One Piece: Reborn as a Skypiean

Chapter 101 - Three World Nobles!

[Read 15+ chapters before release in P.A.T.R.E.O.N]–

Link: *******.com/Master4thWall


Chapter 101

Title: Three World Nobles!


Today is December 31st, 1519.

"Yay! Our 400th anniversary of living in the sky has come!"

"Yes, I'm very excited. Look, in the past 10 years, we progressed more than the previous 390 years combined! Our small Upperyard has grown so much thanks to Amon."

"That's what I was saying… is it a good idea to hold the ceremony without him around?"

Shandians were happily chattering among themselves. Some were hesitant if it is a good idea to do this without the main character of the Century present here.

"Nah, it would be fine. We held the End-War's 10th anniversary at the start of this year, without Amon. So this is gonna be fine."

At the start of 1519, the upper yard was opened for Skypieans but was still closed for other people. So this ceremony was considered a big day, bigger than this year's. After all, this is the 400th year of the Shandian and the upper yard being in the sky!!

Among everyone's chattering, Yona was very busy. She was seemingly preparing everything by herself. That's how hard she was working.

"Hey, put the flowers at the gate!"

"What are you doing, team 7! Don't mess with the balloons!"

"Ah–stop, stop. That's not how you put the bulbs!"

She was already sweating heavily, her red hair was sticky around her neck. She managed to look beautiful even in this working state.

Wiping her sweaty forehead with a finger Yona looked around. It was one dazzling scenario, she hasn't seen anything like this before. It was the biggest festival preparation she had ever seen and prepared.

'So beautiful… If only Kami-sama was here.'

Sighing and shaking her head, she went back to work.

Meanwhile, in a side, Wyper was instructing the fighters from Skypiea, Shandia, and Birka faction.


"Listen, everyone. I guarantee, there will be uninvited guests tomorrow. Pirates, thieves, robbers, bandits, they will be there." Wyper said in an imperious voice.

He stared at everyone in front of him expressionlessly. He recalled that day with Amon 4 years ago. His hands gripped his spear instinctively.

"Listen, this might be a big ceremony but being a part of the Militia, you are forbidden from enjoying it! You have to give your all to protect this land, yours and my homeland!"

"This. Is an order!"

"""Yes sir!"""

Everyone screamed at once. They knew better than to disobey the fire demon in front of them.

At the back of the neatly standing people, a Skypiean frowned in displeasure.

He whispered to himself. "Ugh, this is such a big ceremony! Why do we have to listen to this crazy bastard?!"

He didn't have enough courage to say that out loud, but this was enough.



Wyper heard it all. He blasted his hands in the air to attract his attention.

"Line 3, Subject-77. You seem to have a problem with my ways of doing things."

He said with his eyes devoid of any emotion. "From today onwards, you are to be demolished from the Militia, Enjoy a nice vacation."

Saying this in a light voice, Wyper turned around and started to walk away.

"S-Sir, please give me another chance! Sir!"

"Whoa! Whoa!"

A royal ship was seen to be coming towards the 'Heaven's Gate'. This ship belongs to Alabasta's Royal family.

"Father, look there are clouds everywhere! Look, look!"

The princess of Alabasta, Nefertari Vivi, was pulling King Cobra's robe, asking him to look around.

Cobra, with a smile on his face, did what she was asking him to do. "Haha, yes yes it certainly is a beautiful port."

'I was right, it was a good idea to bring her here, hahaha!' Cobra laughed in ecstasy in his mind, meanwhile, Vivi kept looking around.

On the deck of the ship, Robin was sitting, reading a book.

She had a smile on her face while wearing a pair of glasses. 'What a strange language…'

The book she was reading was written in a language that even Robin herself wasn't aware of.

Amon came to earth 5 months ago to meet Robin and keep track of the changes that happened in his absence. He does that every now and then, though Robin assumed this time when Amon returns, he would come back for real.

Last time, he gave her the book and asked her to try and comprehend the language of the book. This was the language that the aliens spoke in. Amon can also speak in that tongue, but he can't write it. He didn't have enough free time to waste learning languages.

This past 4 years, he didn't have a break at all. He trained and took over lands like a madman. Things happened in space so he was busy there, fighting. Robin knew this

well, but she wasn't worried at all!

From what she witnessed last time… "Uh…"

Recalling it, she got shivers in her spine. Seeing what he did that time, reduced her fear for Aokiji, it is almost nonexistent by now…

She ignored Vivi's tantrum and kept reading the book. She has already grasped a small portion of the language, but there is still a long way to go.

"So, 'Ahïàß' means 'Food'... Hmm, how interesting."

Giggling to herself, Robin continued reading.

A few minutes passed like that.


Her mind drifted for a second, her blue eyes looked at the similarly blue sky above. 'I guess some people will do foolish things tomorrow, I need to be on guard.'

It was clear to her, but she was confident. She's not the same person from six years ago, nor was she the same person from 4 years ago. She believed she was strong enough to stop relying on Amon any longer.

Currently, she was reading the book which was being held by one of the two arms that were coming from both her side-chest. She has been exhibiting this arm non-stop for 5 days now, she is training the time-limit and endurance of her ability.

Her initial limit 6 years ago was keeping two extra hands for half a day, now it was 5 days and more.

The hands gradually disappeared as Robin released a heavy breath. She will bring forth the hands again soon.


–Vivi Pov–

We then came across an old man with a white beard, wearing a metal suit. He is supposed to be the Sky Knight, how exciting!

He recognized us and directed us to the upper-yard, saying we were respectable guests…

'Man, our Alabasta sure is something. Even this sky which is disconnected from the world knows about us!'

I was happy and proud of my country.

Suddenly, father laughed from my side while talking to the Sky Knight.

"Haha, sir. I have to say, the Skypieans sure know how to treat their guests. I guess Lu–err, Amon sure made some preparation for his father-in-law, haha!"

A frown appeared on my face.

'...Again, I hate this! So they were only treating him because of that?!'

I can hear Miss All Sunday giggle from the side. Is she making fun of me?

I looked at her only to find she was reading a book.


I quite like her… she's the reason why I accepted my father's proposal to come here actually.

'Uff, if I had a person like her looking after me. How nice it would have been…'

Shaking my head almost unnoticeably, I then paid attention to the road.

From where we entered the island, it was just trees, they acted like a barrier, a fence. This place would be very hard to attack for an enemy. There were also many guards around the place. They seemed strong, stronger than our best soldiers. I also witnessed some weaponries, those weaponries looked destructive as well. With all this thing in their sleeves and a warlord as their leader, I don't think they are weaker than Alabasta by any means…

This Kingdom is dangerous indeed… it seems my previous assumption was wrong, they aren't leeching on us.


As we go deeper, I can see the nicely carved buildings, these buildings were carved in and on the trees, they look fun to live in.

'I heard there is a city of gold, though I don't see any sign of it yet. Was it a lie?'

I don't care much though, they can lie all they want. It's their Kingdom after all–


'Wait that's that golden glow?'

Suddenly, a golden light shined in my eyes through the buildings and trees, my legs moved automatically.

"Father, I'll be back."

Ignoring Father's worried yelp, I ran forward.

I was always like this, doing things by myself. Though I don't think I will regret it this time.


As I ran through the large trees, jumping from one tree to another, while stepping on crunchy old leaves, I regretted not bringing my transported duck, Karoo, with me.

As I was lost in my thoughts, standing on the branch of a tree, I finally came across it.


I was speechless for a second. How beautiful it was.

"...So the rumors are true."

There really was a city of gold lingering in the sky?

In front of me, there were many architectures made of gold. They were shining under the noon-Sun beautifully.

How… Fascinating.


To my surprise, I slipped on my leg. And started to fall from the branch of the tree I was standing in.


Luckily, something soft caught me. I looked back to find it was a net made of hands.

"You should be careful where you step, Princess Vivi."

It was the black-haired woman I admire, Miss All Sunday. How nice!


Just like that, a day passed.

Today was the day of the festival. This festival will continue for 7 days, I think I will enjoy it fully.

So this is the home of that pervert...

[Next Day]

–General Pov–

"Aahh! P-Please don't hit me!"

Around 'Heaven's Gate', there was a ship that was flying a terrifying flag.

The flag of the World Government!

Three Celestial Dragons were riding the ship, they were here with their slaves.

One of them, a fat Noble with a loose nose, was whipping a naked woman, laying on the deck.


"Ahhh! L-Lord, it hurts! Please!"

"Hehehe, are you ordering me around? How ridiculous!"


The man kept hitting the woman while she screamed in pain.

Beside the man, two other Celestial Dragons stood.

One of them was a woman as well, but she didn't show any displeasure seeing another woman being treated like this. She simply didn't see the woman on the ground as the same race as her.

She was a Celestial Dragon, a God. While the woman on the floor was just a pathetic mortal, a human.

Beside her, a man with swirly hair stood. He seemed to not care about the things happening in front of him and was just observing the clouds around the ship.

Behind their ship, 10 Marine ships with 10 Vice admirals occupying them were following suit.

The World Noble with swirly hair looked at his equal. "Berseodo, stop it. That woman's screams are annoying."

The man said lightly to the fat man, he looked back towards him.

"Eh, big brother Ainsworth. You hate the screams?"

The fat Noble named Berseodo said, he then slipped his hands in his asteroid-like suit and took out a gun.

"Brother, then I shall…"

He then pointed the gun on the woman's head.

The slave woman stayed silent seeing this. 'Am I finally going to be freed…?'


The woman's life ended right there, her blood splattered all around the ship.

"Ugh, Berseodo! Don't you know I hate blood? Eww, how disgusting!"

"Hehe, bear with it big sister, Bimret."

The 3 world nobles had a small commission among themselves. Meanwhile, their slaves stayed silent, staring at the corpse of their acquaintance.

One of them, a bulky slave-man with a huge body clenched his jaws tighter.

"Enough, you two! Behave yourselves!" Ainsworth ordered his two little siblings.

The two went silent, a few minutes passed like that.

Berseodo looked at the corpse being handled by some Marines.

"Oww… it's only been 4 days since I've been playing with this slave, but I accidentally killed her…"

"Accidentally? Pfft!" The female noble laughed out.



Currently, they are going towards the festival in Upperyard.

But they weren't here to sightsee.

"Hehe… I guess it doesn't matter."

The man with a snort leaving his nose, Berseodo laughed lightly.

"I'm gonna get new ones anyway. Hehe…"

Indeed, he wasn't here to sightsee. He was here to collect angelic slaves.




P.S: 1000 power stones for a bonus chapter. (942 rn oOo)

This chapter was proofread by Discord members and edited by @Retuculum and @AyyZelos and @Shortmotor!



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