One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 250

Chapter 250 - I Am the King in the Forest

Jiang Hao was perplexed. Which Zhou Dynasty emperor were they referring to?

Was it King Wen of Zhou? King Wu? Or perhaps King You?

Or another Zhou ruler altogether?

To date, China had not managed to excavate the tomb of any Zhou emperor!

And what about the organization they mentioned? What was it?

But for now, these questions remained unanswered.

Jiang Hao's curiosity was piqued, and he resolved to delve deeper.

He gave Xiao Soong a pat, signaling him to stay put.

Then, tapping into his innate talent for Transformation, Jiang Hao swiftly altered his skin tone and slipped away, blending into the environment as he headed towards the source of the voices.

In no time, he spotted a group of individuals not too far off.

There were six of them.

Considering one had reportedly died, this meant their squad originally numbered seven.

Observing their gear, Jiang Hao immediately doubted they were mere tomb raiders.

Dressed in an assortment of attire and armed to the teeth, they bore a striking resemblance to the mercenaries seen on TV.

Clearly, they were not to be underestimated.

Their expert coordination, the vigilant stance of the sentries, and their keen eyesight all indicated a level of professionalism not to be taken lightly.

Jiang Hao quickly surmised they were indeed mercenaries.

But the question lingered, “Who has hired these mercenaries?”

He pondered the situation.

After careful consideration, Jiang Hao decided to confront the group for answers.

?Despite facing six elite opponents, for someone with Jiang Hao's extraordinary abilities, subduing them wouldn't even necessitate combat.

Especially here, in the untamed forest, he reigned supreme.

Without delay, Jiang Hao activated the Third Grade Insect Controlling Arts. A unique energy pulsed from him, and within moments, a myriad of venomous insects from a hundred-meter radius swarmed towards him, heeding his call.

?These venomous insects thrive in the depths of this primeval forest year-round, their toxicity far surpassing that of the common bugs found beyond its borders.

It's possible that any one of these creatures could claim a human life!

Moreover, Jiang Hao's mastery of the Third Grade Insect Controlling Arts allows him to summon tens of thousands at will!

Suddenly, a rustling noise arose.

One of the six people perked up, as if he heard something. He scanned the surroundings but saw nothing amiss.

“Mo, did you catch that? A rustling sound?”

Still uneasy, he turned to his companion for confirmation.

Alerted by the question, the other man perked up his ears to listen more closely.

Just then, a breeze whispered through the trees, stirring the leaves into a chorus of rustles.

Mistaking it for the wind's handiwork, he let down his guard and dismissed the concern casually.

“Old Seven, ease up. It's nothing but the wind playing with the leaves.”

Old Seven, though hesitant, did indeed sense the breeze himself.

Chalking it up to his own jitters, he decided to let it go.

Meanwhile, Jiang Hao, overhearing their exchange, couldn't help but snicker to himself.

“It seems even the heavens are on my side!”

With a single command, he unleashed the horde of venomous insects.

?In an instant, a swarm of them crept stealthily upon the unsuspecting group, making their way onto and into their clothes, wriggling close to their skin.

Simultaneously, from above, more insects descended from the branches, while others swooped in through the air.

?Then came a blood-curdling scream.

“Ah ~!”


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