One Punch of Justice

Chapter 24: Gas Bomb – MH5

Chapter 24: Gas Bomb – MH5

After exiting the restaurant, Saitama strode down the stairs and began to limber up his legs with a few exercises.

Suddenly, he launched himself into the air with the force of a speeding bullet, slicing through the atmosphere with incredible strength and lightning-fast speed. His body moved with the precision and grace of a mythical archer, piercing the sky like an arrow soaring over the ocean.

Krieg, who stood on the opposite deck, couldnt believe what he was seeing.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief and snatched a pair of binoculars from a nearby sailor, scanning the distance for a better look. Am I going crazy? he muttered to himself. Theres no way someone could be flying over the sea like that! He was bewildered by the sight before him, questioning his own senses as he struggled to comprehend the impossible feat he had just witnessed.

Flying was undeniably impossible, yet Saitama had just managed to cross the sea with ease, bouncing effortlessly through the air for hundreds of meters until he landed not far from Kriegs ship.

However, it soon became apparent that he had made a grave error in judgement.

As he approached the pirate vessel, Saitama realized with dismay that there was no visible landing spot for him to touch down on.

He scanned the deck frantically, searching for a safe place to land, but to no avail.

It seemed he had underestimated the challenge of reaching his target and was now facing an unexpected setback.

Ah no!! Saitama cursed, his eyes widening as he realized there was no place to land on the ship.

I thought there was a seamark or a rock here to use as a landing spot, but theres nothing! He panicked, his mind racing as he struggled to come up with a solution.

However, before he could even process his options, his body suddenly began to plummet towards the deck below. The wind rushed past him as he hurtled downwards, his fate uncertain.

As Saitamas body hurtled towards the sea, he desperately wracked his brain for a solution.

And then, suddenly, an idea hit him.

Wait a minute! he thought excitedly. Theres another way!

He quickly shifted his body, adjusting his position in mid-air as he leaned forward and took a deep breath.

This might be crazy, but its worth a shot, he muttered, before letting out a deafening fart that echoed across the ocean.

The sound was horrific, but the effect was immediate.

A supernatural force propelled him towards the ship, and he hurtled towards it at breakneck speed, screaming with both terror and excitement.

As Saitama landed on the deck of Kriegs warship, his unconventional arrival left the pirates speechless. They stared at him in bewilderment, struggling to comprehend how he had managed to fly over the sea and land on their ship with such ease.

What kind of monster are you? Flying over the sea!? one pirate exclaimed, as they all stared in disbelief at the bald-headed stranger who had suddenly appeared on their ship.

Don Krieg stepped back, eyeing Saitama warily. Do you have any idea where you are? he demanded, readying himself for a fight.

But as he looked closer at Saitamas distinct appearance, he hesitated. Wait a minute The way you look And this bald head he trailed off, his expression growing increasingly terrified.

But the new members of Kriegs pirate crew had no idea who Saitama was. They recoiled at the sight of his bald head, unsure of what to make of this strange newcomer.

In moments, the pirates began to shout, their voices rising in a chorus of bloodthirsty demands.

Boss! Kill this bald head! We can use his head as bait for fishing, ha-ha-ha-ha! one pirate jeered.

Another chimed in, Yeah, boss, kill this baldy! He must be tired of living if he dares to come onto our ship and die!

The cries of Kill! Kill! Kill! echoed across the deck, and Saitama braced himself for the battle to come.

The cacophony of the pirates voices filled the air, but in an instant, Kriegs expression turned icy cold. It was as if he had suddenly plunged into a subzero cellar, chilled from head to toe.

This kind of face This bald head Its him, he thought to himself in a state of hysterical panic. Absolutely him! Im not wrong not wrong!

Then, pointing a shaking finger at Saitama, he cried out, You! Its you!

Krieg fell to the ground in a fit of horror and despair, tears and snot streaming uncontrollably down his face.

You bastard! I thought Id escaped you once! Why wont you leave me alone? Why?!!!

The Admirals cries of defeat echoed across the sea, silencing the previously raucous pirates.

(Don Krieg, known as the admiral of the Krieg Pirates)

They were all stunned, unsure of what had just happened.

One of the pirates tentatively approached Krieg and whispered, Boss are you alright? Hes just one guy we can take him out easily

Shut up, you fool! Krieg snapped, his eyes flashing with a fierce intensity.

Without warning, he fired a shot that blew off the pirates head. You dont understand anything! Youre all a bunch of idiots!

The pirates were so petrified that they huddled together in terror, their voices choked with fear.

As Dons stern expression bore down on them, Saitama absentmindedly scratched his smooth bald head. Hmm that face have we met before?

Of course we have! Don exclaimed. How could you forget?

Kriegs eyes bulged with terror at the mere sight of Saitamas unassuming bald pate. To him, it was the face of a devil capable of world-shattering destruction.

With a sneer, Krieg shouted, Because of you, Ive been haunted by nightmares every night Your one punch obliterated fifty of my warships Ill never forget that face of terror! NEVER!!!

Saitamas expression remained as blank as ever, giving him the appearance of a clueless buffoon.

As the pirates glanced around nervously, their lips stayed sealed, but their thoughts were racing.

Could it be that the Boss is mistaken? they wondered. How could this goofball-looking guy be the monster who destroyed fifty warships? Or maybe the Boss is just scared out of his wits, and his mind is playing tricks on him?

Bastard Stay away from me! Krieg shrieked, consumed by terror.

He felt a sickening blend of fear and despair as he contemplated the two paths ahead of him.

I cant take it anymore! he thought. Ill obliterate you with my Deadly Poison Gas Bomb. It can level an entire village, so even if youre super strong, youll be toast Its my revenge, damn you, Marine scum!

With a shaky hand, Krieg reached for the detonator, his eyes blazing with madness. No matter how tough you are, your insides are still squishy Ha-Ha-Ha

Krieg gripped the golden shield with both hands, and as he did, the skeletal face etched on it came alive, revealing a tiny but deadly cannon.

Go to hell, Baldy! Krieg screamed, his voice trembling with rage.

Modoku Gas Dan MH5!!! (Gas bomb)

Saitamas expression remained unchanged. Im still trying to remember if Ive seen this guy before, he mused.

Meanwhile, the surrounding pirates were thrown into a frenzy at the mention of Kriegs name. Hold on Don Krieg?! they exclaimed.

In a panic, the pirates frantically scurried toward the ships cabin, realizing they hadnt donned their gas masks yet. Well be poisoned too! they cried.

Krieg cackled maniacally. I dont care how many of you die! he bellowed, his eyes burning with a crazed fervor.

With a deafening roar, the gas bomb erupted from the cannons barrel, hurtling toward Saitama with deadly precision:

I dont care what it costs me, as long as I can kill that Bald Devil who haunts my dreams! Krieg seethed, his mind consumed by a single-minded determination.

The toxic haze spread like wildfire, engulfing the entire pirate vessel.

The hapless crewmates scrambled frantically, but it was too late. They hadnt had time to grab their gas masks before the bomb detonated, so they leaped overboard, plunging into the cool embrace of the ocean.

Krieg, however, calmly retrieved his gas mask and secured it tightly to his face. Its all over now, he murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of triumph.

Kriegs mind raced with manic glee. At last! That blasted baldy is dead! he cackled, feeling himself imbued with a newfound sense of invincibility. I am Don Krieg, Admiral of the Krieg Pirates and King of the East Blue! Nay, of the entire world!

Before he could finish his grandiose declaration, a thunderous blast tore through the atmosphere, shattering everything in its wake. Kriegs towering presence was instantly obliterated, leaving behind nothing more than a fine mist of dust. His very existence was erased, reduced to mere fragments carried away by the relentless force of destruction. All that remained untouched were the empty shoes, a haunting testament to the pirate captains complete annihilation.

Emerging unscathed from the toxic cloud, a bald man stood tall, his fist still defiantly raised.

I still cant place you, he mused, scratching his head. You must have me confused with someone else.

With a casual flick of his hand, he dispersed the toxic mist, dissipating its deadly grip. Then, with a graceful leap, he bounded back toward the sea restaurant.

Meanwhile, scattered remnants of Kriegs dead body adorned the deck.

As Saitama swung open the door and sank into his seat, his senses were tantalized by the sight of a plate brimming with piping-hot fries. Without hesitation, he snatched the longest one, delighting in its crispy exterior and popped it into his mouth, relishing the taste.

Ow! Ow! Hot, hot, hot!

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter!

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Looking forward to catching you in the next chapter!

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