Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 714 - 658: Cristinas Story (2)

Chapter 714 - 658: Cristina's Story (2)

Cristina Ver Castro, daughter of a Duke of the Tartania Kingdom. The Dark Blaze Realm is a High-realm and is bigger than Green-leaf, housing clans, sects, and even mortal Kingdoms.

Cristina’s home is the Tartania Kingdom, one of many kingdoms and empires in that realm. In the Dark Blaze, specifically, each kingdom, although inhabited and ruled by mortals, the royal family and its entourage are all blessed by unique abilities or prodigious talents, and Cristina’s family was no exception, of course.

The strongest sect in the realm, the Dark Blaze Sect, would secretly send powerful cultivators to forcefully abduct young talents and integrate them into the sect. Generally, the families of the abducted youngsters would rarely object, after all, it’s a good thing to enter a huge sect such as Dark Blaze. You’ll be treated with a lot of respect and in a century or two, you’ll grow into a capable and strong cultivator, who’ll be able to defend his home from invading forces.

Cristina’s father, along with the King, were adamant and refused to give up neither Cristina nor any one from their kingdom, which led to a one-sided massacre. A genocide. The capital was razed to the ground and only a handful of people were spared, two of them being Bora and Cristina Ver Castro.

Of course, young Cristina and her childhood friend were unwilling to die in vain so they were taken to the Dark Blaze Sect. Furthermore, the two displayed astonishing talent, becoming two of the best disciples there in just three years.

The Patriarch of the sect, along with the elders, paid close attention to the two youngsters, providing them with priceless pills and extraordinary cultivation technique, as well as magical artifacts... high-graded Weapons, such as the spear or the bow, in possession of, respectively, Cristina and Bora.

All seemed well, at least on the outside, till Cristina and Bora fled the sect. They still have not forgotten what the sect did, how they killed their families, friends, and everyone else.

In fact, the Patriarch already knew that the two of them would attempt something, but, unfortunately for him, he underestimated what they could do, hence, when they escaped the realm, he only sent one elder after him, which, apparently, wasn’t enough to capture and bring back their two most extinguished disciples.

The gist of the storY is; Cristina was forced to enter the sect that destroyed her home kingdom, and killed her loved ones. As Lucy initially predicted, she came with Bora to the MoonStar sect for protection.

Arthur and Lucy were very famous in the ClouD Sea Universe, as unstoppable monsters which were able to destroy the White Specter Clan and wreak havoc in the Divine Planet.

Even though the peculiar couple had countless enemies, including the Holy Dominion, Cristina knew that the Dark Blaze Sect wouldn’t dare to provoke the MoonStar Sect. Put simply, the Patriarch and the elders weren’t strong enough to take them back if they are under Arthur and Lucy’s protection.

Cristina Ver Castro wasn’t that knowledgeable about the couple, however, she knew that the parasite and the white specter could kill Exalted Gods with ease, and this fact was clearly showcased when the Red Tower was destroyed. Although cornered, Lucy and Arthur had managed to fight their way out and safely return home, proving to the whole Universe that they’re not pushovers. There is the matter concerning the banishment to Oblivion, which should have imprisoned the parasite forever inside, but, against all odds and to everyone’s astonishment, he returned unscathed and stronger than ever.

These reasons, though not numerous, were backed with undeniable evidence, thus making Cristina bet her life and Bora’s on the MoonStar Sect.

With her fists clenched tightly and head lowered, eyes shamefully looking at the ground. The young girl, only 19 years of age, felt guilty and embarrassed as she recounted the full story to the carefully listening Lucy.

"I was going to lay low but..."

She slowly and hesitantly lifted her head, meeting Lucy’s gaze.

"But when I was picked to be part of the team, I was excited. I felt that I was finally recognized... I was even happier when I saw myself progress with your training. I knew that, with enough effort, I could grow as strong as you and kill those bastards. All of them."

The girl paused, caressing her arm, which was previously injured.

"But when they attacked me in the second trial, I wanted to kill them. To show the Patriarch that they could no longer take me back. I didn’t want to implicate the others. Really, that was all I was thinking about."

"Whether you like it or not, Bora and the rest will get involved. You’re part of a team, and a team acts as a single entity, sharing a common goal. In the future, there may come a day where Shu Ru or Ardor would need help in their personal matters and I believe you won’t shy away from helping."

"I don’t want my friends to be hurt..."

Cristina’s eyes were watery as she spoke with a barely audible voice. Lucy softly smiled back at her and caressed her head,

"That’s not up to you."

Lucy thought for a moment then took out a white handkerchief, gently wiping the girl’s wet eyes and the tears trickling down her cheeks.

"You’ve been with them for only a week but you see them as friends. That’s good because I’m sure they feel the same too. The only thing you have to tone down is your hot-temperedness."

Lucy ended with a joke, to which Cristin, still quietly whimpering, chuckled then started coughing as she choked on her tears.

"Don’t worry, Cristina. As long as you’re in the sect, no one can hurt you. No one. You do trust me, right?"


"Good girl. Before I forget, try this for me."

Lucy walked away for a few seconds and returned with a plate filled to the brim with brown and beige cookies.

"I made this for Arthur but I need someone to taste them first."

Cristina nodded her head and took one cookie, taking a small bite and slowly munching it.

"It’s delicious."



"Thank you." Said the silver-haired woman, winking at the girl and putting the plate on the table.

Actually, Lucy already knew that they tasted good. When she started cooking, a long time ago, she wasn’t that good, however, after spending time on Earth and learning from the best, her culinary skills became practically unrivaled, at least in the mortal realms.

She asked for Cristina’s opinion only to lift her spirit and change the topic into a more light-hearted one.

"You can eat more if you want."

"It’s okay, I’m full." Shyly said Cristina. She looked different than her haughty and proud self, perhaps her emotions still in disarray.

"Okay. When you’re ready, let’s go watch the rest of the competition. I’m sure your friends will be happy to see you cheering for them."


"Your team is struggling, Your Majesty."

Arthur chuckled as he gave a side glance at the blonde youth, sitting there, looking nervous and slightly restless.

After the MoonStar Team passed the third trial and earned 70 points, the elves fought next. They were lucky, the white arrow of the large wheel stopping at the mutated earth dragon. The nine elven ladies were all bow users and were able to kill the dragon with relative ease, thus earning them a perfect score.

The next team on the list was Isadore’s, four youngsters, two girls and two boys, all dressed in matching black and golden robes, not too loose nor too tight, perfectly fitting their slim bodies.

The four were all at the God Realm, between the 3rd Grade and 5th grade. They worked flawlessly together, however, they weren’t as strong as the other teams, not individually, that is.

The King’s personal team had to fight a white spawn, a being born from Life and Light energies. It looked like an angel; Two large and holy white wings, a heavy set of silver armor, and a handsome gendereless face. The creature wielded a small round shield on its right hand and a longsword on its left.

"What terrible luck!" Said Isadore, visibly annoyed at the mere sight of the white spawn.

"It’s not that strong." Mockingly retorted Arthur.

"For you, not for them. Hmpf!"

The young king snorted and straightened his back, leaning to the front and instinctively clenching his fist.

It’s not to say that his team was weak, just that they were matched against an airborne monster, agile and dexterous.

Unfortunately for the King, by the third minute, the four members were seriously injured and had to be escorted to the outside by the pigolo.

"The Green-leaf team Has been disqualified."

With Gutcha’s declaration, the crowd’s cheering became louder, either happy that one team lost or excited to witness the next fight.

As for Isadore Malfront, he stood from his seat and bowed toward Arthur,

"I’ll excuse myself for a second."

The parasite waved his hand nonchalantly, "Do what you must... just don’t forget our bet."


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