One Piece: My Infinity Gauntlet!

Chapter 300 - 300 - We Come Prepared!

What is it?

Before Will could collect his attention from the strange plant, Gion had already taken the opportunity to approach him, then waved her hand and a large pink mist sprinkled down on his head.

Crackle ... Electricity flashed!

Although Will turned into lightning to leave that pink area in the first place, the strange thing actually still got some of it on like a tarsus.

"Can this thing even be 'infected' by elementalization?"

Will suppressed the flicker of restlessness that surged up in his heart and looked up at the attacking and defending combination of the Gion and the Green Bull.

The special plant that took shape in an instant just now could only be the Green Bull's ability! But why wasn't it shattered?

Even steel would have been torn apart by that punch!

However, it was clear that the Green Bull had no intention of puzzling him; he just stepped on the ground, channelling the surging energy while staring blankly ahead.

Gion's strange desire power had won once when facing Will, although this time without the 'Desire Seed' as a pull, but also more comfortable with the control of the desired fruit, Gion has the confidence to take on the main attacker, to face Will!

The strength of Green Bull's defence has just been revealed in a small way, and he is also confident that he will be able to protect Gion from fatal injuries throughout the rest of the battle.

This is exactly the battle plan that Green Bull and Gion had discussed before coming to Island 69!

The opponent is the Fourth Emperor, and no one can be too cautious!


At that moment, the tactically successful Gion struck an odd pose with the sword in her hand, and then a huge font flashed from her body!

That's the word "food"!


At the same time, when the word 'food' appeared, Will, who was still wondering why Gion and the Green Bull were taking advantage of the situation to chase after him, suddenly felt hunger in his abdomen, as if it was on fire.


Embarrassing sounds are being made!


He had enjoyed the luxurious cuisine of Little Snowball ... before, so it was reasonable that he could not be hungry so quickly. But all of a sudden he was so strangely hungry as if he had not eaten anything for three days and nights.

Just as Will was considering whether to call a truce so that he could get something to eat from the Infinity Gauntlet, Gion, who had typed the first-word 'desire', had rushed up again.

A plant-related ability?

Then try this!

"Meteor Volcano!"

Will's fists kept blasting huge lava fists into the sky, and the lava, which was like a fire meteor shower, kept falling as if it was going to turn the earth into a sea of lava.

It was at this time!

A dark red sturdy tree rose up from the ground and instantly opened its huge umbrella cover to block all the lava fists from the sky that were raining down on Gion!

At this moment Will once again made the mistake of saying that just because there are no creatures or plants on Earth that can survive in magma, doesn't mean that in this weird world it doesn't exist either!

This plant with a huge umbrella cap that looks like a large mushroom is an endemic species somewhere in the New World, locally known as the Inferno's Cap!

It is a tree that feeds on scorching lava and is extremely heat resistant!

However, once it dies, it will instantly lose this property and then be swallowed by magma, so how to successfully apply this kind of high-temperature-resistant demolition material in scientific and technological research has been the world's insurmountable problem.

Now this kind of plant, which will die instantly after leaving the special environment, has appeared here for no reason at all, and has successfully blocked Will's 'meteoric volcano' and absorbed all the magma spilled on the ground within a few breaths, which is really bizarre!

But there was no time for Will to wonder!

The more the coordination between Gion and the Green Bull became tacit, the more than a dozen strikes struck out at such a tricky angle.

Will subconsciously wrapped up the shock power and prepared to break it with one punch.

As the zap shattered, the pink fog contained within filled the air again.

500 million volts-discharge!

No matter how much he retreated, he was bound to touch the pink mist, so Will, with a fierce flash of colour in his eyes, was ready to change his strategy and strike first, otherwise, he would be very passive if he allowed Gion to continue using her strange ability!

And then he saw something that gnawed at him even more.

A row of 'thunder plants' he knew so well was standing between him and Gion like that, acting as lightning rods!

This is a speciality of Thor Island, a wonderfully evolved plant that survives years of lightning strikes and is extremely conductive, but will never be destroyed by lightning!

And it even has a better response than rubber as an insulator!

Will has finally realized that he has been completely targeted!

The Green Bull's eyes never moved away from his every move, as if he had seen everything!

To say that there was no serious review of his information in advance and a special relative simulation of the battle, Will absolutely does not believe it!

And, what the hell is this ability?

A botanist who eats the devil fruits of plants?

Will, whose stomach was convulsing and whose several attacks were all nullified, was still in the mood to laugh?

Almost becoming a nightmare, Gion, who had vowed to defeat him, was furious, and after making sure that the mist of desire was once again sprinkled over him, she assumed the odd shape she had just taken.

"Desire Plus!"

And this time it's ...


After appetite, the second word 'sleep' also appears!

A moment ago, Will, who had just thought whether Green Bull would be a 'vegetable' man suddenly saw blackness before his eyes, and endless exhaustion came from all over his body, so sleepy that he could not wait to fall asleep.

No, I've been hit again!

Will forcibly opened his eyelids and was shocked!

The first time it could be considered a coincidence, but the second time he had confirmed that his anomaly was definitely related to the strange behaviour of the Gion just now!

The last time they met, the power of the Gion's desire was strange but still within the acceptable range, and if he hadn't been ready in advance, he would never have been hit so easily.

But this time Gion gave him a distinctly different feeling!

More than a star and a half stronger!

Especially with the protection of the Green Bull, it magnifies the advantage of Gion attack to more than ten times!

The real 'surprise' was not an ambush, but these two people!

Will, who became hungry and sleepy all at once, forcibly used his will to support himself and did not allow himself to sleep, but his mental fatigue came in waves.

This is really ... Unexpected!

Will laughs bitterly!


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