One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 104: Inside the cave

Chapter 104: Inside the cave

Upon entering the cave the first thing Edge noticed was the darkness. There was not a single bit of light in the cave. As he looked behind him he no longer saw the exit as well. All that's left was nothing but darkness. 

Edge could hear the dripping of water from somewhere far away, that was the only thing he could hear aside from his footsteps. 

Edge stopped walking and used a spell that summoned a ball of light. The ball of light floated above Edge's head, it was rather bright but it was unable to light the cave up. The only thing that Edge could see where his hands and feet, everything else remained in darkness. 

'Hmm, this place is rather interesting. My five senses are still working properly but it feels like my mana is being suppressed. The exit disappeared and I can't see anything ahead of me, I guess the previous people that entered here went insane due to this... Whatever, since I can't go back better go forward and see what's at the end.'

Edge started walking forward without feeling any anxiety. This place made him feel like he's already dead, but he already experienced death so he wasn't really that afraid. 


Edge had walked for what feels like hours but there was nothing to see, nor did he feel like he was moving forward. All that remained was the darkness, the sound of his footsteps, and the continuous dripping of water. 

After continuing to walk with no end, Edge heard the sound of crying. He started running towards the sound, as the sobbing grew louder Edge finally saw who was crying. There were two children huddled up together sobbing. 

Edge slowly approached the children. This was obviously a trick of sorts, but there was nothing else to do. As Edge got close he noticed that these children were demons. He could never forget those purple hair and pointy ears, as he had killed numerous demons back in his old world. 

Edge didn't know what the demons of this world were like since he has only seen one, back when he was seven and he didn't even interact with him. Even though it does sound unlikely but it might be possible that these kids got lost in the cave. 

"Hey, are you kids, alright?" As Edge extended his right hand forward the kids stopped sobbing. The two of them looked at Edge and grabbed his hand. 

The two had visible wounds on their necks as if they were cut and they were then sown back. Edge pulled his hand back and looked at the two in surprise. 

"Why did you kill us, o hero? 

"Our mother begged for mercy but you sliced her head off." 

"We cried and begged, we have done nothing wrong but you still sliced our head off." 

The demon children looked at Edge, the pain and fear they felt on that day were conveyed to Edge. 

'I see so this is what she meant by malevolent spirits... This might be my guilt manifesting itself...' 

Edge unsheathed his sword, making the two demon children react violently as they started to scream and cry. 

"O hero are you once again going to strike us down?" 

"I never did claim that I was on the side of good, I killed because of my hatred. I know now that it was wrong for me to do so, but what has happened cannot be undone. I had many regrets back then... Which is why I promised that this time I will live as free as I want to be. Not bound by revenge, nor bound by an obligation. I will continue to live the way I want to. So begone specters of my past." 

Edge swiped his sword at the two demon children. No blood came out as the two simply faded away. Edge sheathed his sword and continued to walk onward. 

As he went deeper and deeper into the cave, he met many people from his past life. There were those that he failed to save, there were those he never noticed on his road of revenge, and there were many that he killed simply because of their race. 

The deeper he went the more heart wrenching the story of these people he once knew. Each one of them blames him for their deaths and failures. Yet despite all this Edge remained unperturbed as he continued onward. It was at that moment a familiar figure appeared before him. 

"As expected of course you'll show up." Edge smiled before the person before him, as it was none other than the demon lord he had killed in his past life. She was wearing the same clothes she wore when they were traveling together. 

"It has been a while Shun, or should I call you Edge?... Hmmm, it would seem that you have broken free from your destiny." 

"Yeah, all thanks to you." 

"I actually wanted you to live your life in the old world free from burdens, but I guess doing the same thing in this new world would do." 

"Even as a manifestation of my guilt, you remain the same." The demon lord smiled gently at Edge and responded. 

"Well, it was nice to see you again, even as a lingering thought. So Edge, I'm sure that you know what to do." The demon lord opened up her arms as if asking for a hug. Edge smiled a bit as he unsheathed his sword. 

"Once again, I need to cut you down, and once again you're allowing me to do so." The demon lord didn't respond as she simply continued to smile at him. 

Edge already knew that this wasn't the real demon lord, but his sword still felt heavy as he was about to strike. Unlike the others, this was the one person that he actually truly regretted killing. This was the one person that took a large portion of his guilt. Edge gritted his teeth and swung his sword down at the specter from the past. Same as before the demon lord disappeared with a smile of content on her face.

"I'm sorry, and thank you." A single teardrop fell from Edge's face as he spoke those words that no one but him could hear. 


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