One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 64: Rikon

Chapter 64: Rikon

The thing called a Rikon raised one of its arms, that's when I noticed it had claws. It swiped its arm downwards. I barely evaded, shit it's fast. The other Rikon were just looking this thing must be their leader.

I quickly used [Full boost] as I coated myself with mana. I moved closer to it, on seeing me move into its range it jumped upward. Shit! I immediately jumped to the side, it then came crushing down from above.

The impact it had with the ground made a huge gust of wind. This is my chance, I started a barrage of spells using [fireball]. This was a new skill I figured out over the past months. I can continuously cast fireballs while I fight. As long as I have mana the fireballs will keep coming, and I don't need to concentrate too much on it.

Yet even with all the attacks, it has taken it doesn't seem to affect it too much. I evaded one of its strikes and slashed its arms as a counterattack. It wasn't deep enough... Hmm, let me test something out.

I turned off the continuous fireball spell and then tried to increase the output of [full boost] with a majority of my mana. This was the first time I have used so much mana and it felt as intoxicating as when I went on a rampage before. Ever since that incident, when I lost control, not only did my mana increase but even the overall performance of my body. 

As I was intoxicated by the mana flowing through me the monkey started attacking again. This time it was slow so very slow, its nimble movements look like a joke when it's moving so slowly. I evaded with the least possible movement and countered. This time the Rikon's whole arm was cut off.

The Rikon started roaring in pain. In its anger it tried to swing its other arm at me, but same as before I easily cut it off.

"Hahahaha," I started laughing as this power was intoxicating. This feeling of battle was amazing! I see... It was obvious on how to get stronger, faster. I kept on limiting [full boost] to the capabilities of the past me. The current me has a greater amount of mana than before.

The Rikon tried to run away but I chased it. How shameful for something that was called the king of the forest. I slashed it from behind, it was clean slice as the Rikon was slashed in half. Upon the defeat of the Rikon the other Rikon started to flee as well I was about to give chase when the Satt Sjon started glowing.

The Rikon's dead body that was in front of me was being absorbed into the ring.

"What the hell is this?"

"Kukuku, so the ring truly chose you as its master. How wonderful, congratulations Edge." Out of nowhere Tsukiyomi appeared.

"What do you mean Tsukiyomi, care to explain?" I asked her in a slightly irritated manner.

"Don't be like that, if I explained it all in the beginning Satt Sjon might not have truly become yours."

"Like I said what do you mean by that exactly?"

"Well you see the Satt Sjon chooses its master. It will lure you with its skill of looking at the statuses of others. Then it will test you to see if you're worthy, it does this by sending out a scent that attracts the strongest monster in the area. It seems like it approves of you."

"So what was that light that absorbed that monster?"

"Hmm better show you than explain. Hey Edge, how about you check your status now." I quickly did as I was told... I was surprised to see my new stats. 

Name: (Current) Edge Regius (Former) Shun Midgar (Past) ???

Age: (Current) 13 (Former) 20 (Past) ???

Gender: Male Race: Human

Strength: 15,200 Resistance: 18,000

Agility: 14,000  Magic Resistance: 19,200

Dexterity: 16,000 Mana: 57,000

Vitality: 15,000

Magic: 10,000

My stats grew by a lot and I really mean a lot. 

"That is the other capability of Satt Sjon. Once you kill something it deems as an opposing factor it will sometimes absorb said opposing factor. Though it only happens a few times, but once it does some of the statuses of the opposing factor will be transferred to you, great right?" So it was like that.

"Is that all of its functions?"

"Kukuku, how very sharp of you, as expected of a former hero. Well the answer to your question is I do not know. Truth is no one should know except for the creator. But sad to say you can't get anything from that guy he's been dead for a few hundred years now." 

'So no answers for that...'

"Edge I know you're contemplating and all but can we do that at the campsite?" 

Now that we're at that campsite, I can take my time thinking. So first let's check out my theory from a while ago. [Full boost] This time I used it with the highest output I can possibly muster without fainting. Now let's look at my status.

Name: (Current) Edge Regius (Former) Shun Midgar (Past) ???

Age: (Current) 13 (Former) 20 (Past) ???

Gender: Male Race: Human

Strength: 42,200 Resistance: 42,000

Agility: 42,300  Magic Resistance: 42,200

Dexterity: 42,300 Mana: 57,000

Vitality: 42,300

Magic: 42,000

I stopped using [full boost] as I started panting a little. Wow, by doing that I can actually surpass Tsukiyomi, but the recoil is too much.

I can probably only activate that for about two minutes or less. I waited for my mana to stabilize before trying it again. [Full boost], ok this time I adjusted the output to what I can maintain for a longer period. Now I need to look at my status.

Name: (Current) Edge Regius (Former) Shun Midgar (Past) ???

Age: (Current) 13 (Former) 20 (Past) ???

Gender: Male Race: Human

Strength: 27,200 Resistance: 32,000

Agility: 26,000 Magic Resitance: 32,200

Dexterity: 26,000 Mana: 57,000

Vitality: 23,000

Magic: 10,000

With that kind of output it isn't really at Tsukiyomi's level right now... Oh well, that doesn't matter I'll just keep on going until I surpass her and head further away. To achieve a strength that could defy destiny sounds nice.


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