One Moo'r Plow

Important notice to ya'll.

Important notice to ya'll.

One week from now, on July 30th, I will make the final upload of One Moo'r Plow book 1's manuscript to Kindle Unlimited. Doing so, I will be required to remove 80% of the book's content from RoyalRoad in order to maintain exclusivity. Starting from around chapters 3-4 to near the current section, content will be scrubbed for the first book. If yall are reading this, I'm going to assume you're already caught up. Future chapters will continue to be posted on RoyalRoad, including the start of book 2 and onwards as soon book 1 finished uploading here.

If ya'll are planning to do a reread, do it now, as this is a week's worth of notice before the big day. The KU release is slated for August 4th, and that's as close to the deadline as I can legally keep the content up.

Have fun ya'll.


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.