One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 98: Arrival

Chapter 98: Arrival

Edge and his group walked through the forest heading to the village of the elves. While they were walking hand in hand mist started to surround them and the more they walked deeper into the forest the thicker the mist became. 

The mist grew thicker and thicker until Edge couldn't see anything at all. If he wasn't holding Tsukiyomi's hand he wouldn't even be sure that he was walking forward. Sarah's hand seems to be sweating a bit. 

"Is everyone alright?" Edge asked but no one responded. Edge kept on asking and shouting but no one continued to respond. That was when he noticed that he wasn't really saying anything his voice was not coming out and he only thought he was talking. 

The mist wasn't only obstructing his eyesight but it seems like it was also obstructing his other senses. His mind was also becoming cloudy the more he stepped forward. Edge tried to cover himself with his mana to counteract the effects of the mist but that didn't help at all. 

As he and the others continued onward he was slowly forgetting what he was doing. The only thing that was clear at this point was that he should never let go of the hands he was holding.

Yet despite feeling that he should never let go of the hands, he was holding, there was a thought in the back of his mind telling him to let go and go the opposite direction. In the beginning, they were nothing more than soft whispers telling him what to do. Yet the deeper they got the louder the voices became. They were now practically shouting in his ear, telling him to go back. 

Edge was of course not swayed by the voices as he followed his instincts and continued to hold onto the hands he was holding. The voices gradually subsided and Edge started to see something new. 

'This place really is pulling all the stops.' 

While Edge was wondering what will happen next, he started to see visions of a lady. Not only that he could hear the thoughts of the lady in the visions. 


I have always admired you, my hero Shun. I' was a mage called Anna, I was turning sixteen this year. Currently, I'm traveling with the human hero Shun Midgar, as one of his companions. I have been following him for a year now, ever since he saved me from being r*ped by demons. I have fallen unexpectedly inexplicably in love with him.

I tried numerous ways to attract him. Yet no matter how much effort I put no matter how much shame I discard it doesn't seem to matter. 

I tried to tell him my feelings directly, but with a sour look, he said. "I have no time for jokes like that Anna. Also if you're going to say something like that at least tell it to someone you actually like." He didn't believe me!

I tried seducing him with my sex appeal. Even though I'm not really sure, but the demons that tried to rape me. They even told me that I had a nice body, with big boobs and a fine ass. Even though I'm not sure what that means, but they said I can attract any male using my body. So one time when the hero was bathing I entered completely naked. Yet he simply shrugged me off and said, "Huh? Is it your turn already? Then I guess I can continue training." He didn't even bother looking at me!

I tried cooking for him. but when I saw the others eating my cooking suddenly curled in pain, I wanted to remove the food I made. But Shun still took some and ate it all, he didn't cry in pain like the others he just kept on eating. He didn't fall in love with my cooking, but I think I fell deeper in love with him.

I tried numerous plans but all ended in failure. Until finally we reached the gates of the demon lord's castle. Shun was radiating with immense killing intent. We were nearing the gates of the demon lord, most of us have died now and Shun was wounded, I had no knowledge of recovery spells so I couldn't heal him.

Before we entered the demon lord's room we were blocked by a huge demon. He was the protector of the demon lord. We fought it and almost all of us were dead at this point. I saw that Shun was going to get hit, he won't be able to react in time. I had no more mana to do anything so I ran as fast I could and took the strike for him. I was sliced in half, yet my consciousness remained for a moment. 

Shun was able to kill the demon and enter the room. He didn't even spare me a look, yet that was alright. Shun had always fought for revenge and I could never enter his heart... Still, this was the best ending I could have. At least I could protect my love until the end...


When Edge heard the thoughts of that girl, he couldn't remember any of those things happening in his past life. In fact, he couldn't even remember that girl at all. 

'What's the point of showing me this? Is this supposed to make me feel bad? I already know I was an a*s in my past life. The only thing I saw back then was my revenge and of course her the demon lord. I couldn't even be bothered to remember that girl's face much less her name. That was just me fooling myself... I already accepted who I am and will no longer be swayed by revenge or anything else.'

While Edge was thinking about those things he felt his grip loosen almost letting go of the hand he was holding. In fact, the one holding his left hand was also loosening her grip. Edge held onto both hands even tighter than before. He then felt that the one in front of him was speeding up as he started running to keep up. 

The mist was becoming thinner and thinner until finally, Edge could see what was in front of him. Trees so tall that you couldn't see the top. House-shaped hollows that were part of the trees as if they were made naturally by time. The smell of nature and the smooth caress of the wind entered his senses 

"Welcome dear guest to the last village of the elves." A melodious voice sounded directly in Edge's ear and he saw right in front an elf that looked exactly like the one from his dream. 


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