If youre really that strong, then I guess everything I just did was pointless, she said.

But I do have a favor to ask of you. Theres a girl named Nami in the Arlong Pirates. Shes the only human member of the crew, and she was forced to join in order to protect our village. If you happen to cross paths with her, please dont harm her. I beg of you.

Saitama nodded. Okay, Ill make sure to remember that.

Thank you, Nojiko said, visibly relieved. She then tilted her chin up and narrowed her eyes. Its good to know theres a man we can count on, she added.

As she spoke, a voice suddenly echoed from outside the door.

Im back, Nojiko, a voice called out from outside.

The sound of crisp footsteps soon followed, and a girl with orange hair appeared at the door. I thought I heard a mans voice. Do you have a boyfriend? she asked.

Nojiko and Saitama both turned their heads towards the door, curious about the newcomer.

The girl who appeared at the door was none other than Nami, the little thief cat who had recently become acquainted with Saitama.

Its about time you showed up, Nojiko exclaimed happily, rising from her seat to greet Nami. We were just talking about you. This marine officer here has been entrusted with taking care of Arlong and his crew, and hes incredibly strong.

Saitama simply nodded, acknowledging the compliment. Then waved. Hi, my name is Saitama. Nice to meet you.

Nami raised an eyebrow. Marine officer ? What do you mean?

As she looked at Saitama, recognition suddenly dawned on him. Wait a minute Its you! The perverted exhibitionist! she exclaimed in shock.

Saitama looked at Nami blankly. Sorry, have we met before? he asked, clearly confused.

Hey, its only been a few days! Have you already forgotten about me? Nami exclaimed, rolling up her sleeves and walking aggressively towards Saitama.

She slammed her hands onto the table and continued, Ill admit that you seem like a good person, but youre a bit too full of yourself, arent you? You tricked Nojiko If you really like her, why did you have to deceive her by pretending to be part of the marines and give her false hope?

Saitama was completely bewildered. Huh? What are you talking about?

Nojiko noticed that Nami might have misunderstood something and quickly explained, Nami, are you mistaken? Hes really not a bad person with ulterior motives. Just earlier, in the town, he effortlessly defeated a high-ranking member of the Arlong Pirates

You! After hearing Nojikos explanation, Namis expression changed from anger to fear. Oh no! What have you done? If Arlong finds out that youve killed one of his subordinates, not only will you be in trouble, but our town will also suffer the consequences!

Saitama watched as Nami paced back and forth anxiously. He handed her his tea cup and said, Why dont you have a sip of tea and calm down?

Uh, thanks, Nami said, taking the cup.

But the next moment, she realized what she had done and angrily slammed the cup on the table. Who wants to drink tea that youve already drank from?! Do you even understand the seriousness of the situation? You bald exhibitionist! she yelled.


Nojiko stood beside Nami, her eyes fixed on Saitama with an unmistakable recognition of his incredible strength. She placed her hand on Namis shoulder and said with a smile, Please show him some respect, Nami. He is one of the most powerful fighters out there.

But Nami remained skeptical. Oh, come on, Nojiko, she sighed. How could a guy who runs around the world naked be a marine? Thats just too ridiculous to believe.

Saitama felt a bit flustered and scratched his head, trying to come up with an explanation. Well, actually


As Saitama opened his mouth to explain, the commotion outside shattered their peace. The villagers were scrambling out of their houses, shouting The Marines are here!

Nojiko furrowed her brow in confusion. But isnt he a Marine? Are these his subordinates?

Saitama shook his head. I came here alone, so it cant be my comrades.

Nami was quick to point the finger at Saitama. You impostor! The real Marines have arrived. If you dont want to be captured, you better run now!

Saitama was still scratching his head in confusion. Why should I run?

Nami rolled her eyes at his obliviousness. Youre hopeless. I only warned you because I thought you were a good person. If youre interested in Nojiko, thats fine, but dont try to deceive her

Saitama interrupted her, surprised.  Wait, wait, wait. Pursue Nojiko? Sorry, Nami, but shes just not my type. He turned to Nojiko with a friendly smile. No offense.

Nojikos cheeks flushed with relief as she giggled. Im glad to hear that.

Gradually, the noisy voices outside the house grew louder and louder. A group of marine officers dressed in their uniforms were walking towards the house.

Thats Mr. Genzo! Nami recognized the police officer leading the way among the group. If he was the one leading the way, it meant that the marine officers behind him were the real deal.

Before she could ponder any further, a marine officer arrived and stopped in front of the gate of the tangerine orchard.

Squeak, squeak, squeak, Im Captain Nezumi from the 16th division of the marine The righteous and gallant captain Nezumi approached them with his hands behind his back and a smirk on his face. We received a report that a criminal named Nami is residing here. Surrender her now, or well have to go in and catch her ourselves. Squeak, squeak, squeak

Nami? Nojiko asked, confused. Whats with her? she furrowed her brow and asked the marine officers, Werent you guys here to help us after Arlong?

Nezumi faked a look of confusion. Arlong? Whos that? I havent heard of anything like that before, he scratched his head, We were just following orders to apprehend the criminal Nami. said Nezumi, snapping his fingers.

The Marine soldiers behind him quickly surrounded the house, their guns raised and aimed. Dont even think about resisting the government. We have our reasons for doing what we do. If you want to resist, go ahead, but dont be surprised if we get rough. Squeak, squeak, squeak

Sister, let me handle this! Nami stepped out and said with courage.

Arrest me? Ha-Ha-Ha You must be mistaken. Im a high-ranking member of the Arlong Pirates, and Im not afraid of you weaklings. Let me remind you that if you lay a finger on me, Arlong wont hesitate to seek revenge! So are you still going to arrest me? Because if you are, I hope youre ready for whats coming to you! Nami threatened him with a sly grin, knowing that she had some tricks up her sleeve.

Squeak, squeak, squeak Pirates? Are you serious? Nezumi burst out laughing and spread his arms wide, We got a report that youre a thief!

Nami was bewildered, What?! Thats absurd!

Ive heard that youve swiped a bunch of loot from pirates he smirked and continued, But since the other party is a pirate, we wont hold you accountable. However, that money you stole belongs to the loot, and its not yours to keep! Got it? Be a good girl and hand it over to the World Government. Squeak, squeak, squeak

Without waiting for Namis response, captain Nezumi immediately ordered, Go in and search! Find the stolen goods!

Nuts to that! Nami pulled out three short sticks and combined them into one to block the doorway. No ones coming in! That stuff is mine! Youre all part of the navy, dont you have more important things to do? Arlong enslaves us, you know that! Whywhy!?

Nezumi sneered, Oh, how cute! But its not up to you to decide whats important or not. Hand over the loot, and maybe well go easy on you.

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter!

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Looking forward to catching you in the next chapter!

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