One Piece: My Infinity Gauntlet!

Chapter 92 - 92 - Why Would The World Government Make A Deal With Pirates?

[PS:] Extra Chapter


Will took out the fax Den Den Mushi that Lucci gave him and pointed it at the processed blueprint, only to see two rays of yellow light shoot out from the eyes of the Den Den Mushi, and after a few seconds of 'scanning', all the contents were sent out in the form of a photo, it was amazing!

And as he lay quietly in his room, thinking, there was a knock at the door.

"May I ask if Mr. Will is in? I am Mayor Iceberg of the Water Seven."

Why is he here?

Will opened the door with a strange look in his eyes, was it because the blueprint was exposed?


"A Bar owner was killed today, and someone said they saw Mr. Will appear there, so I came over to find out more about the situation."

Iceberg spoke quite politely, mainly because this level of pirates can only be pacified, otherwise, I am afraid to make a bigger commotion..

The thought of that strange big explosion on the coast cast a dark cloud over Iceberg's heart.

Maybe the theft of Pluto's blueprint given to Franky was related to the 'accident' that happened today?

But how do these people know this secret?

When Iceberg was suspicious of Will, Will also spoke up, "It's an enemy from a few years ago. And it's really me who killed that person. What advice can the Mayor give?"

Faced with Will's frankness, a bitter smile spread over Iceberg's face.

Any advice? What can he advise? Does he dare to give advice!

If it had been an ordinary pirate, it would have been easier to say, but before he came here, he had already learned some of Will's information, even one of the Shichibukai died in his hands, and he even retreated under the pursuit of the admiral.

After hinting some hope that Will could help to 'maintain' the security environment of the island, Iceberg took his leave.

But is it really necessary for a city chief to personally confirm such things?

Even if his secretary Kalifa is not by his side, there is no need to be in such a hurry. It seems that Franky has already told him about the missing Pluto's blueprint, which is not surprising.

It's not surprising that Franky has already told him about the loss of the blueprint. And it also doesn't matter for him if they suspect him of it since there is no evidence for them to pinpoint it to him.

But even if they got evidence, could they even get it back?

Will quickly put the matter behind him.


The next day, Lucci, who was missing an arm and had a bandaged body, came to the door.

The anger and violence of yesterday were gone, replaced by calm and businesslike.

But Will would never have thought that killing Blueno and his beloved pigeon and beating them half to death would be so easy for him to let go!

So what if Lucci is really the strongest genius of CP9 in 800 years?

Didn't you know that plug-ins are designed to sanction geniuses!

The reason why Will kept him alive was because he was willing to make sacrifices for his companions, but it's hard to say the next time they will meet again.

It's the same den den mushi from yesterday, and Will guess the other party has already come to a conclusion about the photo that was faxed yesterday.

Otherwise, why would a genius like Lucci spend so many years wasted in the City of Water Seven if it's not real?

Its importance is unquestionable!

Will was the first to make a move, trying to use a modified fake blueprint to hammer the stupid five old men!

Surely he has the blood of a crooked businessman in his bones!

"Hello? Did you verify its authenticity?"

"It's actually an ancient script, so it looks like the content of this deal needs to be modified a bit."

If there are still people in this world who know ancient scripts, other than Robin and O'Hara, who were buried in flames, the most likely one would be the world government!

After all, it was in the course of a hundred years of disappearing history that the World Nobel suddenly rose to world domination!

Then it is very possible that there will be records of ancient texts!

Presumably, after a day, the other party has already determined a part of the content, which may not be so precise but sufficient to prove the value of this blueprint!

Definitely not a fake blueprint that Will just made up!

So the next change to the deal was naturally a matter of translation!

Sure enough, the other party put forward the conditions for Nico Robin to translate.

With Nico Robin's full translation, and their final confirmation against the documents, the hope of restoring Pluto's would be greatly increased!

Even if Nico Robin had translated it haphazardly, it would have been discovered, leaving the other side with something to hide.

But what if the content of the 'original' ancient writing was originally wrong?

You know that strange-looking ancient writing is more like writing than some kind of pattern and that more strokes or fewer strokes can mean very different things!

Will, who had made up his mind to screw the world government, did not let go of this opportunity and asked for five more Devil Fruits!

Of course, that number is impossible!

In the end, after a bit of haggling, the world government paid two more devil fruits in exchange for Nicole Robin's translation.

"In about a month's time, the stuff will be delivered, and I hope that this deal will go through."

"I also hope. That is if you don't have the idea of just killing me at the end of the deal. "

"It seems we thought of going together, you're not thinking of going with a black and white idea, are you?"

The tone was very serious and the biggest problem that stood in the way of this deal was trust!

Will doesn't trust the world government, and they don't trust him either!

But Pluto's blueprints are something that the world government must have!

There are many chances to get rid of Will, but obtaining the Pluto's must not go wrong, so it is better to say that the world government is more afraid of problems arising with this transaction, such as Will turning his back on the deal and killing the people who were sent to make the deal, seizing the items and escaping.

So there is an urgent need for a secure way of trading that both parties can feel comfortable agreeing to!

"How about getting the Fleet Admiral and Vice-Admiral Garp to endorse the deal?"

Will suddenly suggested.

"Impossible! How could the world government make a deal with pirates!"

Will instantly understand the other party's meaning, this kind of shady secret dealings may have been done many times by the world government, but it will never be made public so that the people of the world will know the dirty things they have done!

And with Garp temperament, how could it be possible for the world government to take the blame!

"Also about my position for being a Shichibukai! Let the Fleet Admiral and Vice-Admiral Garp personally acknowledge the matter of me becoming one of the Shichibukai on the live video broadcast."

The world government's use of fake news to deprive Doflamingo of his title of being a Shichibukai is something Will has to guard against!

"I'm sure the world government doesn't want the Navy's reputation to be ruined by a little 'rookie' like me."

The Five Elders on the other side of the den den mushi instinctively wanted to refuse, but on second thought, it was a good idea!

The fact that Will could say such a thing proved that he did not want to cause any trouble.

And the most important thing was to be able to close this deal successfully!


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