One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 82: The beginning of the chaos

Chapter 82: The beginning of the chaos

We entered the room were the princess was staying at. Upon entering I noticed the great difference between my room and the princess's room. The room she stayed at was large as she practically owned the whole third floor.

The room itself had dolls and stuffed animals placed in her enormous bed, but that wasn't the surprising part. Her whole room was decorated with weapons! Weapons of every kind were placed on her walls. Even the paintings were of weapons. A plethora of statues wearing real armor were everywhere in the room. I think the princess's room has more weapons than some of the weapons shops here in school.

Finally in the middle of the room was a large round table and sitting on the other end was the princess. The same as before she looked almost exactly as Eva but her chest were a little lacking compared to Eva's. She also had this air of dignity and majesty that only people of her status could posses.

'Wait a minute, why do I always compare ladies with their chest size?... Am I actually a pervert?' 

Even though my thoughts were a little bit chaotic upon seeing the princess I knelt on one knee and so did Sarah.

"Edge Regius has arrived."

"Sarah Regius has arrived." My little sister and I spoke in the most formal tone we could muster.

"No need to be so formal, Edge-kun and Sarah-san. Are we not simple schoolmates studying in the same school? Come have a seat, don't worry I won't bite." Serillia said so with a tender voice and a genre smile, as she gestured us to sit down. We did as we were told. 

"So princess..." I tried talking but was interrupted by the princess.

"Serillia, it's not princess, it's Serillia, I want you to call me by my given name Edge-kun." The princess pouted. 'Why is she acting like we're the best of friends?' Even though I was utterly confused I complied with her request. 

"Serillia...?" I looked at her and she nodded satisfied.

"So Serillia... Why did you call for us?" Serillia looked at me as if appraising me. She answered with her own question.

"How much do you know about the cult called the true humanity?" 

The true humanity those were the guys that attacked the Northern, Eastern, and Western kingdoms in waves. That happened almost three years ago. The only thing I remember about them was me killing their followers at my village.

"I know almost nothing except that they hate any other races that they don't consider part of the human race. Actually any human that has anything to do with the other races is already an enemy to them. That is pretty much all I know about them."

"Is that so?... That's the general knowledge about them? You will be surprised to hear that their new leader is my elder brother, Rain Slyhert Ashen." That news truly shocked me. Rain Slyhert?! Justice-senpai was the princess's older brother would have been the highlight of this conversation if not for the other piece of news.

He was the leader of those detestable bunch, the true humanity. He was the reason why my village was attacked. So does that mean getting worried about the warbeast children was just an act? I actually left those children with that guy! Did he kill them after we left? So he was also the reason why Eri and Gerard were kidnapped. WHY GERARD DIED?! That hypocrite of a man is the source of all my anger and despair!

All the mixed emotions I was having now, all the rage I had disappeared after looking at my little sister's frightened face.

"Onii-chan?" I shook my head and breathed deeply, after forcefully calming myself down, I tried smiling at my little sister.

"It's alright, Sarah." Sarah's little hand gripped mine "Are you alright, onii-chan?"

"Yes." After calming my sister down. I once again looked at Serillia.

"So why are you telling me this? What is it you want from us?" Serillia looked at me her eyes were full of sadness. She then slid a letter toward me. 

"This is a letter addressed to you and your sister. It was from your parents."

A letter from mom and dad? By looking at Serillia's expression this couldn't be good news. A lot of things were already swirling in my mind. 'No! No! Wait I need to calm down. This must just be a report on their current situation.' I opened the letter and read it.

"To my dear Edge and Sarah,

Where to start I wonder? If you are reading this letter, that would mean that your mother and I, have either been captured, gone into hiding or have died. The last one has the highest probability of happening.

I'm sorry my son, my daughter. Both your mother and I have been the worst parents'. We wanted to be with you, we wanted to see you grow. We wanted to witness your weddings; we wanted to see our grandchildren. I'm sure both Selina and I would've cried, but in the end, we would've still been happy for you.

I wanted to see that kind of future where we are all smiling as a family, but in the end, I could not. I'm sorry my children, I'm sorry for being a weak father who couldn't protect anything. I'm sorry for not being able to see the two of you grow up. I'm sorry for being a bad father who couldn't stay by your side.

I know at this point I have no right to say this to the two of you but know this... No matter where you two are, we will always watch over you. So live... Smile when you're happy, cry when you're sad, cherish those who love you, and live the way you want too. I hope for your bright futures, my precious children. My little Edge, my little Sarah, I and your mother will love you both for all eternity."

I crumpled the paper. Sarah who was reading by my side started crying as I hugged her tightly. The tears won't stop falling. 'What the hell dad! A bad father? Bad parents? You guys were the best!' 

While we two siblings were crying Serillia approached us. 

"I'm sor-" Before Serillia could finish her sentence, the messenger from before entered the room. She looked completely horrified.

"Your highness, they have come! The true humanity has attacked the academy!"


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