One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean

Chapter 90 - Killing Two Birds!

Chapter 90

Title: Killing Two Birds!


There are three Kitetsu blades in this world. All of them are cursed swords.

Kitetsu III, Sandai Kitetsu, one of the Grade blades. The sword Zoro had in canon. In this timeline, Raki is using it.

This one was made by Tenguyama Hitetsu.

Kitetsu II, Nidai Kitetsu, one of the 21 Great Grade blades. This sword resides in Wano. Luffy used it for a while in canon.

This one was made by Tenguyama Hitetsu's ancestor, Kotetsu.

There is also Kitetu I. This was made by Kotetsu's ancestor.


Amon walked above the sandhill in the desert and looked down. He teleported from his spot for a second and returned with a cold drink. 

Duk Duk Duk duk!

"Gah!" He gulped the whole bottle and wiped his lips.

Licking his lips, Amon lightly tossed to bottle up in the air, it reached around a kilometer up in the sky. 

Amon took a deep breath. "Hello, boys!"

Both of the fighters looked back instantly. They were surprised looking at the unexpected guest.

Amon was wearing a black jacket and had one of the Kitetsu blades, one of the 12 Legendary Grade Blades, Shodai Kitetsu in his waist!


It took them a few seconds, but they finally recognized him. 

Both of them were in a daze. Meanwhile, the bottle Amon threw slowly fell from the sky. When it was in front of Amon's face, he entered [Lightning Speed] and lightly tapped the bottle forward, aiming at Crocodile's head.


It broke the sound barrier and hit Crocodile right at his head! 


"A headshot."

Luckily, this was just a test and Amon didn't infuse Haki in the bottle which had already vaporized after moving at that speed. However, Crocodile was nowhere to be seen, he merged with the desert already.

"Impossible… Was that electricity?" Liger was taken off guard, he didn't know Lucifer had a devil fruit. But soon, he realized. "Great! Yes, join me!" Liger was instantly overcome with happiness.

It didn't matter where his power came from, this was his match if Amon helped. Besides, he did attack Croc just now!

Amon smiled sweetly at him and unsheathed his sword as he flowed electricity through his body.

While Liger was confused, Amon lightly played with his sword and then made a serious face. "Behold."

Amon took a stance with his sword and vanished from his spot the next second, appearing a few meters ahead of the Liger. 

"[Lightning Sword Style]"

Like the typical Swordsman, Amon slowly put his sword back to its sheath as it made a click sound. "[Unlimited Slash]!"


"Keuk!" Suddenly, A large cut wound appeared on Liger's body as he lightly fell on his back. "N-No way!"

Crocodile formed behind Amon as sand and tried to take him by surprise. He wasn't sure why he suddenly attacked both Liger and himself, but he knew Amon wasn't on his side. He must die!

"Die!" He tried to grab Amon by his neck so that he could suck him dry, but Amon vanished with a bolt of lightning. 

He appeared 70 meters away from Crocodile. 

"Wow~ so fast." He mocked Crocodile as he glared at him. Suddenly, his eyes twitched, he made a plan. 'I will try the underground hand attack on him.'

Crocodile pulled back his killing intent and then calmly polished his hook. "...What's the meaning of this, Lucifer? Both of us were having a small spar, why are you interfering?"

Amon looked at him with a deadpan face.

Chuckling, he patted his sheathed sword. "Bro, I know what's happening here. I'm just trying to kill you both."

Amon said with a face screaming, 'Bruh?'

Crocodile frowned.

Amon continued. "As for why I'm not cutting you with my lovely sword, it's because I'm being careful. After the marines find the two of your bodies, I need them to believe no third-party was involved in your death. You have some slash attacks using your devil fruit, so even if Liger died with a cut wound, nobody would suspect. But I can't kill you with a sword, unfortunately. So I need to fight you hand to hand. Be grateful."

Crocodile glared at Amon. "...You think you can live after saying all this? You should  have kept your mouth shut." 

Suddenly, tens of hands made of sand came out of the ground and started to pull Amon underground slowly.

Amon snickered. "I mean a dead man can't talk, so who cares if you know some wise words."

Surprising Crocodile, Amon vanished from his spot and appeared above Crocodile, his eyes cold. 

He flowed electricity through his leg, preparing a kick. Grinning, he launched his leg forward.

"[Thunder Dragon Kick]!"

A lightning dragon formed around Amon's leg like a barrier as he kicked Crocodile right in the face, making him fly a few meters away while puking blood. 

Amon dropped to the ground and looked at the scene with curiosity. "Hmm, so your body didn't turn into glass?" 

Amon was curious, but the other two were not. Things were moving too fast for them. Liger was injured badly, while Crocodile wasn't getting a chance to think at all.

They both had one question. 'Does he really plan to kill both of us?  Why?'

Ignoring their unnecessary thoughts he was sensing, Amon raised his finger towards the sky. He needs to test the theory of Crocodile's body. "[250 Million: El Thor]!"

Crack~ Rumble!


A giant beam of lightning dropped from the sky right at Crocodile's body. 


Even though Amon wasn't strong enough to mix Haki with that big of a beam, it still hurt Crocodile because of its sheer power. As seconds passed, Amon stopped the attack as he stared at the scene ahead.

At the place where 'El Thor' hit, a circular hole was created. The hole wasn't that deep, but rather it was crystallized. Inside the crystalized hole, a glass sculptured Crocodile stood still.

"Oh, how interesting."

Crocodile had become a human sculpture made of glass. It was a normal phenomenon for sand to turn into glass in heat, yes even in Amon's previous world there were cases of lightning strikes turning sand into glass.

This was a case similar to that. Amon was suddenly hit with a concern. "Wait, is he dead?

He thought about his possible loss for a second. He realized, there was no loss. "How pitiful–oh, wow."

Suddenly, Amon's concerns vanished in thin air as he raised the corner of his lips.

He looked at the scene ahead of him. The glass sculpture moved slightly as a few cracks appeared on its body. 

Crocodile, still with a glass outer skeleton, gasped a big breath. "Kuah! What... was that?"

While he glared at Amon, he realized something suddenly. His body wasn't the same as before! He quickly inspected his body for a second as a grin appeared on his face. "Kuhahaha!"

He smiled maniacally. "My body… my body is crystal now! This way my biggest weakness won't affect me at all!"

"Kuhahaha!" Crocodile had a madman-like look plastered on his face, but in seconds, more cracks formed around the glass covering his body as it started to fall and his body returned to normal. "...Huh?"

"Pfft… hahaha!" Amon laughed seeing him react this way. "So, 9 seconds, huh. I guess she will be quite powerful if I can make that effect permanent, ahahah! Just a few more million volts."

While Crocodile questioned who was 'she', he noticed something. As he smirked internally.

Amon rubbed his chin. 'It was quite fascinating how Crocodile survived a 250 million volts El Thor, but it matters not. I recall the times Liger used 'Shigan', so it won't be suspicious if Croc died by that technique…'

It was then when Liger had gotten up and was slowly coming at Amon's back. He jumped forward and caught Amon by 'surprise'. 

"Caught you, bastard!" Liger laughed. "Crocodile, we are both injured and weak right now. I don't think this bastard is on any of our sides, so why not finish him first? Let's not fight among ourselves for now, alright?"

Amon chuckled lightly in his grasp. "Man, you are strong, you survived my slash. But you also are dumb."

Liger tightened his grip.

"Haaah, I'm surprised how you were able to cut me, my skin is as hard as iron while I'm transformed." 

Amon laughed. "Well, it's a special sword for nothing."

Saying this, Amon covered the back of his head with Haki and smacked his head on Liger's nose! 


Liger covered his nose with his hand as Amon was out of his grasp. Amon turned around to face him as he placed his hand in the hilt of his sword. Liger's eyes became wide, but before Amon could harm him, Crocodile attacked from behind, he crossed his arms and slashed the air. "Sand Sword!"

Crocodile's hands turned into a whip-like sand sword as it went close to Amon. However, instead of hitting him, the attack phased through. Even though Crocodile did use haki in his attack, he was still hurt. It was quite strange to Crocodile as he was questioning if this was an innate ability of Amon or not. 

In reality, Amon just shook his body in the way Flash phases through objects, so even the Haki imbued slash phrased through him. 

Crocodile growled seeing this, meanwhile, Amon pulled out his sword and slashed at Liger again, this time a large cut was formed in his torso. He wasn't dead yet though.

Amon then looked at Crocodile, now it was his turn. He put back his sword and raised a finger towards his heart. He imbued electricity and Haki in his finger silently chanted. "[Shigan]"

He then moved fast towards Crocodile, his finger punctured the off-guard Crocodile's chest with ease. Crocodile widened his eyes looking at Amon as the latter looked back at him coldly .

Next moment , Crocodile lightly fell back on his back and Amon shifted his gaze to the half-dead Liger.

He walked towards him. Looking at his face Amon grinned. "How does it feel to be at death's door?"

"Kekke… It certainly isn't a pleasant feeling."

"Hahaha, I know right?"

Amon took out his sword. In  that small exchange of words with Liger  he confirmed a few things using his Observation and experience. 'He didn't notify the HQ, about Crocodile or me. Good.'

Feeling a little pleased, Amon lightly cut Liger in half as if his body was tofu. Liger kept looking at him with strange emotions. "Argh… Who would have thought, I would die like this. Kh..."

Blood burst out of Liger's mouth.

Looking at his corpse for a split second, Amon vanished from his spot and returned with some papers in his hands. 

He went closer to Liger's dead body and placed the papers in his hand. He will also prepare to send a copy of these papers to the HQ in Liger's name. They will just assume Liger saw his death coming so he sent the papers beforehand.

'Everything is settled now, I just need to-… Wait, Croc is still alive?!'

Amon abruptly looked back where Croc was lying, pretending to be dead. "Pfft…. Hahaha, poor guy. He even fooled me since he can hide his presence in this desert."

While Crocodile kept pretending,  Amon pointed his finger at his head from far. "[Shigan: Finger Bullet]"

Amon's finger left his body while leaving a trail of lightning and penetrated Crocodile's head like butter.


Crocodile died in silence. He had a dream, even if he couldn't become the Pirate King, he at least wanted to die like him but… he died silently in an unknown location, under nobody's look of admiration. This was a shameful death to him, it almost felt surreal, but he died.

The battle ended in 4:59 seconds.

"...Fuuu, is it a good thing I feel nothing after taking two lives?" Amon tilted his head. "Meh, who cares."

He then vanished again, this time returning with a fruit basket.

The sun was setting far in he sky, Amon stood in the lonely desert alone.




Amon was standing in the dark desert with two strange-looking fruits in his hands. Currently, it was raining here, the Royal family was using the cloud dials properly. 

Currently, Amon was perplexed. "Who do I give the Ancient Zoan to?" 

This was a powerful fruit indeed, so Amon couldn't decide. He decided to hold onto it for now. 

Soon, he vanished after lightning crackled in the sky.


Kitetu I.

A sword that was never shown in canon and was only mentioned briefly. The strongest among the Kitetsu family.

Kitetsu I, Shodai Kitetsu, one of the 12 Supreme Grade blades! 

Although in Canon nobody had it, this time around Amon owns it.

After visiting Noah once, Amon sensed something interesting deep inside it. It was mostly because of his ability to sense electrical fields, partially because he had used the Kitetsu III for a while before. He recognized the aura, so he again returned to Noah with Raki's sword. Confirming his suspicion, Amon picked up the strongest cursed sword in history without hesitation.

This was the only reason he was taking swordsmanship training from Tsumi. Amon also discovered Tsumi can use Armement without knowing it herself.

He now possessed one of the 12 Supreme Grade Swords in his vault. Also 2 of the 3 Kitetsu blades as well. 

'Why was there such a sword in Noah?'

That was a question he had. 

'Who used this sword before.'

This was another.

'Was it only luck which led me to find this piece of art?'

It was another question, however…

The biggest question was, he wondered if there would be something special if he collected all of them.




Author Note:

People are asking why I butchered Robin's character ?? .

You know, a change is granted as long as Amon 'mixes' with any Character. As an example, look at Raki.

Now yes, indeed Amon didn't meet Robin when she was a newborn like Raki, but look at Hancock, she wanted to kill Luffy at first, but after she got her 'sickness' she took a 180° turn, and ALL that only took less than 1 day.

It would be stupid to think Amon can't do something similar to Robin who he spent more than 900 days with.


This chapter was proofread by Discord members and edited by @Retuculum and @AyyZelos and @Shortmotor!



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