One Piece: My Infinity Gauntlet!

Chapter 377 - Heaven And Earth Moving!

No one has ever killed him, not even himself.

It is almost universally agreed that Kaido is the strongest in single combat.

Among all the creatures alive in the Sea, he is called "the strongest creature in the world".


This is the world's assessment of Kaido, and it naturally comes from the crazy things he's done!

But Kaido is only 'temporarily' unkillable, not unbeatable!

In terms of 'war record', Kaido had suffered seven defeats, had been captured 18 times when he alone challenged the Navy and the Four Emperors, had been tortured over a thousand times, and had been sentenced to death a full N times!

And of course, Will knows this information by heart!

After the previous battles, suffering so much damage and letting go of several moves, even Kaido would certainly not be in full bloom again, otherwise, he would have destroyed all his opponents and taken the Pirate King's throne.

So this time it's Will's turn to add another 'defeat' to his record!

The strongest?

An immortal body?

Will wants to break the legend himself!


Kaido's big weapon snapped numerous times, and under the tremendous impact, Kaido actually failed to grip the hideous weapon in his hand!

The huge club was actually blown away by Will's punch!

In this head-on confrontation, the one who fell short was none other than the transformed 'Little Dragon Man' Kaido!

And the result is not that Will suddenly became stronger, but that Kaido ... became weaker!

Or to be exact, he is depleted!

It wasn't until this moment that Will confirmed that he was the one who had the upper hand, and not the 'little dragon man' in front of him!

Shake-Earth Rupture!

Will both hands struck to both sides at the same time, and a deep abyss cracked open under Kaido's feet because he hadn't adjusted his balance under the impact just now, so Kaido fell in at once in the face of the sudden earth-shattering attack!

But it's not the first time Kaido has fought someone with this ability, and Whitebeard is even better at applying the Quake Devil Fruits than the guy in front of him!

So as he was about to be swallowed up, Kaido held the edge of the crack with one hand and didn't let himself fall in completely!

However, before he could save himself or transform into the form of the Dragon and fly up, Will appeared in front of him like a ghost, and then reached out his left hand, which was attached to a white air mask, and pressed it on his face!

Epicentre - Empty Shatter!

Top with Armament Haki, and with the most destructive Devil Fruit, which Whitebeard once used to nearly kill Akainu directly!

Kaido, who was imprisoned by Will's electromagnetic force and unable to transform, only felt a sharp pain, and heard the sound of his skull cracking in his ears!

But that's not the end of it!

The ruthless Will once again made a bomb with his soul devil fruit power, and then just like that he coldly clasped Kaido's face and detonated it!

In an instant, several streaks of blood flowed from Kaido's nose, ears, and eyes!

The succession of attacks left Kaido, who was always in a passive state, traumatized, not only physically, but mentally and spiritually!

At this point, Kaido, who had gone blackout, let go of his hand and then let himself fall into the abyss!

Will didn't know how much of an impact his attack would have on Kaido in the end, but he had already stopped caring about that now.

Immediately after Kaido fell, he stretched out his hands, palms facing each other, and then closed them in the middle with great effort.

The thousand-meter-long fissure was slowly merging with a rumbling sound, and no one would believe what had just happened if they didn't look at the ground carefully!

After all this, Will was barely able to breathe a sigh of relief.

Although he didn't think it would be enough to kill Kaido, but even that guy Kaido would have to pay a price if he wanted to withstand the huge squeezing pressure below and come back alive again!

And he's got a big trick waiting to be served here!

The enemy seems to have been killed by their own master, and the three bullies finally dare to come over.

It is really from the heart, and at this moment Will suddenly regretted creating them, a useless batch!

If you let the three know what their master's thoughts are, they'll definitely shout in aggravation:

Provided, of course, that they learn to talk!

However, before Will could think of how to fix them when he got back, there was suddenly a violent vibration under his feet!

He couldn't think of anyone else to cause such a commotion except for Kaido, who was trapped below!

So he immediately gave the three major 'Homiez' a look that said, "Hide behind me for a while and output well, and see how I'll deal with you if your dps fails at the end."

As long as they don't get beaten at their doorstep, they can hide behind the safety of the backyard and do little things like shooting long-range attacks.

Soon, the frequency of ground shaking reached a peak and began cracking everywhere! Earthquakes have always been known to turn the earth over to the dragon, except that the one below is a real dragon.


The hot dragon's breath blasted out from the ground, and the last obstacle to Kaido's escape was also removed, and as a result of his forcible transformation and rushing out of the ground, the large piece of land was all tossed and broken into pieces.

But this forced breakthrough also left Kaido's dragon body scarred, and a piece of his scales fell off when he came out of the ground, Will had achieved his goal!

As soon as he got out of the trap, the furious Kaido locked his blood-red gaze on Will, who was standing on the spot.

He thought that the other party would use this to laugh at him, but he didn't. The bastard just took a strange pose, his hands spread wide and plucked at his eyes.

The bastard just struck a strange pose, his hands spread wide and plucked at the air in front of him with a look of unspoken seriousness.

What followed was a sense of crisis that could not be described with words!

At this moment, the Quake Fruit on top of the Infinity Gauntlet was exceptionally bright!

The veins in his arm were bulging, and the look was slightly fierce, there was clearly only air in front of him, but the strange ripples visible to the naked eye proved that Will's hands were indeed clasping something!

And then with all his strength, he yanked down so hard!

The sky chimes and the earth moves!

It was like pulling back the curtain of a new world, as everything in the attack range was brutally torn apart by an invisible force and thrown up into the sky!

In a split second, blood sprayed out from the body of Kaido's dragon form!

Then in the next second, Kaido, who had completely lost the concept of 'space', spun around and hit the ground with a heavy crash!


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