One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 233

Chapter 233 - The Power of the Medicinal Cuisine

Jiang Hao ladled out a spoonful for each person.

At that moment, Jiang Zixuan, noticing her bowl was only half full—just like everyone else's—couldn't hide her dissatisfaction.

“Big bro, aren't you being a little too frugal?”

“There's clearly so much left in the pot, why'd you only give us such a tiny amount?”

The others were also curious, but assumed Jiang Hao simply wanted them to sample the soup, figuring they'd serve themselves more if they wanted. They quickly came to his defense.

“Zixuan, maybe your brother thought we'd had enough and was worried we wouldn't finish if he gave us too much!”

“But with soup this delicious, how could we possibly not finish it?”

Laughter rippled through the group at the comment.

“Right, Hao Hao?”

Jiang Hao just smiled in response, his gaze fixed on the Old Master.

The Old Master, meanwhile, was deeply moved as he stared at the ginseng soup in his hands. Just a whiff of the aroma had stirred something within him, giving him the sensation of a breakthrough.

The sight of the ginseng slices in his bowl left him feeling unsettled. Surely, even with fifty years' worth of wild ginseng, the soup couldn't be this potent?

The others, noticing Jiang Hao's focus on the Old Master, were taken aback. What did this have to do with him?

Their gazes shifted to the Old Master.

Sensing their confusion, the Old Master looked up and addressed them.

“Go ahead and drink! This soup is incredibly beneficial for your health!”

“Moreover, this batch is worth a fortune!”

“The ginseng alone—Hao Hao bought it from that young Jiang An this morning for a hefty five hundred thousand—for a fifty-year-old wild ginseng!”

The crowd was stunned, nearly dropping their bowls in disbelief.


“Five hundred thousand?”

Fourth Uncle sprang to his feet, his face a picture of shock.

The others were equally astonished, all turning their eyes to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao responded with a smile and a nod.

Suddenly, Fourth Uncle was seized by urgency.

“Hao Hao, why are you recklessly spending money like this…”

He was cut off mid-sentence by a stern rebuke from the Old Master.

“Sit down! You're making a scene—what kind of impression does that give?”

“Hao Hao has already made his choice; just drink it and spare us the complaints!”

With the Old Master's scolding, everyone fell silent, though their eyes still betrayed their astonishment.

Seeing this, Jiang Hao spoke up.

“Let's all have a drink! Once you've finished, you'll see the value in it.”

Perhaps only the Old Master truly grasped the meaning of his words.

To the rest, the idea of a soup costing half a million yuan seemed utterly extravagant!

But after one sip, they found themselves unable to stop.

Once they had drained the half-bowl of soup before them, they felt a warmth surge through their bodies, a comforting stream flowing within.

And with just that half-bowl, they felt surprisingly full, to the point where they couldn't take another sip even if they wanted to!

Their faces glowed red, eyes darting in amazement between the soup and Jiang Hao.

That's when Fourth Aunt, pointing at the others' faces, exclaimed in shock.

“Look at your faces!”

Her cry snapped everyone out of it, and they started pointing at each other, faces a mix of shock and awe.

“Your faces!”

Jiang Hao stepped in to alleviate their concerns.

“Don't worry, it's nothing serious.

This is just the toxins being released from your bodies. Fourth Aunt, Zixuan, Grandmother, why don't you go wash up?”

At Jiang Hao's suggestion, they hurried off to freshen up.

Now, only four remained at the table.

Fourth Uncle and Jiang Jingyi looked on in disbelief at Jiang Hao and the Old Master.

Having finished their servings without any sign of discomfort, the two calmly helped themselves to another bowl and continued eating.


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