One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 84: You are my enemy

Chapter 84: You are my enemy

Even though he was wearing a white mask, this mana fluctuation, this presence, only one person in this school had such a distinct aura. Jester-senpai was standing in front of me, blocking my path. So I guess he joined Rain.

"So senpai, are you here to kill us?" Jester-senpai didn't answer and simply attacked. A dozen or so fire pillars came from underneath. The others and I charged forward and once we got near enough for a sword slash Jester-senpai simply used another [earth wall] to block.

After that, he used [burst wind] to push us back. [Earth pierce] and [ice pierce] he used different attack magic at the same time. Ice like javelins and earth like javelins came sprouting out of the ground. I did a backflip, Clarise-senpai and Leto-senpai did the same. I then saw Clarise-senpai activating [magma] the ground changed from one of ice into one of molten lava. This was to counter Jester's magic.

"Hey, you can stop that now." A familiar voice was heard, behind Jester-senpai, and as we expected it was none other than Rain.

"Rain!" I shouted at him, he looked at me. His expression shown kindness, no it was more like enlightenment.

"Oh Edge, it's been a long time, around two years correct?" He started talking as if we were having a simple talk during dinner.

"I have a lot of questions for you senpai!" I tried to sound calm but I was already having difficulty in keeping my rage in check. Rain simply looked at me puzzled.

"Questions? Oh has my little sister spoken to you? If so you must be confused as to why I hid my identity as the prince or is it my other identity that you wish to question? Why I turned out to be the leader of the true humanity?" My face twitched a little when I heard the line, I truly wish to ask. Noticing the changes in my expression senpai smiled.

"Oh? So you wish to know why I turned out to be the true humanity's leader." The way he was talking was getting irritating! I wanted to rush at him and punch his stupid face.

"Yes! I want to know why you have done this senpai!? Weren't you something like an advocate of justice?! The last time I saw you, you wouldn't even think about harming others without proper reason... NO, you didn't even like the thought of using violence on others! But what are you doing now! Why start this kind of slaughter? Why did you attack my village?! WHY DID GERARD HAVE TO DIE?! WHY DID MY PARENTS HAVE TO DIE?!" Even though I didn't want to think that my parents were dead. Even though I want to believe they were still alive somewhere.

Seeing Rain's face made me burst out with emotion. I asked everything that I wanted to know from Rain. Even now that I see him in front of me in this situation I couldn't believe that he could do such a thing. Yet Rain simply smiled, this was a smile he was not capable of making before. It was a condescending smile as if he were looking down on me.

"Oh my Edge-kun, I never really knew you thought so highly of me? Well to answer one of your questions, I'm indeed the leader of the true humanity but I wasn't at first. Two years ago I wasn't even aware of the so called true humanity. The moment you left me with those warbeast children, that was the moment I met "her" the real, the original leader of the true humanity. She showed me things I wouldn't know or will ever come to know if I had continued my path here in school. She showed how ugly the true face of the world was. She showed me the weakness of humanity.

Sure we might be able to live in harmony with the other races. Simply because the power balance is fine for now. Still later in the future, the other races will find out how truly weak humanity is.

We invented and enhanced the techniques of sword and magic, but we shared them with the other races. Our sole advantage was given away like it was nothing.

At first, I tried to deny her logic, but the more she showed me the more I came to understand. We cannot live in harmony with these other beings. Once they know they have the advantage they will attack. So before they become stronger and prey on us the weak, we must eliminate them.

She gave me the chance to become the savior of humanity. Come with me Edge-kun, Leto, and Clarise. This is to protect the future of our race! Justice stands with me!"

I looked at Rain... No, I looked at Rain's eyes his eyes told me he truly believed every word he said. Who the hell is this "her" he spoke off? What did she show senpai to thoroughly change his mind? This guy that held a strong belief in his justice simply tossed it away and replaced it with this nonsense.

Rain looked at me waiting for an answer. I was about to answer when Leto shouted.

"What the heck are you saying!? You want me the messiah of all lolis to help you? YOU who basically said that you would kill all the non-human lolis! That would mean killing Eri-tan the cute lovable warbeast loli! That would include Tanith-chan the oppai loli! Even Tsukiyomi the goddess of all lolis! TO HELL WITH YOU RAIN! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT ONE LOLI IS BETTER THAN THE OTHERS!?"

Every one of us looked at Leto-senpai dumbfounded. Well umm, we're not just talking about lolis but everyone else but I guess he got the point of the conversation. I couldn't help but start laughing. As expected of Leto-senpai even in this kind of situation, the only thing he can think of were his beloved lolis. Even the anger that I felt a while ago was dispersed by his comment. He really was a rather good senpai.

Rain looked at me who was laughing and was still waiting for his answer. I better not keep him waiting. 

"Well, there it is, you got your answer Rain. How could we side with you if you're going to harm other lolis? You know half of my companions are considered lolis protected by Leto-senpai." I answered with a serious expression. Rain looked at me, his face was not amused.

"Is that so... How disappointing Edge-kun, I truly believed you would join our cause, for the sake of humanity, and the balance of this world. I really thought you a former hero would understand such things." 'Former hero?' The moment he said those words I looked at him shocked. 

"Where did you hear that from?! How do you know about that?!"

Rain didn't answer me, he simply looked at me disappointed. Jester-senpai stood beside him, and he was concentrating mana. I rushed forward I need to know the answer.

"TELL ME RAIN HOW DO YOU KNOW THOSE THINGS?!" Before I could reach them Jester-senpai and Rain already teleported away. Yet as they disappeared we heard Rain's voice echo in the battlefield.

"I'll let you go today Edge-kun, but the next time we meet, we meet as enemies."


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