One Punch of Justice

Chapter 22: Gin, the “Man-Demon”

Chapter 22: Gin, the “Man-Demon”

A large ship, with a fish head as its figurehead, was anchored on the vast sea.

This is the Baratie, the finest ocean-going restaurant in the world, the captain boasted.

Thanks to Saitamas efforts, the number of pirates in the East Blue had drastically decreased. Even the notorious Buggy was only an occasional blip on the radar. The seas were becoming safer.

Tourist and merchant ships passing by often made a stop at the Baratie to indulge in the rare delicacies of the sea.

Its quite crowded with so many people here Saitama remarked.

Inside the dining room, Saitama and Fullbody sat at a table, while the marine soldiers from Saitamas ship occupied three full tables nearby.

Fullbody looked over at Saitamas crew and wiped the sweat from his forehead, laughing heartily to himself.

Good thing I brought enough money today, he thought. I was originally planning to spend it on my girl, but my plans changed when I met you. Oh well, Ill just have to explain it to her when I get back Ha-Ha-Ha!

As Saitama perused the menu, he asked Fullbody casually, Arent you going to invite your crew to join us?

Ive already ordered seven servings of food to be sent to the warship, Fullbody replied, shaking his head. But they cant leave without permission. We have a dangerous prisoner on board and we have to keep an eye on him.

Ah, I see, Saitama said nonchalantly.

Saitama usually orders pizza and cola, but since hes in a different world, he knows that these items may not be available. He decides to go for some familiar seafood, but he really wants a special order. So, he approaches the blond waiter with distinctive curly eyebrows, who was busy charming the female customers, and says, Hey there, I didnt see fries on the menu, but this is a western restaurant, so Im sure you have them, right?

Fries? The curly eyebrow man looks back at Saitama and says, Whats that? Ive never heard of it.

Saitamas face falls. He cant believe that the man has never heard of fries. You know, fries! Thin, crispy potatoes that are deep-fried and salted.

The waiter scratches his head. Sorry, man. Still doesnt ring a bell. Are you sure its not some kind of fish or seafood?

Saitama shakes his head in disbelief. No, its definitely not seafood!

Saitama drew a line in the air, trying to explain how fries are made.

Well, you start by cutting the potato into even strips, then you wipe off or soak them in cold water to remove the surface starch, and then you thoroughly dry them. Finally, you fry them until they turn golden. They taste amazing, especially with ketchup. Its like an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

The Curly Eyebrow waiter looked furious. Ketchup?! What are you talking about? He took a cigarette and whispered, But food made from cutting potatoes It sounds a lot like potato cakes. Even if theyre not on the menu, as long as I know the recipe, there shouldnt be a problem. Just give me a moment, Ill be right back.

Saitama nodded, feeling a bit guilty. Did I bother him? he wondered aloud.

When the curly eyebrows waiter left, Fullbody, who had been eavesdropping, approached Saitama curiously. Hey, I heard you talking about fries earlier. Is it true that theyre from your world?

Saitama leaned back in his chair, hands behind his head. Yeah, they are. In my world, we have a lot of strange things, like talking snails that act like phones and TVs. But we also have entertainment magazines, snack foods, manga, game consoles, cars, and a lot of other high-tech stuff.

Fullbody looked amazed. Wow, that sounds incredible. Why dont they have those things here?

Saitama shrugged. I think its because this world is dominated by pirates, and people are more focused on survival than anything else. They dont have the luxury of studying these things or developing advanced technology.

Fullbody nodded thoughtfully. I guess that makes sense. But who knows, maybe someday someone will discover your world and bring some of those things back here.

Saitama smiled. Who knows? Maybe they will. But for now

As the conversation reached its peak, the door of the dining room swung open with a loud bang. A blood-soaked marine soldier barged in, gasping for breath.

Ca- Captain Fullbody!! he wheezed, struggling to catch his breath.

Th- The Pirate Armadas feared Man-Demon Gin has Has escaped from our custody!! We tried to stop him, but he knocked us out before we could react

What?! Fullbody exclaimed in terror as he leapt up from his seat. H-h-how is this possible?! He was on deaths door when we caught him! How could he have possibly broken free and attacked you?!

Saitama seized the moment to ask, Uh, excuse me, I didnt catch his name, but do you need any help?

Dont bother yourself, Commodore Fullbody replied, clenching his fists as he prepared to set out and capture Gin. Although Gin is notorious for being cold-blooded and cruel, and has killed countless civilians and soldiers, hes been locked up for a while. Hes probably weaker now. I can handle him alone.

But before Fullbody could take a step, a gunshot rang out at the restaurants entrance, and the marine soldier who had just entered fell to the ground, covered in blood. The sudden turn of events stunned everyone into a deafening silence.

Ah, so it seems this guy survived my attack after all. I must have hit him when I was still too weak But Ill make up for it now, A thin, scruffy-haired young man with a scraggly beard and a faint mustache stepped out from behind the fallen soldier, glaring darkly at Fullbody.  Thanks for the water and food you sent to the ship, he sneered. After eating it, I feel like Ive been resurrected. Damn you, marines! Ha-ha-ha

Fullbody knew that the odds were not in his favor, but he couldnt just abandon the civilians cowering behind him. As a lieutenant, it was his duty to protect them. He turned to the frightened onlookers and barked, Everyone, move out of this area immediately! Its not safe here!

With a sudden surge of courage, Fullbody raised his hand and roared at Gin, I caught you once, and I can do it again! Justice can never be defeated by a damn pirate!

Gin sneered, unsheathing a pair of menacing melee weapons that were weighted down with metal spheres.

Is that so? he taunted. Well, Ive got news for you. Ive already contacted Don Krieg, whos been hiding nearby in East Blue. Hes on his way here to plunder this place and leave no survivors! Ha-Ha-Ha! But first, lets see if youre even capable of stopping me! Ha-H!

Before Gin could finish his menacing laughter, there was a deafening explosion that echoed through the air.


The sound reverberated across the area, causing everyone to flinch.  To everyones shock, the upper half of Gins body had exploded in a burst of blood and guts. Nobody knew what had happened or who had caused it.

Suddenly, Fullbody felt a mysterious force and spun around. It was none other than Saitamas iconic punch! Its him! Fullbody cried, Hes the one who did it! The rumors are true! Commodore Saitama, protector of Loguetown, can defeat any enemy with a single punch!

Even from ten meters away, the sheer power of Saitamas punch tore through the air and obliterated his opponent without even touching them.

How can one punch be so devastating? someone screamed in disbelief.

As the commotion died down, the head chef and owner of Baratie rushed out to see what had happened.

The marine soldiers brought by Saitama quickly sprang into action to calm the frightened patrons.

Saitama stood up from his seat and strode toward the door, ignoring Gins bloody handiwork. He checked on the wounded soldier, relieved to find him still breathing. Turning to Fullbody, he barked, Get this man to your medical department, now!

Ah, yes! Fullbody exclaimed as he snapped out of his shock.

He rushed over to the wounded soldier and hoisted him onto his back, apologizing profusely to Saitama.

Im so sorry, I never expected this to happen during our dinner invitation, Fullbody said.

Saitama shrugged it off, saying, Dont worry about it. We can finish our meal later.

Later? Fullbody was taken aback. Arent you coming with us?

Saitama shook his head. No, I have to wait for someone else. You go ahead and take care of the injured soldier. We can catch up later.

With that, Saitama found a seat near the gate and settled in to wait, confident that his friend would arrive soon enough.

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter!

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