One Moo'r Plow

Book 1 of One Moo'r Plow is now available on Kindle.

Book 1 of One Moo'r Plow is now available on Kindle.

This comes earlier than expected thanks to Amazon, but the entirety of Book 1 is now published on Amazon via Kindle Unlimited.

If you're willing to, please take a few moments and head on over to give this book a rating ad/or a review as this massively helps with Zon's algorithm and viewability. After months of time, effort, and money on my part, this is the culmination of OMP's first step into the market, and arguably its most important one. If you're here this deep, it's a safe bet to assume you're invested in the story and its future.

And this is how you can best support it. Through just a simple rating and review that means more than you might suspect. Every single rating is important in these early days, and reviews leave a massive impact.

I am excited for this now that it has emerged onto the market, and doubt I'll be sleeping tonight. I have dedicated the past half year of my life to writing this singular book, and now it has come to fruition. An audiobook narrated by the legendary Johnathan Keeble will follow less than a month from now, something I am massively excited to share as well. I've received the audio samples from Podium and they sound IMMACULATE, overflowing with life and character.

But for now, my efforts remain focused on ensuring the publication of this first book turns out to be a success. And I cannot do this alone. But I will do my part and try my damnest.

Cheers, Exe.


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