One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 245

Chapter 245 - Nothing Is Impossible to Solve with a Meal

?As the brown bear rose to its full height, Jiang Hao was struck by its sheer size. It was as massive as the colossal tree nearby, which would take three or four people to embrace. The bear's presence alone exuded an overwhelming pressure.

?With a thunderous roar, the bear threw its head back, a declaration of dominion over its territory. It then surged forward, closing the distance to Jiang Hao in a few powerful bounds. Its massive paw swung towards Jiang Hao's head in a formidable arc.

Jiang Hao, taken aback by the bear's imposing charge, stood his ground. As the bear's paw descended, he reacted with lightning speed, his hands shooting out to intercept. Grasping the bear's paw, he showcased his Super Power and Innate ability, flinging the bear effortlessly through the air.

?The bear hit the ground with a resounding “Bang!” and let out an odd, pained yelp. Despite its imposing appearance, the bear weighed around a thousand pounds, a heft easily managed by Jiang Hao's formidable physique, which boasted nearly five times the bear's strength.

?The bear, having been bested in the initial exchange, quickly rose and faced off against Jiang Hao once more. Jiang Hao observed the bear, which, despite the rough landing and a single cry of distress, seemed otherwise unfazed. “It's as tough as they come,” he noted.

?Yet, the bear was now visibly perplexed. It couldn't fathom how this seemingly insignificant opponent could possess such overpowering strength. The tumble had instilled a newfound caution in the creature.

?But the bear's hesitation didn't mirror Jiang Hao's approach. Without a moment's delay, Jiang Hao charged, reaching the bear in under a second. His Super Power surged as he delivered a swift kick to the bear's head. The bear, caught off guard, was sent tumbling away once more.

?It had not anticipated Jiang Hao's combination of raw power and blistering speed. After a disorienting roll and a collision with a tree, the bear was down but not yet out. Jiang Hao didn't give it a chance to recover, pouncing onto the bear's back and unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks.

Jiang Hao's punches descended like a torrential downpour.

The brown bear was utterly overpowered, with no chance to retaliate.

Beneath the relentless assault of Jiang Hao's iron fists, the bear's pained howls reverberated through the tranquil, untouched forest, causing nearby small creatures to scatter in terror.

?Even the larger animals in the vicinity were startled by its agonized screams, pausing in their tracks to look toward the source of the commotion.

?Eventually, after Jiang Hao had thoroughly thrashed the bear, he seemed to grow weary from the exertion and finally ceased his attack.

He stepped back, observing the bear's pitiful condition.

Now, the bear's once sleek brown coat was ragged and uneven, as if crudely sheared by scissors.

Tufts of brown fur littered the ground. The bear lay beneath a tree, bloodied at the nose and mouth, too weak to move.

In that moment, the bear's gaze towards Jiang Hao was filled with sheer terror, and tears of distress trickled from its eyes.

“Mommy! I want to go home!”

Jiang Hao watched the defeated bear, noting the dread in its eyes.

As he approached, the bear instinctively shrank back, its eyes brimming with a silent plea as it looked up at Jiang Hao.


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