One Piece: My Infinity Gauntlet!

Chapter 185 - 185 - A Play!

Isn't this a bit bad?"

"What's so bad about it? Only by putting this money in our hands can it have a greater value!"

Wow! Coming from you, it sounds so righteous and awe-inspiring!

Will thought as he looked at Nami with a blank look.

"What a coincidence! That's what I thought too!"

Carina said cheerfully on the side.

"OK, you've slept with me, Captain, let's go and plan how to do it!"

A very happy Nami directly gave Will a death wrap, almost suffocating the Shichibukai 'faceless' Will to death, who said that a pair of breasts can't kill people? If it's big enough, anything is possible!

As they went off to make plans, Will also shook his head.

Anyway, let them play. Tesoro is already one of us, so just tell him to let go of them if they get caught. .

This treasure hunt was a big hole from the beginning...


"Monkey D. Luffy, 50 Million Reward Offered..."

Looking at the newspaper sent this morning, Will smiled slightly, it's only been a short time since he went out to sea but already made a name for himself in the East Blue Sea, it should be said that he is worthy of being the Chosen One!

Without Arlong, Don Krieg and others, the East Blue Sea still has no shortage of evil pirates, two years is enough time for newcomers to rise to power and continue to 'dominate' the East Sea.

And Luffy quickly took the position by stepping on the names of these people. With that guy's temperament, it is estimated that he will soon enter the Grandline, but Will doesn't know if Luffy will meet the CP9 without Robin as it's the turning point of his fighting style.

But no matter what, the name of a supernova is probably indispensable for him.

Who makes Luffy a natural troublemaker!

Closing the newspaper, Will, who was enjoying the leisurely and peaceful time in the morning, suddenly frowned. He suddenly remembered that if Luffy had entered the Grandline now, wouldn't it mean that he was about to meet Ace?

In other words...

The War of the Best will begin before long!

What position should he take in the face of this great event?

Both Whitebeard and Ace were the longings in his heart in the past when he was still on earth, although since he came to this world, this emotion has gradually faded, and to each other, they are just strangers who he has never seen, so he has no reason and no obligation to fight for them to death.

But if he did nothing, he would not be able to shake off the regret in his heart.

In layman's terms, it is hypocritical!

He silently took out from his infinity gauntlet the Vivre card that Jewelry Bonney had left him when he first arrived on the Grandline...

After a moment's thought, he passed through the doorway to Tesoro's office.

"Just because I agreed to join you, doesn't mean you can deny me even the most basic respect." Tesoro put on his clothes to cover the 'stars' behind him.

"Well, it was my mistake this time, next time I will knock... the wall in advance!"

Will is also a bit embarrassed, who knows that you still have a hobby of walking shirtless in your office.

He doesn't have a hobby of 'welcoming men'!

"Is there something you need?"

"That's right. Send someone with this Vivre card to the first half of the Grandline to find Captain Jewelry Bonney of the Bonney Pirates, and when you find her, mention my name and give her this."

Will threw out an anti-bugging den den mushi, he could only do so much, the rest was up to fate.

Tesoro didn't even ask him what he wanted to do, he just nodded his head to show that he understands, as it's a small thing for him to do.

"Anything else?"

Today, this Tesoro who had closed his inner feelings again somewhat made Will a little uncomfortable, and yes, if he hadn't blown up and shattered all the disguises and self protection yesterday, Tesoro wouldn't have collapsed into that state.

"Ahem... There's one more little thing I need your cooperation with..."

It's an embarrassing one, but how can you be the boss if you're not capricious!

After listening to Will's words, Tesoro looked at him with a blank look in his eyes and seemed to regret it, regretting that he had agreed to his terms so easily yesterday.

Can this unreliable guy really help him get his revenge?

"In fact, what I just said is just a cover, what I really want to do is to use this play to cover up the truth about our joining forces, how can I fool others without fooling myself first, right?"

Tesoro gave him a suspicious glance, then agreed, "Indeed, if we put on such a show in front of so many people, no one will suspect the hostility between us, and we can catch them by surprise then. When they lowered their guard"

Hoo, he fell for it!

I'm such a smart little guy!

After quietly praising himself for his quick wit, Will said with a solemn face, "That's right, externally we'll put out smoke bombs to confuse the enemy, so you should be prepared to act realistically, and too fake act will reveal a flaw."

"As long as you don't use your lightning, I promise I'll go into this play with the intention of killing you!" Tesoro said unceremoniously

"No need for lightning, you are not my opponent either-even if I don't use it."

"Very well, on that day I will show absolutely no mercy!"

"Heh, I'm looking for that to happen!"

As long as Will doesn't use lightning to deal with him this time, he's ready to do his best to show them his true level!

Status and respect are earned!

How could he not be proud of himself as he thought of himself as a genius who could develop his Devil Fruit to an awakened state!

"If there is nothing else, I will start to deal with official duties. I am a king recognized by the world government. So I have been very busy all day!"

"Well, trust me, not any time soon!"

Tesoro directly squeezed the pen in his hand. If he could beat him, Tesoro really wanted to make him a golden eagle and placed him at the door of the toilet...


Unable to fight or scold, Tesoro simply stated his attitude without saying a word.

Since he had chosen to get on board his ship of Pirates, he had to make a choice on the future direction of development.

At least those shops that can only be opened with the support of the world government are definitely not good.

As for the remaining industries, it is best to turn them from light to dark, as there is no other way.

Anyway, after all these years of business, money is really just a string of numbers to him, and it can never be spent in hundreds of lifetimes!

Seeing that Tesoro was really engaged in business, Will no longer asked for trouble, but directly opened the 'door' and left.

He also had to go back to discuss the plan this time, and when he was done with this side of things, he was ready to go and settle the grievance with Doflamingo!


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