One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 241

Chapter 241 - Forbidden Land of Death

Jiang Guoqing offered no rebuttal, which sent a shock through Jiang Hao, igniting a flare of anger within him.

“Uncle Guoqing, are you not aware of the peril that lies in wait there?” he demanded.

“That place teems with large wild animals, and parts of it are shrouded in poisonous mists!”

“Going in there is tantamount to a death wish!”

“Have the events of eight years ago slipped your mind?”

Jiang Hao's voice escalated, tinged with frustration at his uncle's apparent indifference.

Eight years prior, a Jiang family in the village decided to save on expenses while building their house by cutting down trees from the mountain themselves. Considering the cost of a single log was over twenty dollars, and a house required no less than 64 logs, the savings would be substantial.

?Thus, the couple, along with their 18-year-old son, ventured into the mountain. But the vast expanse was deceptive; amidst the abundance of trees, few were suitable for construction. The family unwittingly stumbled upon a cliff resembling an eagle's beak, beneath which lay an untouched forest, rich with quality timber.

Overcome with excitement, they began to fell trees without surveying the area. Unbeknownst to them, the forest had remained undisturbed, preserving its wild state, home to various animals and even wild men.

?As feared, the noise of their logging drew the attention of beasts, and the parents were slain in a savage attack. Their son, in a desperate bid for survival, fled in blind panic, plunging deeper into the forest. There, the decayed foliage had bred a deadly miasma.

The young man inhaled the toxic air and, tragically, never emerged from the woods.

The villagers remained oblivious until days later, when the absence of the family raised alarms. The police were notified, and upon investigation, it was concluded that the family had entered the mountain to log and had not returned. They were either lost in the wilderness or worse.

A search party of police and villagers eventually discovered traces of the family at the edge of the ancient forest, with evidence of wild beasts lurking close by.

At the time, the police officers on duty acted decisively, urging the villagers to evacuate quickly.

They then reported the situation, prompting the authorities to dispatch a SWAT team, who indeed discovered numerous large predators within the dense, untouched forest.

However, it became apparent that these beasts were confined to this particular wilderness, never venturing beyond its bounds.

As society progressed in recent years and deforestation continued, such pristine forests became increasingly scarce, leading to the protection of this one.

The police erected a barrier around the forest's perimeter, and the issue was effectively put to rest.

Consequently, this untamed woodland became an off-limits zone in Jiang Village, with no one daring to trespass.

Jiang Hao was about the same age as Jiang Jingyi when these events unfolded, and he was in his ancestral home, so the details were etched into his memory.

?What he hadn't anticipated was Jiang Guoqing and Tian Cuicui's reckless behavior, brazenly venturing into that area.

Just as Tian Cuicui stepped inside the house, she was met with Jiang Hao's voice, tinged with anger.

“Hao Hao, don't be harsh on your uncle. I was the one who lost my senses, foolishly led astray!” Tian Cuicui hastily acknowledged her error, assuming full blame.

?Jiang Hao found himself at a loss for words in response.

But then, a spark of realization seemed to hit Tian Cuicui, and she burst out with excitement.

“Hao Hao, at first, there was no trouble at all.

And inside, we actually stumbled upon an enormous wild ginseng!” she exclaimed with fervor.

?From Tian Cuicui's account, Jiang Hao surmised that this ginseng must be well over a century old.


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