Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 721 - 665: Ardor

Chapter 721 - 665: Ardor

It wasn’t what one would call an en easy fight, even for a strong and young cultivator such as Ardor. Nonetheless, he was able to prevail and defeat the three opponents. However, fighting one’s demon, especially in Ardor’s case, wasn’t going to be done this fast and with just one fight.

This fragmented piece of his past still haunts the youth, who, like Cristina, was quite arrogant when he entered the MoonStar Sect. Back then, Ardor had thought that apart from his master- now deceased- no one would surprise him, no matter how strong they were. So wrong he was, ignorant of the true prowess of the true experts, unable to accept that there are people who could beat his master. When he witnessed Arthur’s myriad techniques, which were just as weird as they were heaven-defying, Ardor knew that he, despite traveling to many a place - dangerous and well-hidden- was still an inexperienced youngster.

There’s also Lucy MoonStar, the wife of the notorious Parasite. A woman from the White Specter Clan, and a woman equipped with absurd physical strength and an arsenal of unique skills, such as the Golden Flames, for example.

Ho Qing’s ultimate goal was to become an independent and strong cultivator, able to protect himself and his friends. He wanted to explore the mysteries of the world and reach the peak of cultivation.

Ardor’s goal wasn’t that different either. The youth sought after the title of ’Sword God’, which, since ancient time- precisely the Era of Beginning- only one person truly deserved such a title. It was, of course, the Nameless Knight, a terrifying existence that makes anyone shiver with fear and in awe with admiration and fascination. He’s, without a doubt, the strongest living being in the current Era

Ardor deeply wished to achieve such strength; To be able to flatten mountains and split seas with a casual swing of his sword. In fact, there hasn’t been a book, story, or a fleeting rumor about The Nameless Knight that Ardor hasn’t heard or read. His current teacher, Arthur MoonStar, was also a strong sword-user, a monster. A freak of nature. He may not be as strong as the Nameless Knight but Ardor was certain that there are many things he could learn from the Parasite.

When he but a toddler, his master warned him to never join any sect or clan, repeatedly telling him that the pursuit of strength requires constant fighting and non-stop traveling. Secluding yourself in a cave and cultivating can only do so much. It isn’t an efficient way and, nowadays, it’s only practiced by old decrepit, hermits, and those who are no longer interested in what’s going on outside.

And so, Ardor broke the rule and joined the MoonStar sect. His demeanor, slowly but surely, was changing for the better. He got rid of his arrogance and persevered, seeing a hopeful future at the end of the road.

The youth, mumbling inaudible words under his breath, lifted his head and calmly watched three more opponents appear from the rising elevator.


Riddled with wounds, his robe tattered and shredded around the waist and knees, Ardor sat on the ground. He has been continuously for eighty minutes, defeating more than twenty-one of those machines. He didn’t overexert himself and survived till now, which, fortunately, was the end. The surroundings blurred and, in the blink of an eye, he found himself sitting on the dirt, at the finish line. The two hours were almost up but not all participants had appeared.

"Hey! You good?"

Bora approached Ardor and offered his hand, which the latter tightly held and stood up.

"Did everyone make it?"

"Rosea and Shu Ru are still not here." Replied Bora, his voice showcasing his nervousness.

Ho Qing, standing a few meters away, nodded at Ardor but did not utter a word, as usual.

"I’ve got good news, though. Ho Qing was the first to complete the Trial. That ought to give our team bonus points, right?"

"Maybe." Responded Ardor, taking a deep breath as he raised his head, staring absent-mindedly at the cloudy grey sky.


"Arthur, I’ve been wondering about something." Curiously said Isadore Malfront, maintaining his eyes on the screen.

"Shu Ru belongs to the Mirage Era Hall. Did she quit her sect.. or was there something I’m not aware of? Quite frankly, I was surprised to see her in your team."

Arthur didn’t reply immediately, he also looked at the screen. Unlike the spectators, who couldn’t see what the participants were facing, he- as the creator of the Trial- could see everything.

"I don’t see anything that warrants you’re incessant wondering, your Majesty."

"There’s an unwritten rule about being at two sects at once. It’s understandable if you’re in a clan and joins a sect, but it clearly isn’t the case with that girl."

The parasite softly chuckled and retorted, "I sense the worry in your voice, Your Majesty. Are you angry that I stole the Goddess of Green-Leaf?"

"Stole? Hah! I’m just intrigued." Isadore snuck a swift glance at the silent and cold-faced Lucy, who did not react to Arthur’s words, which- he thought- were going to make her angry.

"You’re the King of Green-Leaf and the Mirage Era Hall is in the capital and is under your wing and authority. They say each sect in the city is independent but I highly doubt that. Anyway, there’s nothing worth mentioning about her transfer here. And before you ask, I had nothing to do with this. Shu Ru came here out of her own free will and I merely welcomed her."

"What about you, Madam Lucy?"

Isadore mustered some courage and asked Lucy, who’s someone he felt reluctant to look at, much less converse with.

"Nothing in particular. The girl is hard-working and has a lot of promising potential."

"Yes yes, that’s true!" The King agreed, plastering a faint smile.


"Say, succubus, how strong is she?"

Edward Ortberg pointed at Lucy with his chin and whispered with a low voice. Fariya sneered at him and, unexpectedly, answered.

"Strong enough that, if you keep asking about her, she’ll kill you with just a stare."

Edward shuddered and retracted his gaze from Lucy’s back, whistling and scanning the other guests.

"I still don’t understand how their power is evaluated. I mean, they’re all like Gods."

"It’s too complicated for your tiny mortal brain."

Unfortunately, Fariya soon regretted saying those words as Edward started rambling almost immediately.

"Actually, my brain is no different than yours. I think and feel like everyone here. But ever since I was introduced to this magical world and my perspective was broadened, I started feeling a bit sad and disappointed. You see, Succubus Fariya, I wasn’t what you’d call a religious person, but I did suspect the existence of such Godly beings. Mind you, I never imagined they weren’t any different than the Humans on Earth. They act-"

"Enough! I don’t want to hear your pointless opinions."

"They’re not pointless, you didn’t let me finish declaring my point. I’m trying to explain to you that-"

"And I don’t want to hear it. Share whatever you want to say with someone else."

She shifted he gaze to the mortal King of Green-Leaf and continued,

"I’m sure he’d be interested. After all, you two are mortals."

"Err, that’s true. Maybe later... hopefully." He finished, cackling like a crazy person.


"I told you not to smoke here!"

Sonia, who just left her office and about to head to her room, snapped at the man leaning against the wall and puffing smoke.

It’s not the first time this happened. In fact, this was the 7th time yet the man, Edward Ortberg, didn’t want to listen. It’s always the same place and the same time, smoking and looking at the brick wall in a daze.

Arthur had already told Sonia, the current Vice-master of the sect, about the mortal man and his circ.u.mstances. His past and the sins he committed, she knew everything, and that’s why she was aggressive.

"Miss Sonia! Glad to see your lovely face! Heading to bed already?"

With the cigarette’s butt between the corner of his lips, he approached the fuming woman. He didn’t seem to be worried that she’ll attack him, after all, she never did it in the past, no matter how angry she had been.

Indeed, Sonia, though not as strong as her peers, was still an Immortal. Nonetheless, she didn’t use her magic on Edward, fearing that she injures his fragile body and that could, possibly, anger or annoy Arthur.

"Smoking is prohibited here! Especially in front of my office!"

She was huffing and puffing, her little hands clenched into fists, and her eyes cold and fixated on the smirking man.

"Where did you even get the cigarettes?"

"That’s a good question, Miss Sonia! I’ve recently found out that people of this world are not fond of smoking, unsurprisingly. But I, being resourceful, managed to acquire a decent amount. All thanks to Arthur and the gold he gave me."

"Throw that cigarette and stop blowing at my face!"

"Okay okay! I’m sorry."

Edward reluctantly threw the cigarette at the wall then stepped on it to extinguish the little bit of flame.

Seeing this, Sonia’s mood became slightly better, though she was giving the man a piercing glare. After snorting, she walked ahead and ignored him.

"Ah! Wait! Miss Sonia!"

He caught up to her, putting his hand in his pockets and laughing.

"It’s a wonderful night and too early to sleep. How about we chat?"

"No. Stop following me or I’ll turn you into an ice statue."

"You’re joking, right? You must be! Hahaha"

The two disappeared into the dark hall, the woman increasing her walking pace whereas the man was glued onto her, talking non-stop.


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