One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 248

Chapter 248 - Your Little Brother Bear Is Online

He had resolved to give up. But just then, he heard a rustle behind him and a smile crept onto his face. It turned out this timid bear was quite clever after all! Why was Jiang Hao certain the brown bear wasn't attempting a sneak attack but instead wanted to follow him? That was thanks to his Level-4 danger perception! Since the bear harbored no ill will, it didn't set off his danger perception. Sure enough, the bear approached, nuzzled against Jiang Hao, and then lay down, letting out a roar. It seemed to be inviting Jiang Hao to mount it. Surprised, Jiang Hao hesitated briefly before climbing onto the bear's back. The bear rose to its feet and began to carry Jiang Hao, following the path he had been on.

An unlikely duo, the man and bear moved with an unspoken understanding through the primeval forest, an eerie harmony surrounding them. Along the way, Jiang Hao came across many animals seldom seen outside: wild boars, wolves, tigers, foxes, and more, all seemingly more intelligent than their counterparts he had encountered elsewhere. Perhaps it was just his imagination. Nonetheless, his journey was fruitful. He later found two century-old wild ginseng plants and an extremely rare giant hundred-year-old lingzhi mushroom, making him declare the trip incredibly worthwhile!

Of course, the journey was not without its perils. Wild animal attacks were just one; the forest was also home to various venomous insects. But with his immunity to poison and his Insect Controlling Arts, these creatures posed no threat. Wild animal encounters were frequent, and despite the presence of Xiao Soong, the massive brown bear, some beasts still foolishly attacked. Xiao Soong, a name Jiang Hao had affectionately given the bear for its timidity, proved to be a formidable ally. Like when they recently faced a pack of nearly twenty wolves. If Jiang Hao hadn't acted swiftly, capturing and severely wounding the Wolf King to fend off the pack, the outcome might have been different.

Jiang Hao and Xiao Soong barely managed to get out of there without a scratch!

It was a stark lesson in the perils of the untamed forest!


Perched atop Xiao Soong, Jiang Hao gazed around with curiosity. This place truly lived up to the name of a primeval forest.

Trees that were rare sights elsewhere were common here.

Then, he spotted a chameleon stealthily perched on a branch.

Interest piqued, Jiang Hao tapped Xiao Soong, signaling it to halt.

He dismounted and crept closer to the chameleon!

As Jiang Hao neared, the chameleon seemed to sense the intrusion.

Its color instantly shifted, camouflaging perfectly with the branches.

Had Jiang Hao not kept his eyes fixed on it, he might never have spotted it!

He couldn't help but envy the creature's natural gift.

Jiang Hao snatched it up, examining it closely in his hands.

Just then, the system's alert chimed in.

“Ding! Chameleon detected. Proceed with decomposition?”

Caught off guard, Jiang Hao hesitated, then declared, “Decompose!”

?He silently hoped for a skill that would prove useful.

The alert sounded once more, and the chameleon vanished from his grasp.

“Ding… Congratulations, host, for the successful decomposition of a chameleon. Talent skill acquired: Shapeshift. Skill points gained: 1.1, Experience Points: 1.1!”

Talent skill: Shapeshift Level 1 (0/1): More than just a formidable talent for jungle survival.

“Decomposition complete. Initiate extraction and fusion?”

Hearing that he had acquired the very talent skill he had just envied filled Jiang Hao with joy.


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