One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

390: Level two Blue Star! Amazing change!

According to the division of this world.

The standard for a first-class planet was a diameter of a thousand kilometers or less.

The diameter of a second-class planet, on the other hand, was

Between one thousand kilometers and ten thousand kilometers!

The diameter of the moon in the previous world was more than three thousand kilometers.

Exactly in this range.

Of course, the concept of planets in this world was not quite the same as in the previous world.

Each one is an extraordinary planet.

It couldnt be linked to the previous life at all.

After the planets promotion, the diameter has a relatively enormous increase.

Jiang Fan thought to himself.

Its a little different from the previous one

If one successfully passed the planet promotion assessment task.

Each planet, regardless of the previous diameter.

It would go straight up to two stars!

That was Over one thousand kilometers!

Even those who took the test before.

Planet diameter limit of five hundred kilometers or less was also the same!

This was the power of awakening space.

This involved post-promotion.

The planet has gained talent.

Ordinary level, elite level, commander level, king level, epic level, legendary level, mythical level and eternal level!

The higher the planets talent, the more the diameter increases after promotion!

Lets say

A planet with a diameter of 500 kilometers successfully passed the ordinary level assessment mission.

This planet gained ordinary level talent.

The promoted planet would be A minimum of one thousand kilometers!

If six hundred kilometers in diameter passed the ordinary level difficulty.

The promoted planet would be Eleven hundred and a little more than a kilometer in diameter!

If it was the elite level, the increased diameter would be even more.

And so on.

The higher up you go, the bigger the planet would be after promotion!

But there was no fixed value!

Every planet was different.

Jiang Fans current Blue Star was an eternal levels supreme talent!

The increased diameter was naturally the largest.

According to past examples, even at the god level, the increased diameter would not exceed five hundred kilometers.

Jiang Fan thought to himself, with anticipation in his heart, I dont know how much the eternal levelwill increase?

Jiang Fan focused his attention.

He looked over towards the Blue Star.

The first thing that caught his eyes was

The azure planet that had grown much larger!

Jiang Fan took a serious look.

It was almost twice as big as before!

A majestic life force poured out!

After the second level, it still tied the size of the planet to the life force on the planet.

Jiang Fan could clearly feel

The thriving growth and amazing vitality of the Blue Star at this moment!

Finally, its Level 2 planet now.

Jiang Fan felt great consolation.


He checked out the planet panel.

After coming to the secondary planet.

The data on the planet panel.

There was also an enormous change.

Even There was another additional line of text

Planet name: Blue Star

Planet level: Level 2

Planet diameter: 1888 km

Planet species: 1500

Planet talent: Eternal level

Extrapolation route: none

A direct increase of eight hundred and eighty-eight kilometers in diameter?

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows.

Compared to the nine hundred and ninety-nine kilometers before the promotion.

It was indeed almost double!

This was also a manifestation of an eternal-level talent.

Because the planet master could only see this planet panel itself.

Jiang Fan also didnt need to worry about being informed by outsiders.

Species seem to have increased as well?

Jiang Fan suddenly noticed the column for planet species.

Before the promotion, it was .. 1450 species!

And now it

It had become 1500!

A whole fifty brand new species had been added.

This should be a new species that was born quickly during the process of the Blue Star getting bigger.

Jiang Fan secretly guessed.

This was one of the incredible things about Awakening Space.

It simply couldnt be imagined by common sense at all.

After looking at the panel.

Jiang Fan checked the specific changes on Blue Star!

First was the first land.

Inside the Summer Kingdom.

Here in the Royal Tomb Mountain Range, there werent many people left now.

After the successful completion of the promotion conquest.

They held a grand celebration ceremony.

The generals and scholars partied for days.

Yan and the others also took a long breath of relief.

The latter was to give the crowd a long vacation!

Except for the few people who stayed behind in the Royal Tomb Mountain Range .

Most of the people went on vacation to rest!

What made Jiang Fan feel a little puzzled was.

The population of the Xia Kingdom had grown little.

Then this extra life force

Where did it come from?

Jiang Fans gaze moved away from the Royal Tomb Mountain Range.

Turned to the rest of the First Land.

-Mountains and rivers.

-A river.

A lake.

A plain.

Jiang Fan clearly felt the a greater vitality.

The flora and fauna were in these places.

Although the number changed a little, the vitality had become stronger!

The reason for this

Jiang Fan instantly understood.

It was a single life force enhancement!

Each plant became stronger!

The vitality was stronger!

This included the people of the Xia Kingdom as well.

Most notably manifested in

The increase in physique and lifespan!

Previously, the average life expectancy of the people of the Xia Kingdom was only about seventy years old!

Now it has risen directly to ninety years!

This was without changing the level of technology.

If it was the level of the Earth in previous life.

It was estimated that breaking the one hundred years old would not be a problem.

Stronger physique.

The rate of infant mortality was lower.

The probability of various congenital diseases was also smaller.

The resistance to injury and disease was also higher And so on!

It was an all-around improvement!

Of course.

For Jiang Fan, the most important point was

More geniuses would be born!

The development of technology needed geniuses far more than other civilizations!

A genius of the level of Qi and Yan.

Its not something that others could make up for by sheer numbers.


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