One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 62: Side Chapter: I am a parent

Chapter 62: Side Chapter: I am a parent

Leonard's POV:

I watched my son leave the other day, Serina and I felt devastated, but at the same time, I felt relieved. The look on his face on that day was something I would never forget, even if I grow old and senile. It was the same face my father had on that day he left for war. 

The Regius household has always been the sword of the Northern Kingdom. We are part of the three warrior families. The house of Rogue were the spell of the kingdom, The house of Hardy the shield of the Kingdom, and us the house of Regius the sword of the Kingdom. No matter when, no matter where, no matter who, all enemies of the Northern Kingdom shall fall by our blades. That is the duty of the Regius household, and because of this duty many of us have fallen and one of those was my own father. 

Seeing my son show the same expression as my father many years ago made me feel varied emotions. I always doted on my kids to the point that I might have looked a bit foolish to others, but that was alright. The house of Regius was always a family that was accompanied by death. 

We never know when it would be our last, so we must do what we want when we still can. This is also the reason why I let my son go face the enemies he must face. If he falls during his journey then my wife, daughter, and I would mourn him as should be. But at the same time, I wouldn't be to disheartened for I have given him everything I could. 

My son is the son of Regius, he who bears the name will forever be bound to it. 

Serina's POV:

I watched my son leave yesterday, and it almost broke me. When he went out to tour the village, I was alright, when he went to school I could handle it, but now he was going on a dangerous adventure. 

I knew this day would eventually come, Edge is a son of the house of Regius. I was warned numerous times about marrying someone from the three warrior families. I knew of the risk and I accepted them. But seeing him go on his own dangerous adventure, at such a young age made me want to go with him. 

Yet as a woman who is now a part of the house of Regius I had no say in the matter, as I had a duty to fulfill. I always knew my son was something special, he was different from the rest, and he matured faster than most. Yet I never expected him to leave so early, I was unprepared. But as my husband said, we have given him all we could, all we could do now is hope for the best. 

I really wanted to send some men to follow him, but due to the current circumstances in the Kingdom, we couldn't afford to send a single man out to guard him... Even though I'm reluctant to admit it, but if he's with the Ethereal he shouldn't have any problems with a bunch of slave traders. That is if the enemies really are just slave traders.

'Still... Though this is expected from a son of Regius, I can't help but worry, for I'm his mother...'


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