One Piece: My Infinity Gauntlet!

Chapter 46 - 46 - The Little Lolita Chef?

The Star Duel on Trident Shaped Island is the most sacred form of communication between chefs!

On this island, the chef assessment, after passing, you can get a star medal, which means to become a certified one-star chef of Trident Island.

Then the chefs with the same number of star medals will fight again in Star Duel, and the winner will receive the star medal of the opponent to become a higher star chief, while the loser is demoted.

The judging criteria is an odd number of randomly selected visitors after the duel is established, with a minimum of three and a maximum of five judges.

Also because of this rule, in the first period of time, they let some people exploit the loophole, hire people to paint stars, pay off the judges or simply find a bunch of their own people wandering in the vicinity of the Trident duel site.

But then the founders of Trident Island closed these loopholes.

First of all, all chefs who get three stars or more certification must undergo the official evaluation of the island, which is used to prove their strength.

If it is found that their own cooking skills and chef level does not match, they were directly stripped of all their star medals, and permanently listed on the Trident Island blacklist!

If a chef was on this blacklist, hardly any upscale restaurant would still use that chef! .

This instantly eliminates the vast majority of people who are just trying to make a living and exploit loopholes in the rules!

The second is that the judges must be randomly selected by the official from Trident Island unless someone can put their people in the Trident Island Island who have a tourist population of hundreds of thousands every day, otherwise, it will be difficult to find their people to become a judge.

Because it is a temporary selection of tourists before the Star duel, so there is no chance and this time to pay off the judges.

Even if they really happened to find the judges is their own acquaintance, Trident island official assessment is not a vegetarian!

The more star medals you have, the harder things are to assess!

After reading the rules of the Star Duel presented by the man who brought them in, Will and those with him were increasingly curious about the next Star duel!

It seems that even though the form is different, the content follows the same philosophy.

This is a head-to-head fight between chefs!

And because even the judges are randomly selected on a whim, and everyone's taste focus is not the same, some like to eat sweet, some like to eat spicy, it is also more to examine the chef's observation skills and the ability to improvise!

Of course, there is a certain amount of luck involved.

But no matter the industry, luck is an essential ingredient, so there's nothing unfair about it!

This island is so much fun!

Even Nami and Koby, who have been shouting that they can't eat anymore, can't help but look forward to it.

You know that after all these years, excluding the already legendary three six-star chefs, the five-star chefs certified by Trident Island are only 11 people!

What chef who can achieve 3+ star certification doesn't have two stars!

Why would they initiate the Star Duel if they were not sure they would win!

And a necessary condition for the establishment of a Star duel is that both parties are willing to duel!

This makes high level certified chefs rarer and scarce!

To get to this point is not easy for anyone, naturally, they need to cherish their feathers.

Today, under the witness of Will, Nami and Koby, it is very likely that the 12th five-star chef will be born, provided that the winner can pass the official assessment of the island to obtain the final certification!

"Are we all clear on today's rules? After the duel has begun, you must not exchange opinions with each other, and it is up to your heart to decide whether it is delicious or not."

Will nodded excitedly.

The man who had chosen them as judges was the judge sent by the Trident Island to officiate this duel, and everything had to be as fair as possible!

And he chose Will because he had been watching them for a while.

The difficulty of the dish is definitely in line with the theme of today's showdown between two four-star chefs, a young man who eats a lot, and a woman and child.

Even if the woman and child are already in a supersaturated state, in such a tricky situation, what kind of dish the two four-star chefs will make will be the biggest point!

After all, when people are full, no matter how good the food is, it will still feel ordinary or even nauseous.

It's a wonderful showdown when you have to take care of the tastes of all three types of people, and at the same time face the full state of the judges!

After quickly clearing the room, the two 4-star chefs for this showdown finally showed up!

To the left of the judge's table was a standard chef look-alike with a round face, a short and thick neck, a very full body and unintentionally exposed calluses all over his hands.

Although the face was always smiling and very rich, the confidence was definitely not faked!

The chef who came out on the right, on the other hand, left Will and his two friends stunned and somewhat confused!

It's actually a cute little girl who looks like a porcelain doll?

Is her height 1.2 meters?

Will and Nami looked at each other, and then they looked at Koby, who seemed to have the same height as the little loli...

 The four-star duel that we've been waiting for for so long is a little girl who's not even as tall as the kitchen table... It's too much!

But there are indeed 4 pure gold star medals hanging on Little Lolita's clothes...

"Since both sides are ready let me tell you the rules of the Star Duel!"

"The theme of this Star showdown is 'matchmaking'!"

"Both chefs use ingredients provided by Trident Island, a total of 12 different types of ingredients, at least 8 of which must be used in the cooking process in order to obtain the qualification of the judges' tasting."

"It is up to the two chefs to find out how to handle the ingredients with conflicting or even opposing properties perfectly and then match them together."

"In addition, the number of ingredients used will also be one of the reference points for the judges' final choice, so please be careful."

At this point, Will and the two at his side instinctively took a look at the rich ingredients behind them.

emmmmm... Most of the ingredients are unknown to them!

Is it possible that after eating it later their review can only say, "Mmm, not bad, it melted in the mouth, it's sweet and soft..."

This has almost become a standard catchphrase for food reviews!

How embarrassing it is!

"In addition, this Star duel, with the consent of both parties, has added additional wagering conditions."

"After Chef Goomba wins, Chef Snow(Loli) will voluntarily become the other side's slave."

"If Chef Snow(Loli) wins, Chef Goomba voluntarily enters the official blacklist of Trident Island, permanently losing his chef qualification!"

"I now declare the Star Duel, to begin!"


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