One Piece: My Infinity Gauntlet!

Chapter 272 - 272 - The Navy's Response

Roger's last words before his death revolutionized the age of the sea and inspired millions of people to be passionate about it!

Before his death, Whitebeard used all his strength to tell the world that one-piece really existed, and in doing so, pushed the Great Voyage era to its peak!

And compared to the first two, Golden Lion Shiki is indeed a ruthless old man!

Before he died, he didn't follow the example of his two rivals and shouted about One Piece, but instead, he pushed Will to the top of the world with some unnecessary secrets of the world government!

What's worse is that the world government really has secrets, and it is the kind that can't be known to anyone and the kind that will wipe out the entire O'Hara with the slaughter order!

Even if 99% of the world's population didn't believe Golden Lion Shiki words, and only the 1% did, the world government wouldn't just sit there and wait for it to happen!

So you can imagine how badly Will has been screwed this time!

He was helpless about it, but he could only hold his nose high and admit it.

What could he do if he didn't admit it?

Who to explain it to?

Who would believe it?

But his plan finally went smoothly, with the Golden Lion Shiki chaotic entry, his position as the Fourth Emperor is completely secure and the next step can be attacked and defended one step closer to completing his end goal!

By the way, I also harvested one more devil fruit, which was an unexpected gift.

In the end, Golden Lion Shiki died a heroic death in front of the whole world, and the final madness must have left an indelible impression!

Roger, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion Shiki... These are the men who will be remembered!

Oh, I almost forgot, there is also that old monster Redfield who is an old rival with these people.

Will felt that with him, perhaps, in the end, Redfield may be the best one of them all, not for any other reason, just because those three are dead, only Redfield, the old monster is still alive, and still living with a youthful appearance!

After taking a look around, Will, who had deactivated his God of Thunder Form, flew towards the Avengers.

With Golden Lion Shiki as the touchstone, there was no need to wait three days, even if he wanted to, the island was gone!

It's a good thing that Robin had taken people out of the island before, leaving behind those who weren't afraid to die, but Will didn't bother to care about them, so they were probably all dead or become sea monster's food.

"Let's go!"

After coming back, Will and several women were a little excited. It seems that the Golden Lion Shiki's name is going to carry more weight than he thought, this time he didn't know how much the news affected the world.

"So what about those residents here?" Robin's words brought Will back to reality.

It is a bit too much to leave without giving an explanation even after losing someone's home.

Will, who thinks he is a good person, immediately clapped his hands and said, "Anyway, we will soon obtain our own territory as the Fourth Emperor, and those who are willing to come with us, we will set them up after we set up the territory, and they will be protected by our banner.

Will was already not in need of money, with the financial support of Tesoro, the Golden Emperor, plus this time, he also incidentally harvested a wave of leeks.

And for his proposal, his crew have no opinion.

As soon as Robin and his men asked, the original Vault Islanders on several ships were pleasantly surprised and expressed their willingness to follow them.

What an honour it was to be a citizen of the new Fourth Emperor!

If it wasn't for the fact that their stunt was only for viewing, they would have been captured by the major powers.

With their worries resolved, the Avengers disappeared from sight, and the broadcast ended here!

All sides had their own views and plans regarding the death of the Golden Lion Shiki and the smooth ascension of 'faceless' Will as the new Fourth Emperor.


Tesoro is undoubtedly one of the happiest people about Will officially becoming the Fourth Emperor, which means that he can open his 'Golden City' again!

In the New World, the Four Emperor are still in charge, and the navy is not influential enough, so as long as the flag of the new fourth Emperor is hoisted high, he can rest easy, even the navy would never dare to do anything, which would mean that they are thinking of picking off another fourth Emperor after the war with Whitebeard!

But even if you think with your toe, you can also know that the current navy needs to rest and recuperate, the War of the Best that the navy won, still leaves a big wound on their system!

Not to mention that the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates are making trouble on the Navy all over the world, causing the newly appointed Fleet Admiral Aokiji a great deal of anxiety!

If it wasn't for the recent emergence of a guy calling himself Whitebeard II, who attracted the attention of Whitebeard's commanders, the navy would be in an even worse situation.

It is for this reason that Will agreed to Tesoro's idea of reopening the Golden City, and now that he is the Fourth Emperor, he should of course make the territory as big as possible, but he is not interested in following Shanks example of engaging in guerrilla groups that do not want any territory.

Will doesn't lack money, what he lacks is territory!

After Whitebeard's death, all the island nations he sheltered were divided up between Kaido and Big Mom and the remaining 'unclaimed' lands were mostly poor, backwater lands of little value.

In response, he was ready to take advantage of his current popularity to take them over one by one!

There is no news on Kaido, and he doesn't know what he's doing, Shanks on the other hand ignores it, and there is only one Big Mom left. 

So it's time to take this opportunity to fulfil his promise on SnowBall. Since her hatred is always in his heart!

But the first priority is to find a small island with the right conditions as a foundation, so as to take things slowly.

What Will didn't know at this time was that the revolutionaries who were supposed to arrive within two days after that live broadcast were suddenly replaced by a man with a tattoo on his face hidden in a cloak!

It's not Sabo's job to bring in the Fourth Emperor...

At the same time, the navy, which had determined the location of Tashigi, went out in warships.

Smoker, who had been promoted to become Vice-Admiral of the G5 branch as a blessing in disguise or as some kind of amends, with the former Fleet Admiral, and Hero Garp were all on board!

Even if Sengoku and Garp hairs are white, this combination is really not to be underestimated!

Only this time they were not there to fight, but rather to use the guise of picking up Tashigi and thus reaching a certain level of understanding with the newly promoted 'Faceless' Will, who had become the Fourth Emperor.

Just as they had done all those years before!

If it weren't for the sensitive nature of Ace's identity, it would have been difficult for the Navy to even make up its mind to go to all-out war with Whitebeard!


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