One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 75: Leonard Tranor

Chapter 75: Leonard Tranor

Tsukiyomi's POV:

I underestimated that pervert's skill. To think he could summon such a spirit. The spirit in front of me had an overwhelming presence. He was emitting a pressure that denied any form of resistance. I wanted to attack him by surprise but that stance he took was dangerous.

At first glance, it looks like there were many openings, it's as if he was inviting you to attack. Yet that was the trap, in truth, there were no openings to exploit. He was triggering an involuntary action to attack him. Seeing all those openings would make many even veterans attack. Yet once they do they'll die. I cannot fight this person barehanded. I created a copy of Edge's longsword. This was an Ethereal skill [weapon creation]. The spirit in front of me smiled a ferocious smile.

"Weapon Creation? So you're the same as Lauria you're an Ethereal." I was shocked, the spirit actually knew about weapon creation a race technique unique to us Ethereals. Also the true shocking part was the name he just said, Lauria.

That was the name of the origin, the mother of all Ethereals, in all planes, in all worlds, in all dimensions. While I was thinking the man started walking forward casually.

"Since you're an Ethereal, I guess you could survive this." The spirit moved near me his hands disappeared for a moment. As he was passing by me I felt a sudden pain. I couldn't react at first but near the end of his attack he hesitated and I was able to escape.

The sword I created shattered and my body was wounded all over. What was that? It was a technique similar to Edge's [moonlit dance] but the sheer speed of that move greatly surpasses anything I've seen. The spirit placed a hand on his head and started shouting his displeasure.


The spirit was annoyed. It would seem that I owe that pervert, Leto. Because he interfered in the last second the spirit couldn't do his technique properly. Still, the name of the technique sounds familiar... [Fangs of the wolf]... Wait don't tell me?!

"Excuse me, Sir spirit. May I ask your name?" The spirit looked at me. "Huh? Isn't it too late for that kind of thing? That guy over there should know who I am... Oh, right he hasn't unlocked the power within his soul yet... Well whatever, the name's Leonard Tranor. You can call me Leo."

Edge's POV:

The battle was in favor of the spirit called Leo, he had the advantage. This was actually my first time seeing Tsukiyomi taking such a beating. I looked at her she was trembling, I was not sure if she was trembling because of fear or excitement. All I understood was when Leo gave out his name Tsukiyomi reacted like that. Does she know him?

But more importantly, does he know me, or is he mistaking me for someone else? 

Tsukiyomi's POV:

"It is an honor to meet you, Sir Leonard. The one who has walked the same path as the origin." This guy in front of me is the real deal. Leo looked at me irritated

"Don't call me sir or whatnot just Leo is fine. Also, don't call Laura the origin, just hearing the word ORIGIN is making me angry."

"As you wish" I answered.

"Tsukiyomi you know this guy?" Edge suddenly asked from behind me, I nodded my head.

"This man here is Leonard Tranor. A legend in Ethereal myths."

"A legend?" Edge looked at me confused, aside from the confusion there seems to be something hidden within that look of his. Even my connection to him wasn't relaying what he was feeling accurately at the moment.

I wanted to explain it to him but it might be rude to make Leo wait. So I looked at Leo in worry, and as if reading my thoughts he answered.

"Don't worry about me, explain it to the kid. He is someone that needs to know. Also, I don't feel like fighting at the moment, because of this idiot in my head. He keeps on going on and on about lolis'. IF YOU'RE A MAN BATTLE IS THE ONLY THING YOU SHOULD CRAVE FOR! NOT THESE LOLIS' YOU SPEAK OFF!" Leo was now having a conversation with Leto in his head. I then started telling Edge what I know about Leo.

"Edge we Ethereals are an ancient race as old as the Gods themselves. In our myths Leonard Tranor was considered the greatest and strongest human. In a world different from ours, in a past beyond this time, a human boy was born with the greatest talent. That boy was Leonard. He at the age of thirteen was hailed as the strongest of his world. Growing bored he transferred to a different world. There he fought legendary battles against legendary beings. It was said that in all his battles not once has he known defeat. His feats were inhuman, annihilating an army by himself. Slaying dragons, defeating Gods, and killing many more entities. He was then given the nickname "God of battle, death, and victory." He who was human was feared by even Gods. He had many great adventures, he and his group have visited many other worlds. His stories were told to every Ethereal. I love listening to his adventures especially the one where he goes to the underworld to resurrect one of his..."

I then noticed what I was doing was embarrassing. To think I would start babbling about such things in front of the person himself. I turned around Leo was looking at me.

"I'm sorry about that." I bowed in apology to him. Leo merely snickered at the gesture.

"So you know that much about me? On the other hand, the guy who should know more about me doesn't know anything at all." Leo once again looked at Edge. 'What was their connection? Was Edge a descendant or something?' 

"Knowing who I am, will you still battle me?" Leo looked into my eyes, his eyes assessing my worth. I was momentarily shaken but then answered with full confidence.

"Kukuku, of course, I will continue the fight! It's rare to actually get to fight a legendary figure such as yourself." Upon hearing my answer, Leo smiled his ferocious smile and laughed.

"HAHAHAHA, NICE! NICE! As expected from a descendant of Lauria! It has been ages since someone has challenged me, despite knowing who I am. I only know thirteen people who would do so, I guess you're #14! Tell me your name Ethereal!" I used weapon create to summon a replica of Edge's sword as I replied.

"Tsukiyomi the eternal moon."


After saying that, the pressure Leo emitted made my body tremble in fear. It made it hard to breathe. So the pressure he was applying a while ago was just his normal force?! As expected of such a legendary figure. Now that he was serious, I wasn't even sure I could move. I thought I could faint at any moment.

Actually both Clarise and Eri were already unconscious. Edge was trying desperately to stay conscious. Leo wasn't even doing anything yet, but it took me all I got just to stand. Leo's mouth twisted into a vicious grin.


We then shifted from the training ground to another place entirely. We were transported to an empty wasteland.

"Here, I moved us to another dimension. Don't worry you won't die here, no matter how much damage you sustain. Also if we're here I won't need to hold back in destroying the environment."

This place seems familiar... But where have I felt this place before?... Wait, isn't this the same feeling I got when I was looking around Edge's soul. As I was nearing a revelation, Leo was getting ready to use his technique.

He held the two swords he was holding in a reverse grip. He elevated his hold up to his shoulders. He was then concentrating mana into the weapons. Mana was something that exists everywhere but could not be seen by the naked eye. Yet here I was witnessing such a powerful concentration of mana that I could actually see it, with my naked eye.

The air surrounding Leo distorted. As I witnessed this scene, every fiber of my being was screaming, DEATH! No matter what Leo said, if I was hit by that, death was evident. That was when the pressure lessened and Leo with a look of disappointment said "Oh time's up... Sorry about that. Also Kid you-" Leo was about to say something to Edge, but then he faded. We were then returned to the training ground, and the body of Leo turned back into the perverted Leto. Who then collapsed.

Serina Regius' POV:

We finally found, the HQ of the true humanity. Who would have guessed it would be in such a place.


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