One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 116: The end of the battle

Chapter 116: The end of the battle

The sound of explosions made the dimension tremble. Edge and the Goddess were exchanging blows with their swords, every time the two swords made contact with each other an explosion equivalent to an exploding star would happen. The Goddess who was exchanging blows with Edge continued to be surprised. 

She was sure that Edge's body despite being stronger than most was still a mortal human's body, and no matter how powerful the human body was it had its limits. So it wasn't possible for him to display so much power with his current human body, yet despite that, he had exceeded his very limit and kept on moving. 

Each strike they made should've shattered his body, yet he continued to swing his sword. Not only that but for every strike he made it felt like he was getting faster and stronger. As she was baffled by the absurdity of the human in front of her, she saw his smiling face. 

At first, that smile made her feel irritated as if he was looking down on her, yet now that smile was making her feel unnerved. The moment she noticed this feeling she became even more infuriated. 

'I'm scared?... I who has existed for eons am scared of a mortal man?' While she was stunned by the revelation, the Goddess heard Edge's voice. 

"Don't get distracted while fighting!" She saw Edge's sword nearing her neck, she had no time to dodge so she used her blade to block. The Goddess was able to block in time but was still blown away. Her body was blown away at Mach 5 and she got quite far before stopping. 

She gritted her teeth and dashed back towards Edge and did a piercing attack with a speed that was faster than light. Yet even with that attack Edge was still able to respond and deflect the strike. 

It was then that Edge could finally feel the pain of his body being crushed by his own power. He felt that his internal injuries were no longer being healed by his mana. 

'Tsk, I wanted to have some more fun, but I guess I need to end it now.' Edge who was in the middle of an intense exchange of sword strikes with the Goddess suddenly backed away. Seeing what Edge did the Goddess was dumbfounded. 

Throughout their entire fight not once did Edge backed away. Even though his body was clearly breaking the mad man kept on fighting without stepping a single step backward. So seeing him take his distance truly surprised the Goddess. She then noticed that Edge had changed his stance and was now at the same stance he takes when he uses the Moon Edge Style [Cresent Moon]. As the Goddess was still confused as to why Edge suddenly did this, Edge spoke to her. 

"Heh, this was a wonderful battle. It was the best battle I had in both of my lifetimes. As expected of someone that calls herself a Goddess." 

"What are you planning?" The Goddess became extremely wary as Edge started to praise her. 

"I'll be straight with you. I'm sure you already noticed but my body can no longer keep on going. So these next few moves will be the last. If you survive then victory will be yours." 

Hearing what Edge said just made the frown on the Goddess's face grow even deeper. She then saw Edge about ready to strike so she quickly got in the position to defend.

"Allow me to show the strongest of the sword style my partner and I created. HERE I COME O' GODDESS!"

Moon Edge Style (last stance) first form [earth]. The ground where Edge stood cracked under the immense pressure of Edge's mana. It was then he moved. The Goddess saw that Edge was going to strike her left side, so she quickly raised her sword to block. Yet unexpectedly Edge's strike arrived at her right side. She couldn't understand what happened, she clearly saw him attacking from the left. 

The Goddess was hit at the side by Edge's sword, he then followed up the attack. Moon Edge style (last stance) second form [heaven]. Edge quickly changed the position of his sword as he sheathed it. He placed it near his chest and held the hilt in a reverse grip, and with blinding speed unsheathed the blade. 

The Goddess was barely able to block the strike and her blocking stance broke. The Goddess stumbled backward, seeing this Edge didn't let up, and went to do the next move. Moon Edge style (last stance) third form [unity]. 

Edge charged forward as he got near the Goddess, Edge's body multiplied into seven, surrounding the Goddess. At first, the Goddes thought those were after images as Edge was moving at extreme speeds, yet the moment they attacked the Goddess knew she was mistaken. These seven Edges were the real deal. As they attacked the Goddess in perfect coordination from all sides, the Goddess's posture broke. 

The moment she was falling to the ground due to her stumbling from her stance, she saw Edge was about to unleash a killing blow. It was so fast, and the timing of the attack was so precise she couldn't do anything to defend herself. 

Moon Edge style (last stance) A series of moves that made escape impossible.

Moon Edge style (last stance) first form [earth], was used to confuse the opponent's senses.

Moon Edge style (last stance) second form, [heaven], was used to break the opponent's guard.

Moon Edge style (last stance) third form [unity], was used to break the opponent's stance.

Moon Edge style (last stance) final form [eternal moon]. The final movement of the last stance. It was an attack were one uses all of his power for an ending strike.

'So this is how it ends.' Even though she was about to disappear, even though she was about to be beaten by a mortal, the Goddess felt oddly relaxed about it. The sword that was made of Edge's soul burst out in incredible as it sliced through the Goddess's body. As she was fading from existence the Goddess heard Edge whisper something in her ear. 

"That was a fun battle, thanks." When the Goddess heard Edge thanking her for the battle, she couldn't help but smile. 

"As expected of the Strongest Mortal Soul, you really are an odd mortal." The Goddess whose body was fading showed Edge a very bright smile that made him feel like, this truly was a Goddess.


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