One Planet for Everyone! Building Science and Technology Civilization at the Beginning

Chapter 358

Chapter 358

358: Highest Difficulty Mission! Endless star field! Terrible World

With Jiang Fans wholehearted attention, another line of text appeared in the Awakening Space

Eternal level quest: kill the Leif Grand Commander of the Island World and destroy his forces.

Time limit: Three days.

The timer would start in one minute.

Island World? Grand Commander Leif!?

When he saw this line of text.

Jiang Fan couldnt help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

According to the usual practice in the previous years.

The Awakening Spaces promotion assessment missions.

All of them were in the Endless Star Realm!

Endless Star Realm

As the name implies!

It was a star field with an unknown end.

There were many living planets in it!

There had been many people who had gone to explore.


Including the powerful sixth-level planet masters.

But some sixth-level planet master not only failed to explore this endless star field.

Instead, they got lost in it. And never came back!

Therefore, outsiders could not help!

Because you simply did not know where the mission test would be on a planet!

The endless star field was a vast and endless planet!

The distance was too far and far away!

Besides the awakening space, no one else could reach it!

Is it three days?

The time was very urgent.

Of course, the time differed from the real world.

Rather, it was the time for the assessment of mission location.

If they did not complete the task within three days.


It means failure!

The promotion test was not just an examination of strength.

There were many other aspects of the requirements!

Especially for the eternal level The ultimate difficulty.

The requirements would be very high.

Jiang Fan immediately passed the relevant information to Yan!

At this time, Yan and the Great Desolate Army were already ready!

One hundred thousand Great Desolate Army lined up in a neat line.

Standing densely at the entrance of the planet passage!

Followed by a car and a tank!

And a set of heavy weapon and so on!

For this battle, the elites of the Great Wilderness Army were all out.

With all weapons of mass destruction.

The leaders of the army were still Xu Tiande, Le Yi, Han Xin, Lu Sun and Han Zuhu!

The others were all old.

Han Xin was still young and strong!


This time, the commander of the campaign was Han Xin!

The two old companions who fought before, Chang Yu Chun and Su Qin, were too old.

And did not insist on accompanying the team.

Instead, they stayed at Blue Star.

To stabilize the rear, also in case of emergency!

-Minutes passed quickly!

Planet promotion assessment Officially started!

A three-day countdown appeared in Awakening Space!

At the same time, the planet passage on the Blue Star opened on time.


Han Xin ordered.

The group of special combat teams were walking at the front of the line.

These were the elites of the Great Desolate Armys elites!

Selected from a hundred miles!

Trained for years, they were prepared for this battle!

They were proficient in various abilities!

When the special combat team stepped through the passage.

What came into view was a lush and dense forest!

The trees were incredibly tall.

Basically, they were over ten meters.

There were over twenty meters.

As if in a primitive forest.

Nature knew nothing about vegetation.

Swept a glance.

Overhead was a cloudless blue sky.

The nose smelled the fresh air.

And the rich aroma that filled the air.

Although it was only for three days.

Time was tight, but the Great Desolate Army was not in a hurry.

This world differed completely from the previous outer planet.

Because it was in the endless star field!

It was likely to be a complete planet.

The strength of the other side was even more unknown.

Considering that countless people had challenged the eternal level of difficulty before.

In the end, they all failed.

Jiang Fan could basically conclude.

This world was at least a second level planet or higher!

First, build the passage entrance and make a good defense.

Han Xin took a quick look around and began a series of orders!

The first to enter this world was An elite special operations team of one thousand people!

Dressed in alloy battle suits.

Equipped with the latest high-end weapons.

The first thing they did was Check the neighborhood.

Clean up the surrounding threats!

Secure this passage entrance!

The special forces team of 1,000 people split into ten teams.

Quickly checked around the perimeter and made sure its clear!

Special Warfare Team 1, go scout the situation outside, be careful and very careful again. Once you find something wrong, dont act rashly. Report to me first. Han Xin continued to order.

At this time, the Great Desolate Army was already equipped with radios.

They could communicate over short distances.

While the special combat team went out to investigate.

The others didnt stay idle either.

They started to construct a simple base at the entrance of the passage!

Naturally prepared materials and stuff long ago.

A group of Great Desolate Army came in with firewood knives and saws in hand.

And started working on this dense forest.

The main reason for not using a chainsaw was

Avoid making too much noise!

But there were a lot of soldiers in Great Desolate Army.

Several people worked together to tackle a tree.


A gigantic tree fell down.

When the forest was cleared of the gigantic trees.

A tank from the middle of the passage drove in!

They placed it at the edge of the woods.

A defensive circle was formed!

The felling of large trees continued.

A path had to be cleared out for the Tank and vehicles.

Han Xin observed the surrounding situation.

Usually glancing at the radio now and then.

At that moment.

A communication suddenly came over the radio

Intelligent life found, intelligent life found.

Be specific. Han Xin said in a deep voice.

Were two kilometers away and have found a person.

A person?

Han Xin raised his eyebrows.

Yes, not a transcendent, but similar like us, very weak, similar to an ordinary person. We have him subdued now. What should we do next?

Send a few people, bring them back immediately. While others continue to explore.

Since there are people in this place, it means that there is a swarming point in this world nearby, you must be extremely careful!

Not long after ending the communication.

There was a loud noise outside the woods.

Ten special warriors escorted a young man with brown hair, dark skin and a height of about 1.7 meters

quickly walked over!

Except for the flowery, green, unknown material clothes he was wearing.

In other respect, it looked no different from ordinary people.

The scholars of the research team had already gathered around.

This time for the operation, they brought a full thousand scholars and doctors!

All of them were top-level existences in various fields.

The brown-haired man saw the situation in the woods.

Especially the thousands of heavily armed warriors and a steel tank.

His eyes were wide open.

% ** #.

He gibbered something in his mouth and didnt know what was being said.

Then shrieked loudly.

But the special warrior next to him was prepared.

He stuffed his mouth with a cloth!

Language barrier.

This was a big problem of planetary conquest.

In the previous conquests, just run straight through it.

But not this time.

Han Xin took out a leaf.

Put it in his hand.

Looking at the brown-haired man, he asked, Whats your name?

The brown-haired man faintly stared.


He realized, he could actually understand Han Xins words.

He couldnt help but look at the leaf in Han Xins hand one more time.

Basically, he guessed it.


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