One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 58: The end of a story

Chapter 58: The end of a story

Tsukiyomi's POV:

"Behind the helmet was the face of a girl the hero knew. It was the face of the girl who accompanied him the longest. The hero couldn't believe what he saw and started screaming. His very soul which emitted a very powerful pressure roared out.

"What is this demon lord!? Some kind of trick?! Why is she here? What have you done to her?!" The hero kept on screaming yet no one answered. The girl in front of him simply smiled at him, the same gentle smile she always had.

"You can stop now. I'll save you." The hero spoke to the girl.

"Save me from what? The demon lord?... That is impossible." The girl shook her head.

"What do you mean, weren't you captured and forced to do this?" The hero spoke, his voice almost cracking.

"Unfortunately that is not the case."

"Then what are you doing here? Where is the demon lord?!" The hero was not stupid, he already knew the answer to his own question. Yet in his heart, he wanted to hear something different. He wanted the girl in front of him to deny his thoughts, but in the end, the truth can never change.

"You probably understand the truth, but you won't accept it... Hey, hero, I'm the demon lord." With that one line, the hero's mind was swallowed by anger. His rage made him move forward. All of the wounds he sustained before coming here meant nothing if he could kill this person in front of him. The hero poured all of his mana into his sword he even gave his sword some of his life force. As if that wasn't enough, his powerful soul that housed unknown beings also strengthened his attack.

The hero then used his ultimate technique [silver sword] an unavoidable, unblockable attack. Once he swung down his sword, he finally noticed the demon lord didn't move from her spot. She didn't plan to do anything at all. She simply stood there and accepted his attack. The hero then heard her voice full of compassion and happiness.

"I hope this time, I'll be able to set you free." The hero hesitated for a moment, he wanted to stop his attack but it was too late. The attack hit the demon lord and disintegrated her, not even her ashes were left behind.

The hero lamented at the moment, thinking about her final words and how foolish he truly was. He regretted everything, he regretted living only for revenge, and he regretted not understanding the true reason for the war.

He wanted to do something to wipe away his regret but he knew he couldn't do anything. The reason was simple, the hero was dying. He was heavily wounded before reaching the throne room and he even used his ultimate skill that required the use of all his mana. The chance of him surviving was practically nonexistent. That was when he made a wish "I hope my next life would be more fulfilling." Thus ended the life of the hero from that world, but his story continues. It is his choice if he wants to end his story in another tragedy!" That was all I got, let us see what you'll do Edge.

Edge's POV:

Tsukiyomi's story ended, the tears won't stop flowing out from my eyes. She didn't want to fight but I still killed her. Why? Was it because she was an enemy? No that can't be it, why did she say that in the end?... She had hoped her death will set me free, free from what?... Oh, that's right after I killed her that was the time I understood a bit of what she said. She wanted me to be set free from the chains of revenge. There was really no point in revenge. Even if I obtain it, nothing will really change, except gaining a lot of regrets. It seems that I haven't really matured at all. I sighed at my own foolishness.

Tsukiyomi's POV:

The mana flow from Edge was returning to normal. The flow of mana through the contract was also returning. 'Kukuku. I knew you could do it Edge.' While looking at him I saw Edge collapsing.


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