One Piece: My Infinity Gauntlet!

Chapter 109 - 109 - Break A Leg!

Since she helps him in defeating her companion without any bloodshed, Will decided to...

Give her a painless death!

Swish! Swish!

Will raised his hand and struck twice with the Desert Sword!

He doesn't want to be distracted by her ghost sneak attack when he has to fight Moria later, because her power can change the whole game!

Although it's a shame to kill such a goth loli with his own hands, Will gradually found that his mentality was changing dramatically after having a greater pursuit.

But what he didn't expect was that the sharp desert blade didn't kill Perona, but 'pierced' through her!

Then with a scream from Perona, her whole body flew straight up into the sky and the next second she was gone!

It's a ghost clone?

No wonder!

Some of the small details just now were recalled by Will again! .

He laughed and shook his head, not expecting to be 'tricked' by a little girl...

Let's just leave her away for now, and we'll settle the score after Oars and Moria are finished.

Then he stretched out his right hand with the Infinity Gauntlet towards the dead Absalom...


On the other side, Perona, who was fleeing madly in the shortest straight line between two points, finally regained her body after passing through countless walls of trees!

Then she sat up and breathed heavily ...

She had dared to risk her life because she had left her immobile body in a safe place, and then went out of her soul in her identical ghost form to complete the task that Moria had given them.

This is the best way to ensure her own life since her soul clone is physically immune.

Since she was stalling for time, and Absalom, that perverted maniac, was ready to make a sacrifice, she came up with the plan to sell her teammates!

But what she said was really a test of Will's attitude!

If Will really wins in the end, she will be able to find a way out for himself.

She just didn't expect the guy to be merciless even though she was on her knees begging for mercy!

If she hadn't been in a state of physical immunity, she would have ended up in the same situation as Absalom, with her head separated from her body...

Perona unconsciously touched her smooth neck and shuddered!


"Come Out!"

The 'resurrected' demon Oars is venting his anger!

With Perona and Absalom delaying a little time, and Will took a little more time in order to absorb the spilled devil fruit energy and re-condensate into a transparent fruit.

And during this time, Moria had completed the initial run-in!

For he had stuffed his shadow inside Oar's corpse, completing the final step!

Although it would have cost him his other shadow abilities while manipulating Oar's, he couldn't care less anymore!

Ordinary means could not confront Will head-on, but his shadow plus Oars's powerful body gave him the right to do so!

" It's here!"

As soon as Will put away the transparent fruit, Moria controlled Oars to strike down with a heavy blow!

But in the next second Will, who opened a door with his door fruit appeared on Oars' shoulder!

"Strength is something that is not always won by being big!"

With his fist in his belly and his right fist pulling back, Will's entire body is like a bow ready to strike!


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The hard infinity gauntlet was the first to touch the right side of Oars face, then deformed...

Dented... Twisted...!

The sound of a tooth cracking was clearly heard!

At the same time, the ability of the explosion fruit is triggered.

The huge figure of Oars the Demon Giant was actually knocked off balance and fell to the ground by Will's powerful punch!

The strengthening effect of more than a dozen devil fruits is finally revealed at this moment!

Strong and incomparable physical dispositions, a door door fruit, and the ability to explode as a means of attack, Will really can't think of any reason why he might lose to Moria!

Even though the Moria of ten years ago may have been strong, he was only strong with the help of external forces, and nine years of isolation resulted in the creation of useless zombie soldiers, what a waste!

If an ordinary person had been hit head-on by Will's powerful punch, he would have been dead!

But Oars, 'resurrected' by the shadow, is in the end just a corpse manipulated by Moria, and as long as he can still move, there's no problem!

Moria, who was just hiding inside Oars, was extremely angry!

"I want you to die!"

Oars, whose jaw was broken, stood up again and let out a terrifying roar!

But in the eyes of Will, who was not far away, the forcibly 'revived' Oars was actually just a live target.

(You can refer to the struggle of the little Oars who was bullied by everyone during the War of the Best...)

Not having Luffy Shadow's added speed, but just an enhanced strength that can't hit its target is just a joke!

 Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Demon Oars, controlled by the enraged Moria, swung his fists wildly, striking a huge hole in the ground with each blow, and went berserk!

It's just that there is no figure of Will on the ground he beats with anger!

Another bang!

Will, who had been standing on Oar's head for a while using the door fruit, hit Oars with another flying kick that knocked him down!

This time he hit the left side of the face!

Hmm, it's finally balanced!

After two blows, the hideous and horrifying fangs of Oars the Demon had broken off, like a toothless old lady playing!

And this time, without waiting for Oars to get back on his feet, Will comes in his lap and punches him hard in the knee of his right leg!

One punch, two punches, three punches...

Bang! Bang! BANG!...


The sound of bones breaking rang out as Will struck again and again!

Even if Moria is able to 'resurrect' a corpse with a shadow, but only if the corpse's functions are intact, if the corpse has a broken leg, the broken leg won't won't work even if a shadow is inserted!

That's why the easiest way to deal with Oars is to immobilize him!

After smashing one of Oars' legs, Will quickly dodged, directly avoiding Oars counterattack as he lay on the ground!

Then he quickly came to Oars other leg and started banging again! Bang! Bang!...

This kind of refreshing sensation really makes Sill a little bit eager to stop!

It even reminded him of the time when he first came to this world, and he didn't know how Big Black, Little Black, and Little White were doing on the island, and whether they were bullying 'Goku' the monkey.


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